[01:06] *** bcarlyon|laptop has joined #kamaelia
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[12:28] < ms-> that's better
[12:28] < ms-> Did I miss anything?
[12:29] *** ms- guesses not based on the tumbleweek
[12:29] < ms-> tumbleweed even
[12:30] < Chong-> hey ms-
[12:31] < ms-> hm. odd. In this browser I can see the top of the bottom line
[12:31] < ms-> ...
[12:31] < ms-> but can't see the line unless I hit return a couple of times
[12:31] < ms-> heya chong
[12:32] < Chong-> interesting :-)
[12:32] < Chong-> ms-: have you found any new bugs of TopologyViewer3D? :-)
[12:33] < ms-> Nope, not had a chance I'm afraid
[12:33] < ms-> Would be nice to have the equivalent of key repeat though
[12:34] < ms-> Perhaps also the idea of a quasi-key
[12:34] < ms-> ie when you (say) hold down shift or control, that then clicking and draging either rotates the object or moves it in space
[12:34] < ms-> a bit like some of thf's examples do
[12:35] < ms-> That's less of a bug report and more of a feature request
[12:35] < Davbo> Stupid Python being too clever, letting me address x[-1] in a list where len(x) == 2
[12:36] < ms-> ...
[12:36] < ms-> heh
[12:36] < Chong-> ms-: do you mean the behaviour like thf's button example?
[12:36] < ms-> cool
[12:36] < ms-> ...
[12:36] < ms-> There's a few examples he does like that
[12:36] < Davbo> didn't you know that ms-? :-)
[12:36] < ms-> There's a particular fun one in scratch that I don't remember
[12:37] < ms-> Davbo: I know about negative indices
[12:37] < ms-> ...
[12:37] < ms-> also stuff like X[-3:] is really useful
[12:38] < ms-> since it tends to work even with empty lists :)
[12:38] < Davbo> Yeah, i see it's useful. Just not here :-) ("ms-: cool" - assumed it was new to you)
[12:40] < Chong-> ms-: how can -3 work with empty lists? :-)
[12:42] < Davbo> >>> x = [4,4,4,4,4,4,4]
[12:42] < Davbo> >>> x[-3:]
[12:42] < Davbo> [4, 4, 4]
[12:42] < Davbo> >>> x = []
[12:42] < Davbo> >>> x[-3:]
[12:42] < Davbo> []
[12:42] < Davbo> doesn't throw an error when it's empty Chong-
[12:43] < Chong-> I see, X[-3] doesn't work, but X[-3:] does work :-)
[12:43] < Davbo> Yeah, because it returns a list of things from -3 to the end of the list. which is == []
[12:43] < Davbo> iirc
[12:44] < Chong-> yes, on the other hannd, X[3:] also works :-)
[12:44] *** Davbo nods
[12:44] *** ms- types something to see next line...
[12:45] < Davbo> what's up ms-?
[12:45] < ms-> ?
[12:45] < ms-> Ah
[12:45] < ms-> using mibbit since somewhere I'm usually not
[12:45] < ms-> and only around for a bit
[12:45] < ms-> this type in box at the bottom,
[12:45] < Davbo> ah, it's a bit rubbish at times
[12:45] < ms-> actually covers up the last line typed
[12:45] < ms-> which is a bit naff
[12:46] < Davbo> Heh.
[12:50] < Lawouach_> afternoon boys
[12:51] < Chong-> hey Lawouach_
[12:53] < vmlemon> Hi
[12:53] < Davbo> Hey Lawouach_
[12:57] < ms-> Lawouach_: afternoon
[12:57] < ms-> .
[12:58] < Lawouach_> Pablo's latest messages give a lot to think about
[12:59] < Lawouach_> shame he didn't do that from the start but it's very positive nonetheless
[12:59] < Lawouach_> He has good ideas.
[13:01] < ms-> ..
[13:02] < ms-> He has some interesting ideas, but I'm concerned at the comment (which I don't have to hand) where he says "and this is what I'm going to do"
[13:02] < ms-> since there's been nowhere near enough requirements gathering yet
[13:02] < ms-> that said, I've not seen email today
[13:04] < Lawouach_> He replied to the private email rather than to the list to get approval. Regarding the this is what "I'm going to do" bit, I think that's safe to assume we need code and showcase to discuss the options further anyway.
