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[05:12] < MS-> The results of a nights hack
[05:12] < MS-> http://edit.kamaelia.org/SpeakAndLearn
[05:13] < MS-> Many thanks to vmlemon for giving me the idea :)
[07:43] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[07:44] < MS-> morning
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[10:45] *** MS- decides to rename it "speak n write"
[10:46] < MS-> Will be presenting it as my "hack" this afternoon
[10:50] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[11:02] *** orphans has joined #kamaelia
[11:07] < MS-> vmlemon_: You will hopefully be amused by the idea that I'm going to be entering a handwriting recognition based version of speak and spell for my "hack" as part of "Mashed"
[11:09] < orphans> MS-, just about to "circuit bend" your speak and spell :D
[11:09] < vmlemon_> Cool
[11:12] < MS-> orphans: ?
[11:12] < MS-> circuit bed ?
[11:13] < MS-> I now have the code at the level I would like :)
[11:13] < orphans> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itn5wkiUmcw
[11:13] < vmlemon_> Touch parts of the circuit board to make it produce weird noises that it normally wouldn't
[11:13] *** MS- looks
[11:13] < MS-> I see
[11:13] < vmlemon_> If you wonder what "circuit bending" is
[11:14] < MS-> I was more wondering how you circuit bend the speak and write myself :)
[11:14] < vmlemon_> o.O "For safety reasons, there are no power electronics components on offer - ask the author for a story of what happens when you put a 50p between a 2.5 kV line and ground."
[11:14] < vmlemon_> Hah
[11:15] < orphans> on phone
[11:15] < orphans> 2 secs
[11:15] < vmlemon_> add a --bend-pinXandpinY option? ;)
[11:15] < vmlemon_> or --reverb ;)
[11:15] < MS-> np
[11:26] < orphans> hey MS-, sorry
[11:27] < orphans> was planning on altering it slightly to put a mangler between the words and the speak-ey bit, so it repeats and changes the order of syllables
[11:27] < vmlemon_> Lots of interesting stuff seems to be happening around Mashed
[11:27] < orphans> and makes generally funny sounds :)
[11:27] < vmlemon_> Yay
[11:28] < vmlemon_> "Sa-waaaay Apppppppp"? ;)
[11:28] < orphans> that sort of thing :)
[11:28] < MS-> orphans: I see
[11:29] < MS-> Sounds cool
[11:29] < vmlemon_> Reminds me of one of those VTech toy "laptop computers" that my sister had
[11:29] *** MS- nods
[11:29] < vmlemon_> Somehow, that would circuit bend itself when the batteries were bad/running low
[11:29] < MS-> That makes sense
[11:29] < MS-> clock timings would probably start going askew
[11:30] < vmlemon_> "Please Preeeeeeeeeeeeee" for ages before yanking the rusty AA batteries out...
[11:30] < vmlemon_> Meh, IRC sucks for trying to describe sounds
[11:33] < vmlemon_> Got some nice sound effects out of an old el-cheapo kids' keyboard (either a Yamaha or Bontempi branded one) when the batteries were running flat, or if it was quickly turned off and on again whilst holding the keys
[11:36] < MS-> :)
[11:42] *** vmlemon_ wonders what's happening with Glow
[11:42] < MS-> ?
[11:42] < vmlemon_> The BBC JavaScript framework thing
[11:45] < vmlemon_> http://bbc.co.uk/glow/ - the username and password are mashed08
[11:54] < MS-> ah, i see
[11:54] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[11:56] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[12:43] < vmlemon_> Hmm, is irc.welcomebackstage.com supposed to be accessible to/used by the general public?
[12:44] < MS-> I have NO idea
[12:44] < MS-> :)
[12:44] < vmlemon_> It seems to be mostly filled with BBC people...
[12:45] < vmlemon_> [00:49] [Whois] stagehand is stagehand@backstage.bbc.co.uk (The Magical Backstage Stage Hand)
[12:46] < MS-> Yep, it is
[12:53] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[12:53] < orphans> bend complete :) Speak and write is now 100% less useful, but makes some funny sounds
[12:54] < MS-> in your sketches area ?
[12:54] < MS-> Or a trunk?
[12:54] < MS-> branch even
[12:54] < orphans> sketches
[12:55] *** MS- looks
[12:55] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[12:55] < vmlemon_> Ooh
[12:55] < vmlemon_> Aah
[12:55] < vmlemon_> Or even a genuine 60s/80s/90s TI one? ;)
[12:56] < MS-> O.K.
[12:57] < MS-> :-)
[12:57] < orphans> I bet you never thought that'd happen to some code you wrote MS- :)
[12:59] < orphans> anyways, I'm off to do something actually useful now rather than breaking things. biab
[13:12] < MS-> This is surreal
[13:13] < vmlemon_> Ver baot iz speek-ing? ;)
[13:18] < MS-> The bit presenting talks is hosted by Sylvester McCoy
[13:18] < MS-> (yes that one)
[13:18] < MS-> :)
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[18:01] *** j_baker thinks debian would be the perfect linux distro if you could install actual firefox instead of this "iceweasel" bs.
[18:07] < vmlemon_> Can't you download and install it from the Mozilla site?
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