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[10:45] < Davbo> Hey Chong- thanks for the feedback :-)
[10:47] < Chong-> Davbo: pleasure :-)
[10:48] < Chong-> Davbo: sorry for only the first part was sent at the beginning :/
[10:48] < Davbo> thinking about the vertical slider, I'll make it work as you said. But have the vertical flag there as an "override" if you want to force it one way or the other
[10:52] < Chong-> Davbo: cool :-)
[13:10] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:40] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[13:46] < Davbo> Good afternoon all
[13:47] < vmlemon_> Hi
[13:53] < j_baker> So Davbo, have you gotten confused by the HTTP code yet? :P
[13:54] < Davbo> Confused is a strong word ;-)
[13:54] < Davbo> I've only glanced through it j_baker
[13:56] < Davbo> it's confusing but your docstrings are very useful
[13:56] < j_baker> np... if you get lost, let me know. The way Kamaelia's HTTP server works can be a little bit weird, but it works. And some of my code may add to that confusion.
[14:12] *** orphans just got a nice surprise
[14:13] < orphans> I thought firm pens down (when we had to have everything tagged as what we've done) was tomorrow, but it's actually Monday :)
[14:13] < orphans> gives me the weekend to get everything properly sorted
[14:13] < j_baker> Yup.
[14:13] < orphans> it's getting there, but was going to be a rush if I needed it done for tomorrow
[14:14] < orphans> will probably still be a rush, but y'know
[14:14] < j_baker> I think your code is in good shape for the most part, aside from a couple of warts, which every program has. :)
[14:15] < orphans> j_baker, thanks for the feedback so far btw, it's really useful having someone else looking over it
[14:15] < orphans> ty :)
[14:16] < j_baker> Yeah. Looking back, I think a peer review at midterm would've been useful.
[14:18] < orphans> yeah. I guess peoples code was in quite varied states at midterm though - different approaches to it and that
[14:22] < Davbo> Yeah, it would get in the way of people working on their projects too
[14:22] < Davbo> We should paste our done/todo/blocked here btw guys
[14:22] < Davbo> Then someone can stick it on the list
[14:24] < Davbo> DONE: Added an ImageButton class to Button. Reviewing Jason's code, cleaning up and documenting my code.
[14:24] < Davbo> TODO: Review Jason's code. Clean up and document Paint for merge.
[14:24] < Davbo> BLOCKED: None.
[14:25] < Chong-> DONE: Finish up collaboration viewer application, add documentation, clean code, review Dave's code, improve code with respect to Joe's suggestion
[14:26] < Chong-> TODO: Finish up cleaning and improving code, review Dave's code
[14:26] < Chong-> BLOCKED: None
[14:26] < j_baker> Doh... I totally forgot about the meeting. :/
[14:27] < Chong-> I also find it very helpful to have someone review your code.
[14:27] < Chong-> Thanks for your excellent feedback, orphans.
[14:27] < j_baker> DONE: Worked on tidying up code
[14:27] < j_baker> TODO: Review orphans's code, work on any suggestions that Davbo has
[14:27] < j_baker> BLOCKED: deadlines suck
[14:30] < j_baker> Just out of curiosity, what does SMELL mean in a comment, orphans?
[14:34] < Davbo> :-/
[14:35] < Davbo> Back later :)
[14:45] < orphans> argh, sorry, was playing guitar
[14:46] < orphans> Chong-, np, hope it was helpful and not too nit-pickey
[14:46] < orphans> j_baker, SMELL is slightly better than VOMIT, but slightly worse than FIXME :)
[14:46] < j_baker> I see.
[14:47] < Chong-> orphans: all are well spotted :-)
[14:47] < orphans> DONE: Change to using the pygame mixer for audio, put jam into a branch, change build system (again), fix up and documents lots of bits, reviewed most of Chong-'s code
[14:49] < orphans> TODO: Finish getting all the component documented, fix anything j_baker picks up on review, package it up, tag code as SoC work for google
[14:49] < orphans> BLOCKED: None
[14:49] < orphans> that was the quickest I've ever done that :)
[14:49] < Chong-> I think all of your three have sticked done/todo/blocked to the list. I'll do it this time.
[14:52] < Chong-> Anything else to raise in this meeting and to post on the list?
[14:53] < orphans> don't think I do
[14:54] < Chong-> orphans: cool
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[14:56] < Chong-> Wait for 10 mins. I'll consider silence as NO :p
[15:02] < Chong-> One thing worth mentioning is, as orphans has mentioned,
[15:03] < Chong-> August 18: ~12 noon PDT / 19:00 UTC is Firm 'pencils down' date for GSOC students.
[15:04] < j_baker> orphans, I just posted more on the list. I think that should be it for my feedback unless you want me to take a look at something else or there's something I'm missing.
[15:08] *** orphans looks
[15:08] < j_baker> Lawouach: I'm not sure if you're already aware, but it looks like defuze.org is down. And it looks to me like a "your config file is fubared" type error.
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[15:13] < orphans> j_baker, not really sure I understand what you mean about the note data
[15:15] < Lawouach> afternoon guys
[15:17] < orphans> hey Lawouach
[15:17] < Lawouach> wondered what happened with my blog config
[15:29] < j_baker> orphans, I was just saying that I feel that what's in that file may be better suited for a data file of some type. But that's just what I personally would do with that data, so you're free to disagree with me.
[15:30] < orphans> just seems a bit overkill really, it's only a small thing which I need to be able to yank values out of
[15:31] < orphans> especially given that I'll never need to alter anything in it - if I did I'd probably take a different route
[15:32] < j_baker> I suppose that's a good point.
[15:35] < orphans> just replied to the email - other than that it all makes sense
[15:36] *** orphans goes to get food
[15:36] < orphans> ta j_baker
[15:36] < j_baker> np... It was a pleasure to review it.
[15:37] < orphans> :)
[17:41] *** Lawouach reads the long thread abut JamDv
[17:42] < Lawouach> good stuff guys
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