[13:04] < Lawouach_> We can't keep it theorotical.
[13:04] < Lawouach_> His wording probably needs just a reminder from your part that we are still under discussion.
[13:05] < ms-> No, we can't keep it theoretical
[13:05] < Lawouach_> His samples have helped me so far in understanding about his "HOW". :)
[13:05] < ms-> But the problem I have is that I've still not seen an example which I can actually digest quickly
[13:05] < Lawouach_> I'm nopt a big fan about Mock objects for instance :)
[13:05] < ms-> At.
[13:05] < Lawouach_> Very true
[13:06] < ms-> No, mock objects don't actually make any sense in kamaelia really as far as I'm concerned
[13:06] < Lawouach_> He's verbose to say the list. But it's more readable now :)
[13:06] < ms-> except in some very limited circumstances
[13:06] < ms-> .
[13:07] < ms-> The problem with long mails like that is you're likely to get "colour of the bikeshed discussions" really
[13:07] < Lawouach_> Yeah :(
[13:07] < ms-> There's also an implicit assumption that any particular syntax is better than another, which I don't agree with
[13:07] < ms-> The real thing shuold be
[13:07] < mhrd> would be good to see some short rapid iterations and some shorter less formal emails/chats - eg. "how about this?"
[13:08] < ms-> Build something that doesn't depend on anyutyhing else to test the echoer, and start from there
[13:08] < ms-> mhrd: precisely
[13:08] < mhrd> rather than "gathering requirements ... thanks for your feedback etc"
[13:08] < mhrd> however, its still *good* that he's doing stuff
[13:08] < ms-> actually discuss the issues rather than capture the first words spoken as formal requiremnts...
[13:08] < ms-> But it is progress :-)
[13:08] < ms-> Which is reassuring :)
[13:09] < mhrd> yep - definitely. Good progress, but perhaps still a little too formal :-)
[13:09] < Lawouach_> Fair point but I think 1) he is really careful now considering how we pushed back recently and 2) it's not his "style" and we have to teach him that. I can appreciate it being tough on him.
[13:09] < ms-> .
[13:09] < ms-> .
[13:09] < mhrd> Lawouach_ : indeed
[13:09] *** Chong- has joined #kamaelia
[13:09] < ms-> Likewise, it's a good start. Any comments I'm saying are intended to be taken as maybe useful. If it's useful, use it, if it isn't don't
[13:09] < ms-> .
[13:10] < Lawouach_> :)
[13:11] < ms-> If the examples had been brief enough to put in a mail and discussed there I'd've been able to read and think about them on trains today
[13:11] < ms-> but they weren't so I can't
[13:11] < ms-> also, I'm not fighting networks & machines here to get them off today
[13:12] < ms-> largely because that's more pain that I want right this instant, and that's not pablo's fault :)
[13:12] < ms-> .
[13:17] < Chong-> ms-: I think I have found the one you think particular fun in thf's scratch :-)
[13:17] < Chong-> Is it simplecube_controlled.py?
[13:17] < Chong-> That's pretty cool :-)
[13:36] < ms-> Chong-: Maybe
[13:36] < ms-> there's one with a cube
[13:36] < ms-> a magnadoodle
[13:36] < ms-> a cat
[13:36] < ms-> a sky/grass background
[13:36] < ms-> and stuff
[13:36] < ms-> oh and a ticker
[13:36] < ms-> (could be called something like pygame test)
[13:37] < ms-> but the one you point at may be simialr
[13:37] < ms-> anyway, that's probably OK
[13:37] < ms-> Trun: I've replied to one mail of yours
[13:37] < ms-> hopefully useful
[13:37] < ms-> summary: your requirements from people are a good start, but nowhere near what you need
[13:38] < ms-> largely because people are still asking you for what they think is possible
[13:38] < ms-> rather than what they need
[13:38] < ms-> (which isn't your fault, but you need to know it)
[13:38] < ms-> You also need to push for better requirements
[13:39] < ms-> The other aspect is to point at/agree with the last thing you listed to do - ie write something small and simple
[13:39] < ms-> which doesn't use a framework
[13:39] < ms-> etc
[13:39] *** Lawouach_ sees that ms- uses Twitter to track Jason's work. Rather trendy are ya?
