[01:14] < Chong-> got to sleep. good night, all.
[01:15] *** Chong- has parted #kamaelia
[08:19] *** orphans has joined #kamaelia
[08:48] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[08:50] < Lawouach> morning
[08:56] < orphans> morning Lawouach
[08:57] < Lawouach> hi mate
[08:57] < orphans> hows it going?
[08:57] < Lawouach> Good
[08:58] < Lawouach> My two English friends who came over for the weekend have just departed from St Malo
[08:58] < Lawouach> We had a good weekend
[08:58] < orphans> ahh, cool. you get up to much?
[08:59] < Lawouach> visited a few places, had great food, good wine and beer
[08:59] < Lawouach> yeah I'd say we did :)
[09:01] < orphans> sounds like an enjoyable weekend :)
[09:02] < Lawouach> it was :)
[09:02] < Lawouach> http://meta.ath0.com/2008/01/18/kde-4-ui-critique/ < -- I feel the same
[09:03] < Lawouach> That's one of the reason for the first time I've decided to use Gnome rather than KDE
[09:03] < Lawouach> KDE4 layout is too confusing
[09:04] < orphans> I've only seen screenies - thought it was beginning to look pretty nice (on a purely aesthetic basis taht is)
[09:17] < Lawouach> how did the exams go?
[09:18] < orphans> yeah, not too bad. I'm officially done for exams now (decided not to do the last one yesterday)
[09:18] < orphans> I've done enough in all of the to get a decent enough pass I think, so I'm pleased enough
[09:20] < Lawouach> okay that's cool :)
[09:20] < orphans> don't know if I said, but I got into my masters for next year too, so I'm pretty sorted now :)
[09:20] < Lawouach> congrats :)
[09:20] < Lawouach> what will be the subject?
[09:21] < orphans> ta
[09:21] < orphans> Creative Technologies - www.ioct.dmu.ac.uk/
[09:23] < Lawouach> very nice!
[09:24] < orphans> yeah - looks like a really interesting course
[10:22] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[11:11] < orphans> Lawouach, ping?
[11:11] < Lawouach> pong
[11:11] < orphans> you got a minute to look at something?
[11:11] < Lawouach> yes
[11:12] < orphans> http://orphans.pastebin.com/d1dc6ea3b
[11:13] < orphans> I think this code should give results slightly greater than the sleep time (in the region of 0.5-1 ms)
[11:13] < orphans> for me I get around 3-4ms
[11:13] < Lawouach> time is never the best way to synchronise code
[11:14] *** orphans never knew that :)
[11:14] < orphans> what's better?
[11:14] < Lawouach> the operating system respects the time request value up to a certain precision only
[11:14] < Lawouach> what are you trying to do?
[11:14] < orphans> get the timing code running < 1ms accuracy
[11:14] < orphans> i.e. on the safe side of human hearing accuracy
[11:15] < orphans> I put that together as a test to see whether the problem was in the sleeping, threads etc
[11:15] < orphans> s/threads/thread
[11:18] < Lawouach> since you're using threads, wouldn't it make sense to use things like mutex to synchronise instead?
[11:19] < orphans> not done much threaded programming before - do you have an example somewhere?
[11:19] < Lawouach> The thing is I wonder if there isn't a better way with Kamaelia. I never use threaded components.
[11:21] < orphans> I think there probably isn't - I was talking to MS- about this sort of thing and he said that there wasn't any timing stuff built into the scheduler
[11:21] < orphans> at least not the sort of accuracy needed
[11:22] < orphans> http://yeoldeclue.com/logs/kamaelia2008-05-26_log.html - towards the top of taht
[11:22] < orphans> s/taht/that
[11:23] < Lawouach> I see
[11:25] < Lawouach> http://docs.python.org/lib/event-objects.html
[11:25] < Lawouach> This is one way of doing things
[11:25] < Lawouach> The real problem however is not so much which tool to use but what precisely you want to be doing
[11:27] < orphans> for an idea of what I was working on see http://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kamaelia/trunk/Sketches/JT/Jam/library/trunk/Kamaelia/Apps/Jam/Util/MusicTiming.py?revision=4142&view=markup
[11:28] < orphans> having components with an inbuilt timer which worked in musical timings
[11:31] < Lawouach> time.sleep is indeed the wrong way here
[11:31] < Lawouach> you will never be able to ensure the accuracy you need
[11:32] < Lawouach> well not only
[11:32] < Lawouach> hang on
[11:32] < Lawouach> one idea BTW is to look at how similar products do it :)
[11:33] *** orphans is on the jokosher svn at the moment
[11:37] < Lawouach> BTW, why not using pymedia to play out the midi file?
