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[07:49] *** ms-abit-away has joined #kamaelia
[07:49] < ms-abit-away> morning
[07:49] *** ms-abit-away says "hurrah" for his new spam assist tool
[07:50] < ms-abit-away> killed 90 of the 130 spams from overnight, now configured for the new 40 types
[07:50] < ms-abit-away> total time killing them today 5-10 minutes
[07:50] < ms-abit-away> as opposed to all day yesterday
[08:31] < ms-abit-away> http://edit.kamaelia.org/KamaeliaSpamAssistant
[08:38] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
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[08:38] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[08:44] < vmlemon_> Hi
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[17:12] *** ms-abit-away gets whacked with a clue stick about what the date 21st June 2008 will be
[17:13] < ms-abit-away> aside from just BBC Mashed then
[17:13] < ms-abit-away> and aside form just midsummer's day...
[17:13] < ms-abit-away> It's also the 60th anniversary of the invention of the computer
[17:14] < vmlemon_> o.O http://www.omglists.com/article/68593/the-9-most-misleading-toy-commercials-of-the-80s/
[17:27] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[18:02] *** ms-abit-away refactors http://edit.kamaelia.org/Developers/Projects slightly
[18:03] *** ms-abit-away edits http://edit.kamaelia.org/Developers/Direction to be less cheesy (hopefully) 
[18:03] *** ms-abit-away thinks that page needs a bit more ronseal attitude to it
[18:03] < j_baker> It's better than the IKEA line
[18:04] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:27] < mhrd> "It's also the 60th anniversary of the invention of the computer" ... ! really?! grrr ... and I'm at a *%!"£$ wedding and won't be able to be there :-( :-(
[18:28] < mhrd> :-)
[18:28] *** mhrd is now known as mhrd-afk
[18:30] < vmlemon_> o.O "Total Google searches: 6777"
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[19:04] < ms-abit-away> mhrd-afk: Yes
[19:04] < ms-abit-away> 60th
[19:04] < ms-abit-away> I should've noticed somewhat sooner
[19:05] < ms-abit-away> (given it was the 50th when I graduated, and there were LOTS of banners up all over the place - I even have a graduation photo standing infront of one of them)
[19:05] < j_baker> ms-abit-away: if you get a moment, could you tell me if you know of any python packagers that allow for dynamic importing?
[19:05] < ms-abit-away> What are you after?
[19:06] < j_baker> Well, as my program stands right now, it dynamically imports the WSGI application and runs it.
[19:06] < j_baker> Which py2app doesn't support
[19:06] < ms-abit-away> >>> X =__import__("Kamaelia")
[19:06] < ms-abit-away> >>> X
[19:06] < ms-abit-away> < module 'Kamaelia' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Kamaelia/__init__.pyc'>
[19:07] < ms-abit-away> I think I need something a little more concrete I'm afraid
[19:08] < j_baker> Well, as I understand, py2app converts python into Objective-C
[19:08] < ms-abit-away> No, it doesn't
[19:08] < ms-abit-away> Ah, I see your misunderstanding then
[19:08] < j_baker> Really? When my code gets to the portion where it calls __import__ it throws an exception
[19:08] < ms-abit-away> You thought py2exe, py2app turn the code into binaries
[19:09] < ms-abit-away> which don't include the python runtime ?
[19:09] < ms-abit-away> What's the specific exception?
[19:09] < j_baker> The module couldn't be found.
[19:10] < j_baker> I'm guessing it's looking for the module within the bundle then
[19:10] < ms-abit-away> I'd suggest fiddling extensively with sys.path in that case :)
[19:12] < j_baker> Hmmmm... I'll double check that.
[19:13] < j_baker> I did see in the documentation where it said py2app doesn't support __import__, but I'm hoping that that's just for packaging it up.
[19:13] < ms-abit-away> Python can be compiled - by pypy and by shedskin - the former to C the latter to C++, but neither does unrestricted python, but a restricted subset.
[19:13] < ms-abit-away> Really?