[13:39] < ms-> .
[13:39] < ms-> heh
[13:39] < ms-> he added me as a follower
[13:39] < ms-> and he mentioned something about HTTP being easier to debug in XMPP
[13:39] < ms-> so it seemed relevant
[13:40] < ms-> probably one of the few relevant things I've seen on twitter so far :-P
[13:40] < Chong-> ms-: yes. I just saw other examples. It would be interesting to add to Topology3D. Thanks for your suggestion :-).
[13:44] *** ms- heads off
[13:44] < ms-> back later
[13:44] < ms-> cya all :)
[13:44] < mhrd> "one of the few relevant things I've seen on twitter" ... something relevant/useful to do with twitter? I'll believe it when I see it :-P
[13:48] < Lawouach_> hah!
[13:49] < mhrd> :-P
[14:26] *** ian_brasil has joined #kamaelia
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[16:10] < j_baker> You know, when I signed up for the Web SIG, I seemed to figure that I would be receiving lots of great technical discussion. Instead, I get days and days of pointless arguing.
[16:11] < vmlemon> Wow, it looks like we've got our first piece of spam on kamaelia-list
[16:12] < vmlemon> from "Nice Guy" (royalkings.9@rediffmail.com)
[16:12] < Davbo> Yeah
[16:13] *** vmlemon is tempted to sign that address up for crap, but assumes that it's a spoofed address
[16:13] < Davbo> he's not a nice guy at all. :-(
[16:13] < vmlemon> Hehe
[16:15] < Davbo> Must be some kind of Google Groups bot because you can't just post without joining right?
[16:15] < Davbo> Actually I'm not sure..
[16:15] < vmlemon> Good question :(
[16:15] < Davbo> http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?hl=en&enc_user=fAgaCRsAAADJbOw646VcXZhmMrqJJ6No4Yo_GiaV5qePtWRRj8U8jg
[16:15] < Davbo> Haha
[16:15] < Davbo> Recent Activity
[16:16] < Davbo> Reported him
[16:16] < Davbo> dunno if it will do anything.
[16:17] < vmlemon> Hah, I like the comment in the reply to Pablo about building an information transmission system
[16:18] < Davbo> Indeed, I believe that was influenced by our friend Nice Guy
[16:18] < Davbo> (I assume you mean the comment about the engineer 100 years ago)
[16:19] < vmlemon> Yes
[16:20] < Davbo> s/influenced/inspired
[16:21] < vmlemon> Shame there isn't a postal address in it (I contemplated signing them up for free AOL CDs or HPUG junk mail) ;)
[16:26] < vmlemon> Free can of everyone's favourite cheap meat when you join today!
[16:39] < vmlemon> Hah, http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/index.php/id;282200690
[16:41] *** bcarlyon|laptop has joined #kamaelia
[16:57] < j_baker> That article is seriously awesome vmlemon
[17:04] *** vmlemon thinks Windows seems more than overkill for displaying a big, green arrow
[17:07] < vmlemon> Meh, "Your Membership Number is not in our database or is incorrect. Please check with your Chapter to insure it is correct and they have updated us. Sorry for any inconvenience."
[17:15] < ian_brasil> hi..is there some reason (other than 'lots of other things to do') why Kamaelia and Axon don't have .debs to install?
[17:16] *** mhrd is now known as mhrd-afk
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[17:22] < j_baker> You can actually make a deb, ian_brasil. Hold on a sec and I'll see if I can find it for you.
[17:24] < ian_brasil> j_baker:something just flew past in an svn checkout of the branches so maybe it is in one of these
[17:25] < j_baker> Yeah, there's a script under /trunk/Code/Python/Releases/Support for building an Axon and a Kamaelia deb.
[17:25] < ian_brasil> nice..thx
[17:25] < j_baker> Unfortunately, I don't know how good that script is. It appears to have not been modified in two years. :(
[17:26] < ian_brasil> thats ok..it is a start anyway
[17:26] < Davbo> Hey all.
[17:28] < j_baker> ian_brasil: if you get anything better written, let us know. I'm sure ms- will be more than happy to include any improvements in the trunk.