[11:37] < Lawouach> that would take care of it at a low level no?
[11:39] < orphans> didn't know pymedia did midi out
[11:41] < Lawouach> or pygame
[11:41] < Lawouach> since SDL supports it, pygame might
[11:41] < Lawouach> ah well pymedia doesn't do midi :)
[11:41] < Lawouach> pygame then?
[11:43] < Lawouach> http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet755.html
[11:44] < Lawouach> http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/music.html#pygame.mixer.music.load
[11:44] < Lawouach> Maybe that would simplify your task?
[11:45] < orphans> mm, not sure it's really suited to doing stuff in real-time though.
[11:46] *** orphans delves deeper
[11:47] < Lawouach> See it uses the clock.tick() to pause the process while the MIDI is playing
[11:48] < Lawouach> But it's not used as synchronization per-se
[11:48] < orphans> yeah, and clock.tick() only has about the same accuracy as I've got using time.sleep()
[11:49] < orphans> from here: http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/time.html "Times in pygame are represented in milliseconds (1/1000 seconds). Most platforms have a limited time resolution of around 10 milliseconds."
[11:50] < orphans> but that's not quite true, because I can get latency of ~3ms in both windows and linux (on good days)
[11:52] < Lawouach> That's the big problem. You're not building a product for your own machine, are you? ;)
[11:53] < orphans> no, but it's not a complete beast by any stretch of the imagination (3 years old now)
[12:01] < orphans> mm, I think time.sleep() might actually be the best I can do
[12:02] < orphans> fwiw jokosher doesn't go any more accurate than 1/256th of a beat (~3ms for an 80bpm tune)
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[14:37] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[14:37] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[14:38] < vmlemon_> Hi
[14:41] < bcarlyon|laptop> HI!
[14:50] < Lawouach> 'lo
[15:00] < vmlemon_> Medium ;)
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[17:19] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[17:19] < MS-> evening
[17:39] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:04] < orphans> MS-, evening
[18:04] *** orphans notes /trunk/Sketches/MPS/JT/timer.py
[18:05] < orphans> any input on what I should be doing?
[18:05] *** orphans notes that it isn't the same as what I posted :D
[18:05] < orphans> reading
[18:08] < MS-> I had a play with the code you pasted in the pastebin
[18:11] < orphans> yeah - looks like a more complete version of my test :)
[18:12] < MS-> The most accurate way is to essentially do this:
[18:13] < orphans> results are pretty ugly sometimes - 50ms at 95th percentile
[18:13] < MS-> measure the amount of time you're out
[18:14] < MS-> and then sleep for the amount of time you wanted to sleep for, less the amount of time you're out
[18:14] < MS-> And to keep track of the amount you're generally out by
[18:15] < MS-> It's discussed a fair amount on the pygame list for what its worth
[18:15] < orphans> ok, I'll have a look there. Any threads in particular or will google make it pretty clear?
[18:18] < Lawouach> MS-: with audio though this kind of synchronisation is good enough if you have a decent buffer mechanism so you're sure you're never short of data
[18:19] < MS-> Lawouach: I don't really know :-)
[18:19] < Lawouach> well the problem with audio is that if you're not synced well enough it impacts immediately the end user experience
[18:20] < Lawouach> video or games can afford to lose a bit of data along the way usually
[18:20] < Lawouach> audio is rather more sensitive
[18:20] < Lawouach> so again it really comes down to what orphans is trying to do
[18:20] < Lawouach> which I'm still not clear about :)
[18:21] < orphans> Lawouach, *sigh* sorry :)
[18:21] < MS-> Indeed. And synchronisation matters (with audio/video), but continuity matters (almost more)
[18:21] < vmlemon_> Hi
[18:22] < Lawouach> orphans: not criticising you :)
[18:23] < vmlemon_> Just make it print "Buffering..." forever, that'll do the trick ;)
[18:23] < orphans> I guess maybe it'd all be a bit clearer if I was working on a component which depended more heavily on the timing (something like the step sequencer)
[18:24] < orphans> given that this has come about now perhaps it'd be better for me to rearrange my schedule a little and get that (timing and all) working before the networking stuff?