[19:13] < ms-abit-away> Quite probably
[19:13] < ms-abit-away> (re just for packaging)
[19:13] < j_baker> I'll give it a shot and if it still doesn't work, I'll contact the py2app people.
[19:14] < ms-abit-away> http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/20c19df7a6c9f30d - seems to be related to how py2app figures out which modules to include in the bundle
[19:15] < ms-abit-away> import < ...>
[19:15] < ms-abit-away> and
[19:15] < ms-abit-away> from < ...> import < ...>
[19:15] < ms-abit-away> are supported for "auto-figuring-it-out"
[19:15] < ms-abit-away> but not __import__
[19:15] < j_baker> http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/Current/pyobjc-14.1.1/pyobjc/stable/py2app/doc/
[19:16] < j_baker> Some Python packages are written in such a way that they aren't compatible with being packaged. There are two main causes of this:
[19:16] < ms-abit-away> heh, I was reading that
[19:16] < j_baker> Using __import__ or otherwise importing code without usage of the import statement.
[19:16] < ms-abit-away> Yes, that looks like it's to do with packaging.
[19:16] < ms-abit-away> It shouldn't stop you doing this:
[19:16] < ms-abit-away> sys.path.append("random location")
[19:16] < ms-abit-away> then __importing__
[19:17] < j_baker> Hmm... Sounds like an idea.
[19:17] < ms-abit-away> It'd just stop the packager from ensuring the right files are in
[19:17] < ms-abit-away> "random location"
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> ~> python
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 10 2008, 18:01:57)
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> [GCC 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> >>> X=__import__("Actions")
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> Traceback (most recent call last):
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> File "< stdin>", line 1, in < module>
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> ImportError: No module named Actions
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> I then do
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> >>> import sys
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> >>> sys.path.append("kamaelia/trunk/Sketches/MPS")
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> and presto
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> >>> X=__import__("Actions")
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> loading Actions
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> >>> X
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> < module 'Actions' from 'kamaelia/trunk/Sketches/MPS/Actions.pyc'>
[19:18] < ms-abit-away> Which I suspect mirrors the problem you're seeing
[19:19] < ms-abit-away> I'd make "random path" an absolute path (ie leading / ) if i were you - at least initially
[19:20] < j_baker> Well, I have the file in a package (with __init__.py) in a subdir below the executable right now.
[19:20] < j_baker> So all I should need is the current directory in sys.path, right?
[19:21] < j_baker> although that may work out differently with py2app now that I think about it
[19:21] < j_baker> Alright, I'll play around with it for a little bit and see what I come up with.
[19:44] < ms-abit-away> py2app may have a rather novel idea of what the current directory is
[19:44] < ms-abit-away> I'd suggest playing around a bit
[19:49] < j_baker> brb
[19:50] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[19:52] < j_baker> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/2007-October/019322.html
[19:52] < j_baker> He's suggesting macpython for this kind of thing...
[19:52] < ms-abit-away> I don't think it's an issue here...
[19:52] < ms-abit-away> fwiw
[19:53] < j_baker> If it is, I wouldn't want to use macpython anyway. It's more trouble than it's worth in my experience
[19:54] < ms-abit-away> macpython predates (at least originally) Apple packaging python with the Mac
[19:54] < ms-abit-away> Which is just asking for it IMO
[19:54] < ms-abit-away> My suggestion is to package up something *absolutely minimal*
[19:55] < ms-abit-away> And fiddle with __import__'s then
[19:57] < j_baker> Yup. If nothing else, it wouldn't be too difficult to use static imports until I can get something figured out.
[19:59] *** ms-abit-away notes this for anyone interested who can get there: http://www.cs.manchester.ac.uk/Digital60/Kilburn/schedule/
[20:10] < j_baker> Aha. You were right about sys.path
[20:37] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[20:37] < j_baker> Hello Davbo
[20:38] < Davbo> Hi guys
[20:39] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[20:42] < Davbo> I love university email asking you to participate in studies
[20:43] < Davbo> some of them are the weirdest things " I am conducting a study about 'The Folklore of Menstruation'"
[20:43] < j_baker> Heh... For me, it's always "please take this survey."