[17:28] < j_baker> Hello Davbo
[17:29] < Davbo> deb isn't the nicest way to distribute python code most of the time ian_brasil
[17:29] < ian_brasil> j_baker: sure, no problem
[17:29] < Davbo> you can do it but, more trouble than it's worth, IMO.
[17:30] < Davbo> (although i only looked at it for a short time)
[17:30] < ian_brasil> Davbo: i dunno, just a few cdbs rules and call python setup.py install nad you are away :)
[17:30] < j_baker> I think that may change after Python 3.0. I think they're planning on including a bdist_deb command in distutils.
[17:31] < ian_brasil> yeah, i heard something about this too
[17:33] < j_baker> It would be really helpful. As it stands right now, it's just easier for me to make an RPM and alien it into a deb. But that's obviously not a good way to distribute the app.
[17:34] < Davbo> Go for it ian_brasil :-)
[17:34] < Davbo> if that's how easy it is, I was reading the wrong thing ;-)
[17:56] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
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[18:14] < j_baker> Nobody would happen to know of any good Gnome VPN software would they?
[18:18] < Lawouach> nope
[18:20] < vmlemon> There's supposedly support for several types of VPN in NetworkManager(?), if I remember correctly
[18:45] < j_baker> I'll check that out vmlemon
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[20:12] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[20:12] < MS-> evening
[20:13] < MS-> The reason there's no recent .debs is simple
[20:13] < MS-> I don't use a debian based system
[20:13] < MS-> Tried both debian and ubuntu several times over the past 11 years, and debian just made me wonder "why am I flagellating myself this way, I could use a distribution that just works".
[20:14] < MS-> Ubuntu has been improving, and not tried their most recent version, but having seen people screaming at it trying to do things that I "just do an it works fine" under open suse 10.3, I see *very little* incentive to move
[20:16] < MS-> So it's more than just a "not enough time or tuits", it's actually a "if they sort their shit out, I'll use it, and stuff will appear". If someone else does it and offers to maintain them though that'd be utterly utterly fantastic :)
[20:17] < MS-> as a result this comment:
[20:17] < MS-> [17:28] < j_baker> ian_brasil: if you get anything better written, let us know. I'm sure ms- will be more than happy to include any improvements in the trunk.
[20:17] < MS-> Is utterly correct in pretty much every way :)
[20:18] *** MS- didn't see the spam before writing that message to pablo fwiw
[20:19] < MS-> (I was using a machine that went ping saying "You have new email" every 2 seconds. Of course in practice it would've been more accurate to say "you have new spam!" :) )
[20:26] < MS-> hmm. I hate it when flash kills my browser
[20:27] < MS-> sucks to be adobe
[20:27] < j_baker> Much as I hate to admit it, Silverlight seems to be a better product. I have yet to try it on Linux though.
[20:28] < MS-> Not seen anything that requires it, nor that would encourage me to seek out whether/if I wanted ti run it
[20:31] < j_baker> Yeah. You'll see uses for it if you ever develop anything in C#. Microsoft's website constantly pesters you to try out the new Silverlight version of i.
[20:31] < j_baker> it even
[20:32] < MS-> I see
[20:33] *** MS- has never written a single line of c#
[20:33] < j_baker> You're not missing much.
[20:33] < MS-> Didn't particularly look like it :)
[20:33] < j_baker> Although I should admit, it's actually pulled a lot of features from python.
[20:34] < j_baker> Like the yield statement is almost cut and pasted from python.
[20:34] < j_baker> It's just a matter of how much code it takes to do something in c# versus python.
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[21:25] *** vmlemon hands MS- the moon on a stick, as requested earlier ;)
[21:41] < MS-> ta
[21:42] < vmlemon> Free bag of tuits, too
[21:42] < vmlemon> ;)
[21:42] < MS-> heh
[21:51] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[21:52] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[21:53] < vmlemon_> kamaeliabot: dance
[21:53] Reply: does the macarena
[22:01] *** Chong- has joined #kamaelia
[22:02] < Chong-> MS-: just added mouse motion rotation function. Do you have time to try it? :-)
[22:06] *** MS- does an svn update
[22:06] < Chong-> MS-: cool :-)
[22:08] < MS-> ooh, very shiny
[22:08] < MS-> If you select a thing, the rotation rotates the thing
[22:08] < Chong-> MS-: thanks :-)
[22:08] < MS-> otherwise you rotate the whole thing
[22:08] < Chong-> yes
[22:08] < MS-> That really is nice :)
[22:09] < Chong-> Glad to hear it :-)
[22:10] < MS-> I think the other "obvious" thing to add in regarding this would be "holding down a key that causes rotation, makes the thing continue rotating"
[22:10] < MS-> as well as "zero the rotation angles"
[22:10] < MS-> very nice work though
[22:11] < Chong-> Do you mean just holding keys without mouse motion?
