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[11:19] *** orphans has joined #kamaelia
[11:20] < vmlemon_> Hi
[11:20] < orphans> hey vmlemon_
[11:23] < orphans> Quick note for the logs to munch to say I'm going to be moving over the next couple of days, so probably won't be around until Monday. I might get a chance to check my emails at some point so if there's anything pressing post it to the list.
[11:26] < vmlemon_> I'm sure it's eating it now ;)
[11:28] < orphans> kamaeliabot: chew
[11:28] < vmlemon_> Aaw
[11:29] < vmlemon_> Mmm, word soup ;)
[11:29] *** vmlemon_ pets kamaeliabot, and hopes it doesn't bite
[11:30] < orphans> right, off to pack. if anyone pings me can you point them in the general direction of the logs vmlemon_
[11:30] < orphans> (doubt it though, weekend and all)
[11:31] < vmlemon_> OK
[11:31] < vmlemon_> Sure
[11:31] < orphans> ty :)
[12:21] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
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[17:10] < vmlemon_> Hi
[17:33] < j_baker> Hello
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[20:22] < vmlemon_> Hi
[20:40] < vmlemon_> Anyone else think http://meos.sourceforge.net/faq.html looks like a direct 1:1 translation from Spanish?
[20:40] *** vmlemon_ can barely understand what the FAQ supposedly explains...