[18:25] < Lawouach> not necessarily
[18:25] < Lawouach> I usually prefer going for a working mockup of the system first
[18:26] < Lawouach> ensuring the overall design the right one
[18:26] < Lawouach> adjusting it
[18:26] < Lawouach> finally optimising wher it needs to be
[18:26] < Lawouach> that being said, if your optimisation changes the design
[18:26] < Lawouach> it's not optimisation anymore :)
[18:27] < Lawouach> it's more refactoring :)
[18:27] < orphans> yeah. I'll maybe do a really quick mockup of something which has tight timing, then leave it at that until later on (providing it looks OK)
[18:27] < Lawouach> yes
[18:28] < Lawouach> I'd rather you having a working application asap than specialized components
[18:28] < Lawouach> We'll move to that gradually
[18:28] < orphans> yeah, cool
[18:29] < orphans> < = off to get food - thanks for the help Lawouach and MS-
[18:29] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[18:29] < Lawouach> np
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[19:41] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[19:42] < Davbo> Evenin' all
[19:43] < Davbo> I read quite a bit on LikeFile but i'm not sure if i understand what functionality it has still
[19:43] < Davbo> Could anyone explain what it does?
[19:49] < Lawouach> hello Davbo
[19:50] < Davbo> Hey Lawouach
[19:50] < Lawouach> Basically it makes Axon components look like a file object
[19:51] < Davbo> I've not played my guitar for so long it has made my fingers hurt, brings back memories :)
[19:51] < Lawouach> Not sure if you know it but in Python it is common for an object to pretend it quacks like a file
[19:51] < Davbo> Ah
[19:51] < Lawouach> so that you can open it, read/write from and to it
[19:51] < Davbo> I did not know that
[19:51] < Lawouach> :)
[19:52] < Lawouach> for instance the socket module has a .makefile() method that wraps a socket into a file object
[19:52] < Lawouach> so that you can simple do:
[19:52] < Lawouach> mysock.read(), mysock.write()
[19:52] < Davbo> Hmm
[19:53] < Lawouach> Have you heard the concept of "interface" in programing?
[19:53] < Davbo> For abstraction?
[19:53] < Lawouach> yes
[19:53] < Davbo> Yeah, i know what you mean
[19:53] < Lawouach> alright
[19:54] < Lawouach> With OOP you can of course subclass and use inheritance
[19:54] < Davbo> So if i were to "implement" LikeFile as an interface would i need to provide methods for read() and write() - that kinda thing?
[19:56] < Lawouach> but more and more subclassing is left out in favour of interfaces as they define a contract without coupling too much objects between themselves
[19:56] < Lawouach> well, in dynamic languages like Python, interfaces are not really meaningful
[19:57] < Lawouach> because you can pretend to support a contract just by defining the API you need
[19:57] < Davbo> I see
[19:57] < Davbo> hmm
[19:57] < Lawouach> a file object is a typical interface
[19:58] < Lawouach> .open(), .read(), .write(), .close()
[19:58] < Lawouach> That's an interface if you want
[19:58] < Lawouach> By the way the process of pretending in dynamic languages is called "duck typing" :)
[19:59] < Davbo> I'm not sure I understand "pretend to support a contract"
[19:59] < Lawouach> It quacks like a duck, it looks like a duck, so let's take our chances and act as if it was a duck
[19:59] < Davbo> oh
[19:59] < Lawouach> well I'll take an example
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[20:00] < Lawouach> Imagine a class called Clock
[20:00] < Davbo> yeah
[20:00] < Lawouach> now you could have the following methods in that class
[20:00] < Lawouach> getTime()
[20:00] < Lawouach> setTime()
[20:01] < Lawouach> imagine now you have a piece of code that doesn't care about the type of objects it processes like this:
[20:01] < Lawouach> for obj in list_of_varios_objects:
[20:01] < Davbo> yeah
[20:01] < Lawouach> imagine you want to put a Clock() instance in that list
[20:01] < Lawouach> you could simply define the following methods in the Clock class:
[20:02] < Lawouach> .read()
[20:02] < Lawouach> .write()
[20:02] < Lawouach> .read() would be the .getTime()
[20:02] < Lawouach> .write() would be .setTime()
[20:02] < Lawouach> for obj in list_of_varios_objects:
[20:02] < Lawouach> obj.read()
[20:02] < Davbo> I see, hmm
[20:02] < Lawouach> that list could contain files, sockets, Clocks objects
[20:03] < Davbo> Yeah
[20:03] < Lawouach> you would not need to do:
[20:03] < Lawouach> for obj in list_of_varios_objects
[20:03] < Lawouach> if isinstance(obj, Clock):
[20:03] < Lawouach> obj.getTime()
[20:03] < Lawouach> See?
