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[10:55] < vmlemon_> Hi
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[13:30] < vmlemon_> Hi
[13:31] < Davbo> Hey all.
[13:33] < orphans> hey folks
[13:33] < orphans> how's anyones understanding of json?
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[16:37] < Davbo> j_baker: looked through your stuff in examples made some remarks here: http://edit.kamaelia.org/Developers/Projects/KamaeliaPublish/Review
[16:38] < j_baker> Awesome. I'll take a look at it.
[16:39] < j_baker> That error that you got is an internal error for the URL routing.
[16:40] < j_baker> I'll take a look at it and see what went wrong.
[16:40] < Davbo> "Page found, but app object missing." is what it says fwiw
[16:41] < j_baker> I suppose a better error message would have been "module found, but app object missing"
[16:42] < Davbo> Yeah, something not so contrary to the 404
[16:42] < j_baker> Well, what probably needs to be done is just show a regular old 404 or 500 error message to the end user, but make a more pertinent message in the log.
[16:43] < Davbo> Yes, good idea
[16:44] < j_baker> Did you try installing Kamaelia and Axon from my branch?
[16:44] < Davbo> Yeah have done
[16:44] < Davbo> That or a debug/production flag when you create the server. So more verbose errors can be given from a development server
[16:45] < j_baker> Yup, that's actually what Kamaelia WebServe does. You can turn the message level up or down to change the verbosity.
[16:46] < Davbo> wait a second, I installed from private_JMB_Wsgi, ...you have a few branches
[16:46] < j_baker> That's the correct one.
[16:46] < j_baker> I'm probably just going to delete the other two.
[16:47] < j_baker> Actually, mhrd-afk: If I want to remove a branch, can I just svn rm it or should I move it to the rejected folder? (when you get a chance to answer me)
[16:49] *** j_baker is deleting something from his site-packages directory. Wish me luck.
[16:49] < Davbo> :-)
[16:49] < Davbo> There must be a better way to manage site-packages
[16:49] < j_baker> I agree. It would be awesome if there was an easy_remove in addition to easy_install
[16:50] < vmlemon_> impossible_remove! ;)
[16:53] < j_baker> I'm an idiot. :P
[16:53] < Davbo> what's up?
[16:53] < Davbo> you didn't delete site-packages again did you?
[16:53] < j_baker> I wanted to test out the error handling in my WSGI URL routing, so I changed the application object to something that doesn't exist.
[16:54] < j_baker> And forgot to change it back. :)
[16:54] < j_baker> Give me a couple minutes and I'll check the changes in.
[16:54] < Davbo> simple_foop?
[16:55] < j_baker> Yup. I meant to just change it to "foo", but somehow, that's what I got.
[16:56] < Davbo> hehe, i was going to suggest it might be that as it looked like an odd name :)
[16:56] < j_baker> Ok, if you update now, it should work (you can also change it to 'simple_app' if you don't want to wait on that)
[16:58] < Davbo> ah here we are, that's one bug sorted :)
[17:00] < j_baker> I'll work on the documentation some in the cookbook example.
[17:01] < j_baker> I deleted a significant chunk of the code that was in it and moved it into the Kamaelia branch. But that means that I also deleted a significant amound of the documentation too.
[17:01] < Davbo> the first one is fine, just a bit more on the second would be appreciated
[17:01] *** Davbo feels hypocritical :-)
[17:02] < j_baker> No need to. Programming's kind of like solitaire: it's always easiest when you're not the one doing it. :)
[17:03] < Davbo> hehe
[17:17] < j_baker> FYI, I added to cookbook_2.py's documentation some.
[17:45] < j_baker> Lawouach, Lawouach_: Are there any release notes for headstock 0.2.0 (just so I have an idea of what changed)?
[17:53] < Lawouach> the trac timeline is your best bet
[17:53] < Lawouach> not much happened except from the PubSub components
[17:54] < Lawouach> a few other minor feature fixing
[17:54] < Lawouach> nothing changed api/design wise
[17:55] < j_baker> Ok. I tried it out with the updated version, but everything ran fine without modification.
[17:55] < Lawouach> sounds good to me :)
[17:55] < j_baker> But it's nice to make sure there's not something I'm missing.
[18:00] < Davbo> j_baker: you tested the performance of your http stuff?
[18:00] < Davbo> something like httperf
[18:00] < j_baker> Which parts of it?
[18:00] < j_baker> Do you mean the system as a whole?
[18:00] < Davbo> load testing the server
[18:01] < j_baker> I did run some stress tests on Kamaelia WebServe (but not on Kamaelia Publish)
[18:01] < Davbo> Well, FYI: http://www.linux.com/feature/143896
[18:01] < Davbo> if you're interested :)
[18:01] < j_baker> Ah, that is helpful.
[18:02] < j_baker> I used siege, but it's nice to know there are others.
[18:02] < j_baker> You may want to run some stress tests as I haven't run any in a while.
[18:02] < j_baker> But keep in mind that as of right now, I'm designing this for low load systems, so it will probably have problems on high levels of concurrency.
[18:03] < Davbo> Yeah, I was going to anyway. Just checking if you'd already done any
[18:03] *** Davbo nods
[18:03] < j_baker> Cool. Let me know how it goes.
[18:04] < Davbo> I'm not doing it as a test, just for fun really.
[18:04] < j_baker> :)
[18:05] < j_baker> It really is the part of programming that you should avoid doing the most if you don't have to, but we always seem to do it. Being able to have a fast webserver is just so cool. :)
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