[20:43] < j_baker> :o
[20:43] < Davbo> Yeah they usually boil down to a survey
[20:43] < Davbo> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=vLc6ilOUetYNALuEjYHMBQ_3d_3d
[20:43] < Davbo> :P
[20:44] < j_baker> The CS department at my school is the worst. They send me an email like every other day wanting me to take a survey. Fortunately, there are junk mail lists. :)
[20:44] < Davbo> I've helped out one of my lecturers for his research
[20:45] < Davbo> had to read out a load of words in a sound booth for him
[20:46] < j_baker> In the CS department?
[20:46] < Davbo> well not really words, it was trying to get sounds of things like, there would be 'ava and ava' where you stress the leading vowel and ending vowel respectively
[20:46] < Davbo> yeah
[20:46] < Davbo> Speech and Hearing research group in Computer Science
[20:46] < j_baker> Ah.
[20:46] < j_baker> That makes sense.
[20:47] < Davbo> oooo
[20:47] < Davbo> this one sounds cool
[20:47] < Davbo> I am an MD student looking for volunteers who would be willing to spend 90
[20:47] < Davbo> minutes at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital investigating the areas of the brain
[20:47] < Davbo> that control speaking.
[20:47] < Davbo> Electro-magnetic pulses will be used to stimulate the
[20:47] < Davbo> brain using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). This causes a temporary
[20:47] < Davbo> disruption of speech. The disruption lasts only for seconds. It is safe and
[20:47] < Davbo> non-invasive and you will be recorded as you say words and sentences.
[20:48] < j_baker> That is interesting.
[20:48] < Davbo> Crazy stuff
[20:48] < Davbo> and you get £15! students will do anything for £15
[20:48] < Davbo> lol weirdest thing about that one " Volunteers need to be strongly right handed"
[20:49] < j_baker> That's like $1000 USD nowadays. :P
[20:49] < Davbo> ;-)
[20:49] < Davbo> I should take all the cash off the GSOC mastercard before your currency is worthless ;-)
[20:50] < j_baker> Heh... some people were doing the opposite.
[20:51] < Davbo> Wait for it to pick up?
[20:51] < j_baker> Yup.
[20:51] < Davbo> interesting thought
[20:51] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[20:51] < Davbo> i'll move it to my bank account asap though
[20:51] < j_baker> Personally, I say that hedging on currency values is risky.
[20:51] < Davbo> interest will be faster than changes to the USD
[20:52] < j_baker> You mean you actually get paid a decent interest rate?! :o
[20:52] < Davbo> Going to put it into an ISA
[20:53] < j_baker> ISA?
[20:53] < Davbo> it's a special kinda savings account
[20:53] < vmlemon_> What about putting it into Google shares? ;)
[20:53] < Davbo> Heh vmlemon_ :-)
[20:54] < vmlemon_> You'll get even more out of them, then ;)
[20:54] *** Davbo assumes Google don't pay dividends like most tech companies
[20:55] < Davbo> Anyone know?
[20:55] < j_baker> I see. I have a savings account through ING direct that gets 3%. Most other banks give you less than 2% unless you're opening up a CD with a LOT of money.
[20:55] < Davbo> My student account is around 3% this ISA will be closer to 6
[20:55] < Davbo> I think
[20:55] < j_baker> That's a good question. I know Apple has loads of cash that they're not giving away in dividends.
[20:55] *** j_baker ponders opening up a British bank account
[20:56] < Davbo> Going to watch Derren Brown back in a short while.
[20:56] < j_baker> Later
[22:41] *** ms-abit-away has parted #kamaelia
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[23:30] < ms-abit-away> j_baker
[23:30] < ms-abit-away> please note the /topic for the channel :-)
[23:31] < j_baker> Oh. I was wondering what u/p: wiki/wiki meant. :/
[23:31] < ms-abit-away> Wiki here: http://edit.kamaelia.org/ReleaseJune2008 u/p : wiki/wiki
[23:31] < ms-abit-away> username/password
[23:31] < ms-abit-away> ah
[23:32] < j_baker> Ok, I'll put it there.