[20:03] < Lawouach> You pretend to ba file
[20:03] < Davbo> Yeah i see
[20:03] < Lawouach> s/ba/be
[20:04] < Davbo> hmm
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[20:04] < Davbo> so you implement interfaces but you don't really say you're doing it?
[20:05] < Lawouach> In Python indeed you just declare some methods and let the application process the object independantly from its type
[20:05] < Lawouach> You duck type it :)
[20:05] < Davbo> in java you'd say
[20:05] < Davbo> public class Clock implements File {
[20:05] < Davbo> public Read() ...
[20:05] < Lawouach> yeah
[20:05] < Lawouach> That's the idea.
[20:06] < Davbo> thanks Lawouach
[20:06] < Lawouach> Except with dynamic languages it's all very implicit
[20:06] < Davbo> Yeah
[20:06] < Lawouach> so
[20:06] < Lawouach> to come back at your original question
[20:06] < Lawouach> it could be useful to pretend for a component to be like a file
[20:06] < Lawouach> so that Axon's components could be used more regularly in Python applications
[20:06] < Davbo> Yeah
[20:07] < Davbo> but it's not so simple to make a component act like a file, right?
[20:07] < Lawouach> Well
[20:07] < Lawouach> The issue lies in the way you decide how you link boxes.
[20:08] < Lawouach> For a component like Pipeline it's easy
[20:08] < Lawouach> inbox < -> outbox
[20:08] < Lawouach> But for more complex components it becomes a greater challenge.
[20:09] < Davbo> I see why there was a big problem when i made another box in my program now
[20:09] < Lawouach> :)
[20:10] < Davbo> i presume likefile doesn't look at box usage dynamically? / could it ?
[20:12] < Lawouach> well not really
[20:12] < Lawouach> when you wrap a component with likefile
[20:13] < Lawouach> it wraps every boxes in its own internal component
[20:13] < Lawouach> those wrappers basically use a thread-safe queue
[20:14] < Davbo> ah right
[20:14] < Lawouach> when you call .get() on the likefile component
[20:14] < Lawouach> it blocks on that queue (well the queue for the box you .get() on)
[20:14] < Davbo> this is where we get the "race hazard" that MS- told me about
[20:14] < Lawouach> internally the components are running on their own and fill that queue
[20:14] < Lawouach> yes
[20:15] < Lawouach> those queues are thread-safe but there are potential problems in the implementation
[20:15] < Davbo> I see
[20:16] < Davbo> Thank you Lawouach :-)
[20:16] < Lawouach> np
[20:17] < Lawouach> On a side note
[20:17] < Lawouach> Last year before the student started on that project I was very keen about the end result.
[20:18] < Lawouach> Then I started using Kamaelia heavily before he finished it so I never actually used it and I've never felt a need for it
[20:18] < Lawouach> But MS- has shown me uses cases where it'd be handy
[20:18] < Lawouach> Now, that being siad there is a fundamental difference between regular Axon components and the Likefile design.