[22:11] < Chong-> thanks :-)
[22:11] < MS-> Well, with the normal topology viewer
[22:11] < MS-> you can scroll around the 2D surface using the cursor keys
[22:11] < vmlemon_> Musical paint app! ;)
[22:11] < Chong-> got it.
[22:12] < MS-> when you do so, holding down the cursor keys makes the movement continue
[22:12] < MS-> so same principle really
[22:12] < Chong-> orphans had suggested me to do it. I have not got time yet. it would be very nice.
[22:12] < MS-> cool
[22:12] < Chong-> :-)
[22:13] < MS-> Once you're at that stage, my suggestion would be to post to the list, explain what it does, how to get it running and ask for feedback
[22:13] < MS-> especially with regard to a wish list
[22:13] < MS-> I think you should perhaps also start thinking about 2 particular things
[22:13] < MS-> 3 things
[22:13] < Chong-> MS-: yes, good idea. :-)
[22:14] < MS-> 1) how to model hierarchies - do you "dive inside a node" or "example the node inside a box"
[22:14] < MS-> both have advantages
[22:15] < MS-> 2) How to deal with custom particles - in practical terms this means actually showing how to do this
[22:15] < MS-> that should be relatively simple IMO
[22:15] < MS-> eg spheres, stars, teapots (since teapots are easy in open gl :-)
[22:15] < Chong-> cool :-)
[22:16] < MS-> 3) Looking at the "storing relationships stuff - eg FOAF data - in a database", and what you'd think components that deal with that would spit out
[22:16] < Chong-> What does "example the node inside a box" mean?
[22:16] < MS-> specifically with an aim for visualising those things
[22:17] < MS-> Oh, that's me speaking complete garbage
[22:17] < MS-> sorry
[22:17] < vmlemon_> Hmm, wasn't the teapot the "first" demonstrated OpenGL model?
[22:17] < MS-> vmlemon_: yep - it's history goes waaaaay back :)
[22:17] < MS-> "example the node inside a box" should read
[22:17] < MS-> "example the nodes that logically sit inside the box"
[22:18] < MS-> eg if you have a node that logically has a graph/topology sitting inside it
[22:18] < Chong-> So it should be a classic :-)
[22:18] < MS-> Oh for crying out loud, I really can't type tonight
[22:18] < MS-> "EXPAND the nodes that logically sit inside the box"
[22:18] < MS-> eg if you have a node that logically has a graph/topology sitting inside it
[22:18] < MS-> clicking on it could either:
[22:18] < MS-> replace the entire topology with the contents
[22:18] < MS-> OR
[22:19] *** bcarlyon|laptop has joined #kamaelia
[22:19] < MS-> replace that single box with another box containing that topology
[22:19] < MS-> there, hopefully that's a bit less like garbage
[22:19] < vmlemon_> The QuickDraw 3D "red, yellow and blue 'Q' with a car window knob on the tail" comes to mind here, for some reason
[22:19] < Chong-> MS-: I see. the difference of the two is in whether all data are produced at the beginning or not. right?
[22:20] < vmlemon_> (No, it wasn't called that, although it looked like that)
[22:20] < MS-> Chong-: ?
[22:20] < MS-> No
[22:21] < MS-> Let me pretend that IRC == 1D topology vis for a moment...
[22:21] < Chong-> I think I may understand but not very sure :-)
[22:21] < MS-> We could have a pipeline
[22:21] < MS-> [ A --- B --- C ]
[22:21] < Chong-> cool
[22:21] < MS-> B may itself be a pipeline [ X --- Y --- Z ]
[22:22] < MS-> Now, if we click on B in [ A --- B --- C ]
[22:22] < MS-> That could either cause us to "zoom in" and have the display replaced with
[22:22] < MS-> [ X --- Y --- Z ]
[22:22] < MS-> OR
[22:22] < MS-> it could cause B to be replaced, so the display would be
[22:22] *** vmlemon_ thinks a Kamaelia VRML client might be interesting
[22:23] < MS-> [ A --- [ X --- Y --- Z ] --- C ]
[22:23] < Chong-> I see what you mean.