[23:32] < ms-abit-away> /Developers/Projects/KamaeliaPublish I presume ? :)
[23:33] < j_baker> Yes.
[23:35] < ms-abit-away> I'll ask q's about your schedule on the page when it appears.
[23:35] < j_baker> Got it.
[23:35] < ms-abit-away> (essentially I'm unclear why you want to do this: Convert the server to be an XMPP client instead of using HTTP. :) )
[23:36] < ms-abit-away> But that's purely project reasoning, and highly appropriate to ask there because the answers can then be changed into a FAQ about the what & why :)
[23:36] < ms-abit-away> anyhow, it's really late here, and I should go to bed. (I've been doing lots of random tidying of the website)
[23:36] < j_baker> Ok, good night. :)
[23:37] < Davbo> Night ms-abit-away
[23:37] < ms-abit-away> I'll probably aim to fix the stat-cache in the wiki tomorrow as well to make /RecentChanges more up to date
[23:37] *** Davbo has had too much Red Bull :-)
[23:37] < ms-abit-away> anyhow night all :)
[23:37] *** ms-abit-away has parted #kamaelia
[23:38] < j_baker> I think any Red Bull is too much Red Bull, but that's just me.
[23:38] *** j_baker loves Java Monster.
[23:39] < Davbo> I should stop drinking so much Caffine really
[23:39] < Davbo> s/caffine/caffeine
[23:40] < j_baker> caffeine is bad for you
[23:41] < Davbo> life's too short to worry about that ;-)
[23:41] < Davbo> (that is a joke btw)
[23:42] < Davbo> I'd hate to see what people do by that logic
[23:42] < vmlemon_> Hi
[23:42] < Davbo> hey vmlemon_
[23:45] < vmlemon_> I'm sure they manage to do all sorts of stupid things ;)
[23:45] < Davbo> Hah, an exam question which boils down to: "How many times does 101 appear in 1010101011010111010100"
[23:46] < j_baker> That would annoy me.
[23:46] < vmlemon_> Sounds fun
[23:46] < Davbo> Well it's told differently
[23:46] < Davbo> with some logic gates and such
[23:47] < vmlemon_> Aah
[23:47] < j_baker> Logic gates are even more annoying.
[23:48] *** j_baker just finished Modern Digital System Design.
[23:48] < j_baker> I'll be happy never to hear about JK Flip Flops ever again. :)
[23:49] < j_baker> Interesting.
[23:49] < j_baker> http://www.spreadfirefox.com/en-US/worldrecord/firefox3
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[23:50] < j_baker> Heh... There's a link there on how to set up a Firefox 3 download party. :P
[23:51] < j_baker> Even I'm not that much of a nerd.
[23:51] < vmlemon_> Haha
[23:54] < Davbo> Agh, flip-flops give me a headache too j_baker
[23:55] < Davbo> Sorry boring too
[23:55] < Davbo> s/sorry/so (*sighs*)
[23:56] < Davbo> Hate it when you get ahead of yourself typing.
[23:57] < j_baker> Yeah. And to make it worse, my professor wasn't exactly the most exciting person in the world.
[23:57] < j_baker> Although it was interesting to hear his tirades about Microsoft. :)
[23:57] < Davbo> Actually that was the best bit in my lectures
[23:57] < Davbo> we had a complete eccentric lecturing
[23:58] < Davbo> One time the computer wasn't working for some reason, he punched the keyboard sent it flying in the air. Then said "Does anyone have a laptop I can use"
[23:58] < vmlemon_> Hah
[23:59] < Davbo> Some guy eventually went up with his laptop and was like "Yeah, i'll help you set it up"
[23:59] < j_baker> Fuck that. I wouldn't have given him my laptop.