[20:19] < Davbo> well Process stuff seems to use it as that's where i get problems
[20:19] < Lawouach> The former is all about push
[20:19] < Lawouach> The later is about pull
[20:20] < Davbo> right
[20:20] < Lawouach> This means that traditionnally with Axon and Kamaelia, you write components, link them together and Axon will simply ensure the data arrives where it needs to arrive
[20:21] < Lawouach> With Likefile, your code polls regularly the likefile component for more data
[20:21] < Davbo> ah i see
[20:21] < Lawouach> Although it makes code easier to write and read in many cases, it may also have a great impact on performances
[20:21] < Davbo> surely that isn't an "ideal" way for it to work?
[20:22] < Lawouach> It's hard to make it efficient
[20:23] < Lawouach> MS- could explain further here but I wonder if Python 2.5 generator support wouldn't allow for a more efficient implementation
[20:24] < Davbo> that sounds like a good idea Lawouach
[20:25] < Lawouach> But since Axon and Kamaelia do support Python 2.2 onward it won't happen soon I guess :)
[20:35] < Davbo> Well thanks for explaining those things Lawouach, i'm off to relax for a bit. :-)
[20:35] < Lawouach> np
[20:35] < Lawouach> take it easy :)
[20:52] *** MS- starts reading back
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[20:54] *** MS- notes that the name "likefile" is probably not as good as it could be (reading the bit about read()/write() )
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[21:02] < MS-> It's not meant to say it's "like the (specific) file interface protocol"
[21:03] < MS-> But more "it's an interface that is used like a file interface is used - ie you have a handle that represents the thing you're talking to & you talk to it"
[21:03] < Lawouach> yes
[21:04] < Lawouach> I don't disagree. I think I may have been unclear earlier then
[21:04] < Lawouach> Because I totally agree with your point here :)
[21:05] < MS-> Yeah, the misinterpretation it causes is a problem.
[21:05] < MS-> LikeFile isn't really the same as AsFile
[21:05] < MS-> which is more the relationship I'd expect
[21:06] < Lawouach> true.
[21:07] < MS-> Regarding 2.5's generator support, that's something that I'm really torn with. I have a machine with 2.3 on which I really don't want to have to mess with (a mac mini I use as a home server)
[21:07] < Lawouach> I can appreciate your point really.
[21:07] < MS-> And a mobile which has python on which is a derivative of 2.2.< some late number> and hence supports generators (and has run Kamaelia in the past)
[21:08] < MS-> But, the key benefit that 2.5's generators give is actually the .stop() support
[21:08] < Lawouach> That being said it could be fun and interesting to try out a LikeFile component using those generators and see what comes out of it
[21:08] < MS-> since you can pass in any exception you like
[21:08] < MS-> The ability to do
[21:08] < MS-> .next(< some value>) wouldn't specifically make the component threadsafe, which is the issue with LikeFile
[21:09] < MS-> It also would mean you'd need a double nesting of values really
[21:10] < MS-> There are ways to optimise working with it though
[21:10] < MS-> But they're independent of 2.5's generator support
[21:11] < MS-> the whole .next(< some value>) thing doesn't really make much sense with Kamaelia IMO btw
[21:11] < MS-> since it implies tight code coupling AFAICT
[21:11] < MS-> It'd be interesting to see, but that was the impression I gained having seen some stuff written using it
[21:12] < Lawouach> I wouldn't know as I've never used it :)
[21:17] < MS-> It's just really wierd - you could happily do this:
[21:17] < MS-> def bla(...):
[21:17] < MS-> x = yield 1
[21:17] < MS-> while 1:
[21:17] < MS-> if isSomething(x):
[21:17] < MS-> y = yield 1
[21:17] < MS-> else:
[21:17] < MS-> z = yield 1
[21:17] < MS-> if yield 1:
[21:17] < MS-> break
[21:17] < MS-> print x, y
[21:17] < MS-> print x,z
[21:17] < MS-> You couldn't actually tell upfront if that could ever work
[21:17] < MS-> In fact you could almost guarantee it never could work
[21:19] < MS-> In order to talk to it, you actually need to understand how the internal structure works
[21:19] < MS-> Which is plain *wierd*
[21:21] < Lawouach> Indeed
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[22:16] *** MS- calls it a night
[22:16] < MS-> cya
[22:16] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
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