[22:23] < MS-> cool
[22:23] < Chong-> Thanks for your explanation :-)
[22:23] < MS-> I'd pick "whichever seems easiest" first
[22:23] < MS-> Which I suspect is the [ A --- B --- C ] replaced by [ X --- Y --- Z ] version
[22:24] < Chong-> I agree.
[22:24] < Chong-> but I think the difference in difficulty may not very big :-)
[22:24] < MS-> However the way you're handling spinning etc, may actually simplify the [ A --- [ X --- Y --- Z ] --- C ] as well
[22:24] < Chong-> yes.
[22:25] < MS-> Other stuff you need to do of course includes cleaning up how it handles parsing
[22:25] < MS-> since the parser is currently very fragile and can easily crash the viewer
[22:25] < Chong-> yep
[22:25] < MS-> But that's a relatively minor detail
[22:26] < MS-> regarding "2" 2 sets of possible particles types to consider (beyond just "shapes")
[22:26] < MS-> would be Axon components and ER components
[22:27] *** vmlemon_ wonders what would be involved in writing a wire protocol compatible, drop-in MSN Messenger server in Kamaelia...
[22:27] < MS-> (These don't have to match what we currently have, the idea is to show usecases)
[22:27] < vmlemon_> *drop-in replacement
[22:27] < MS-> vmlemon_: Writing the protocol really
[22:27] < Chong-> yes
[22:28] < MS-> Chong-: However, it'd be really cool for you to come up with the particle types or direction you want for these things
[22:28] < MS-> Since that's far better
[22:28] < Chong-> cool :-)
[22:29] < MS-> If you want to have little models of people with thumbnails of faces plastered over the "head" for visualising FOAF data, that'd be cool
[22:29] < MS-> Or whatever :)
[22:29] < MS-> you could probably have a fair amount of fun with that :)
[22:29] < Chong-> yes. That would be nice to see hundrends of people on particles :-)
[22:30] < Chong-> yep
[22:31] < MS-> The idea of the axon stuff though (even if you're not matching the visuals) has a very real reason behind it
[22:31] < MS-> It would allow you to test dropping your code into a an existing real system and seeing how it fares with real data
[22:31] < MS-> You'd also be the first person to see a kamaelia system in 3D :)
[22:31] < Chong-> cool :-)
[22:33] < Chong-> and I hope it could also help people get to know kamaelia system
[22:34] *** bcarlyon|ubuntu_ has joined #kamaelia
[22:35] < MS-> Visualisation often helps
[22:35] < MS-> Whether 2D or 3D is better is currently debateable because we don't have the latter
[22:35] < MS-> if we did, we wouldn't need to debate, we could just find out :)
[22:36] < MS-> It would almost certainly make people go OOOOOoooOOOooh *shiny*
[22:36] < MS-> though
[22:36] < MS-> which is always fun :)
[22:36] < Chong-> cool :-)
[22:45] < MS-> Oh, also, rotation about the z axis would be nice too :)
[22:46] < MS-> x & y get you so far
[22:46] < MS-> but z is handy too
[22:46] < MS-> :)
[22:47] < MS-> Oh, found it
[22:47] < Chong-> MS-: yes :-)
[22:47] < Chong-> , and .
[22:47] < MS-> In which case perhaps ctrl + shift together == x & z or y & z vs x&y ?
[22:48] *** MS- leaves you to it - you're making good progress :)
[22:49] < Chong-> MS-: if with mouse motion, they could do together :-)
[22:49] < Chong-> MS-: thanks :-)
[23:08] < Chong-> cannot resist sleepy. have to leave other problems to tomorrow :/
[23:08] < Chong-> Night MS-, vmlemon_ and others.
[23:09] *** Chong- has parted #kamaelia
[23:09] < vmlemon_> Nigh
[23:09] < vmlemon_> *Nighj
[23:09] < vmlemon_> argh, I can't type properly at the moment
[23:25] *** MS- sleeps
[23:25] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia