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[10:12] < Lawouach> morning good people
[10:12] < Lawouach> Finished "Written in bone" by Simon Beckett yesterday.
[10:12] < Lawouach> Good thriller.
[10:12] < Lawouach> Not as gripping as the first one IMO but good and quick read
[10:12] < Lawouach> A perfect summer read
[10:12] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:13] < vmlemon_> Hi
[10:14] < Lawouach> Hi vmlemon_
[10:46] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:49] < vmlemon_> kamaeliabot: ecky
[10:49] Reply: Ptang!
[11:54] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
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[12:46] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[14:10] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[14:15] < vmlemon_> Hi
[14:16] < Davbo> hullo
[14:21] < vmlemon_> kamaeliabot: dance
[14:21] Reply: does the macarena
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[15:27] < Davbo> Hi Lawouach
[15:27] < Lawouach> hi Davbo
[15:28] < Davbo> it's so warm here
[15:29] < Lawouach> same here
[15:30] < Davbo> i noticed you finished reading Written in Bone
[15:31] < Lawouach> Yes yesterday
[15:31] < Davbo> Simon Beckett is from Sheffield (where i live)
[15:31] < Davbo> i believe
[15:31] < Davbo> I hear his books are quite good although i've never read any
[15:31] < Davbo> might have to pick one up
[15:32] < Lawouach> I really enjoyed the first one "Chemistry of death"
[15:32] < Lawouach> Written in bone was less a surprise so I'm not as convinced.
[15:32] < Lawouach> A good read still.
[15:32] < Lawouach> Read them in order however.
[15:32] < Lawouach> Stories are different but you wouldn't understand the background of the main character otrherwise
[15:33] < Davbo> Yeah
[15:33] < Davbo> is it mainly just the main character which carries over between them then?
[15:33] < Lawouach> yes
[15:34] < Davbo> cool, i liked how Dan Brown did that
[15:34] < Davbo> although i didn't think much to his da vinci code book
[15:35] < Lawouach> I haven't read any of his books
[15:35] < Lawouach> Nor did I watch the movie
[15:36] < Davbo> I liked Angels and Demons but mostly because the physics in it his hilarious :)
[15:38] < Davbo> I'd hate to read a book like "Digital Fortress" after studying Network Architectures last semester lol
[15:39] < Lawouach> My next book on the shelf is: No Humans Involved by Kelley Armstrong
[15:39] < Lawouach> I love her writing.
[15:40] < Lawouach> Haunted and Industrial Magic were great read
[15:40] < Davbo> cool, might have a look
[15:41] < Davbo> I don't get much reading done other than for university in term time but in holidays i usually read 2 or 3 books
[15:41] < Lawouach> They can be read in any order so just pick one which outline suits you.
[15:41] < Lawouach> They don't follow
[15:41] < Davbo> usually sci-fi, Pratchett or something like that :)
[15:41] < Lawouach> It's just a pool of characters and each one has a story in a book
[15:41] < Lawouach> You should like that then.?
[15:41] < Lawouach> -?
[15:42] < Lawouach> I started with Haunted and couldn't put the book down.
[15:42] < Davbo> Sounds good i'll have a look Lawouach. Thanks for the recommendations :)
[15:43] < Lawouach> np
[15:44] < Lawouach> Funnily I read more books in English than in French.
[15:44] < Lawouach> Go figure.
[15:44] < Davbo> In term time the only 'reading' i get done which i want to is audiobooks on the train heh
[15:45] < Davbo> although some audiobooks are great imo
[15:46] < Davbo> I listened to Slaughterhouse 5 (amazing book) as an Audiobook and Kurt Vonnegut discusses some things at the end of the book
[15:47] < Davbo> I recommend that (if you haven't already read it :))
[15:49] < Lawouach> I will check it out
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[17:37] < mhrd-home> I'm having problems committing to the repository ... anyone else had any success today?
[17:37] < vmlemon_> Hi
[17:37] < Davbo> not tried mhrd-home, would you like me to test it for you?
[17:38] < mhrd-home> please :)
[17:38] < Davbo> will take a while I don't have a working directory on here
[17:38] < mhrd-home> it has been a little while since I last committed anything, and it seems to have stopped working (not sure if its my fault though)
[17:38] < Davbo> (and i'm new to svn :P)
[17:39] < mhrd-home> Davbo: if you saying you need to do a checkout first ... don't worry about it
[17:39] < Davbo> i need a working dir anyway :)
[17:39] < mhrd-home> would like to compare with people for whom it has definitely been working recently!
[17:39] < mhrd-home> k
[17:39] < mhrd-home> :)
[17:40] < Davbo> I only got this Mandriva up yesterday, so not had a chance
[17:43] < Davbo> < silly question> I want Trunk right? and that'll have my sketches in there?
[17:44] < mhrd-home> yep
[17:45] < Davbo> Started it going :)
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[17:45] < Davbo> I lost all my /home from last install but now i've got it on a separate partition, wont make that mistake again.
[17:46] < mhrd-home> oops :)
[17:46] < Davbo> downloading the trunk, see you in a week. ;)
[17:46] < mhrd-home> heh
[17:47] < vmlemon__> Argh
[17:47] *** vmlemon__ doesn't think that Bluetooth is such a good idea, latency or speed wise for Internet connectivity
[17:47] < vmlemon__> kamaeliabot: dance
[17:47] Reply: does the macarena
[17:47] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[17:48] < mhrd-home> vmlemon__ : is the bottleneck bluetooth or 3G/GPRS/GSM?
[17:48] < vmlemon_> I reckon Bluetooth (since I'm using a USB dongle that only supports 1.1 of the spec, although my phone supports 2.x which is supposedly faster)
[17:49] < vmlemon_> GPRS itself is pretty slow, though
[17:49] < vmlemon_> *version 1.1
[17:49] < mhrd-home> GPRS has horrific latency in my limited experience - many many seconds to just establish a socket connection
[17:51] *** vmlemon_ has always thought of it as having the reliability and speed of a damaged serial cable, coupled with satellite latency... ;)
[17:51] < mhrd-home> nah, satellite uplinks seem more responsive :)
[17:52] < vmlemon_> UMTS/W-CDMA supposedly improves the latency issues, although my operator hasn't rolled it out here
[17:52] < mhrd-home> "improves" is such a relative term too ;-)
[17:52] < vmlemon_> (It looks like they only took it as far as Harrogate, or just outside, rather annoyingly)
[17:52] < vmlemon_> I suppose that should be "makes it slightly more bareable"
[17:54] < vmlemon_> 3 packets transmitted, 2 received, 33% packet loss, time 7483ms
[17:54] < vmlemon_> when trying to ping google.com
[17:54] *** Davbo regrets typing "svn log"
[17:54] < mhrd-home> heh
[17:54] < Davbo> what happens when you try to commit mhrd-home?
[17:55] < vmlemon_> It seems to even out, as you send more data, and it seemingly stops dropping packets after the connection has been up for a while
[17:55] < Davbo> r1 | (no author) | 2004-10-25 18:10:35 +0100 (Mon, 25 Oct 2004) | 1 line
[17:55] < Davbo> New repository initialized by cvs2svn.
[17:55] < Davbo> hehe :-)
[17:56] < mhrd-home> I type 'svn commit' then, when prompted, I enter the log details into the text editor, then save and exit.then I end up in this unwanted dialogue:
[17:56] < mhrd-home> File svn-commit.8.tmp saved
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Authentication realm: < https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net:443> SourceForge Subversion area
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Password for 'matth_rd':
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Authentication realm: < https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net:443> SourceForge Subversion area
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Username: matth_rd
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Password for 'matth_rd':
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Authentication realm: < https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net:443> SourceForge Subversion area
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Username: matth_Rd
[17:56] < Davbo> not even prompting me to put my login
[17:56] < mhrd-home> Password for 'matth_Rd':
[17:56] < mhrd-home> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
[17:56] < mhrd-home> svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svnroot/kamaelia/!svn/act/75b279b3-7e5e-4919-b7db-92c32972cf5b': authorisation failed (https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net)
[17:56] < mhrd-home> svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
[17:56] < mhrd-home> svn: '/home/matteh/kamaelia/trunk/Sketches/MH/svn-commit.8.tmp'
[17:57] < Davbo> interesting :/
[17:57] < mhrd-home> when you do a commit?
[17:58] < Davbo> yeah
[17:59] < mhrd-home> you modified a file?
[18:01] < mhrd-home> argh - being summoned - gotta go - thanks for looking
[18:01] < Davbo> oh it worked
[18:01] < Davbo> sorry forgot about svn add *facepalm*
[18:01] < mhrd-home> MS-: if you're reading logs - can you confirm if its just me? :-)
[18:02] < mhrd-home> grr, must be just me
[18:02] < mhrd-home> ah well, sure I can fix it
[18:02] < mhrd-home> cya
[18:02] < Davbo> Cya
[18:03] *** Davbo is still getting used to svn :(
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[19:38] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[19:38] < MS-> evening
[19:39] < Lawouach> evening
[19:40] < bcarlyon|laptop> g'day
[19:41] < MS-> Been going through the branch created by Jason & realised I need to write a basic howto on how to branch correctly
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[19:42] < MS-> Jason's done something that's sensible on the surface of things, and as a result easy for someone else to do/get wrong.
[19:44] < MS-> The upshot is it's very difficult to merge.
[20:40] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[20:40] < MS-> evening Davbo
[20:40] < MS-> How's things?
[20:40] < Davbo> Evening MS-, good thanks. Yourself?
[20:41] < MS-> Not bad, not bad.
[20:42] < MS-> Writing a howto for branching at present
[20:42] < Davbo> cool
[20:42] < MS-> But doing so by cleaning up the packaging for the ER Modeller for merging onto trunk
[20:42] < MS-> Which is productive I think :)
[20:42] < Davbo> Branching is what you do when you copy the current version and update it? - then merge that with trunk?
[20:43] < MS-> essentially yes
[20:43] < Davbo> as i was saying to Matt earlier, i'm fairly new to version control in general
[20:43] < MS-> But the thing that's easy to get wrong is the copying part
[20:44] < MS-> essentially you have do an "svn copy"
[20:44] < MS-> then "svn commit"
[20:44] < MS-> Preferably note the version number that gives you
[20:44] < MS-> *then* make your changes
[20:44] < MS-> If you don't do that it becomes a real pain to merge
[20:44] < Davbo> Ah I see
[20:45] < Davbo> bad way to do it would be making it in your working dir? and doing svn add
[20:46] < Davbo> oh my meaningless commit earlier was to test if it was working correctly for me. Matt was having some difficulties committing for some reason - he noted it in the logs for oyu
[20:46] < Davbo> s/oyu/you
[20:47] < MS-> Yep, svn add is where this go wrong
[20:47] < MS-> Odd, I've been committing all day - seemed ok for me
[20:47] < Davbo> worked for me too.
[20:48] < Lawouach> http://blog.red-bean.com/sussman/?p=92 < -- have you seend that?
[20:49] < MS-> Lawouach: Oh *that's* neat
[20:49] < MS-> I'd not seen that
[20:49] < MS-> *very much appreciated*
[20:49] < MS-> :-)
[20:50] < MS-> Yeah, this was about largely about how to branch properly
[20:50] < MS-> but that makes the merge even easier :)
[20:50] < Lawouach> :)
[20:50] < MS-> "This is how it should have been in the first place."
[20:50] < MS-> Absolutely
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[20:51] < MS-> j_baker: hiya
[20:51] < Davbo> Hi j_baker, mhrd-home
[20:51] < MS-> mhrd-home: Hiya
[20:51] < j_baker> Hello everyone
[20:51] < j_baker> MS-: got a question.
[20:51] < MS-> j_baker: Took me a while to realise what was wrong with your branch when I came to merge it, and since it's likely to be an issue, I'm writing a branching howto
[20:51] < MS-> j_baker: go ahead
[20:52] < j_baker> Why is it that some class methods in the web server code have a default argument set to None and then throw an exception if they're set to None?
[20:52] < MS-> example?
[20:52] < j_baker> The __init__ method for SimpleServer
[20:53] < mhrd-home> hi MS- et al
[20:53] < Davbo> Got it to work yet mhrd-home?
[20:53] < mhrd-home> only just fired up the computer :)
[20:54] < MS-> j_baker: The only one I see there is this:
[20:54] < MS-> protocol=None
[20:54] < MS-> if not protocol:
[20:54] < MS-> raise "Need a protocol to handle!"
[20:54] < j_baker> Yeah, that's it.
[20:54] < MS-> OK, given that was probably written 5 years ago...
[20:55] < MS-> I am pretty certain that the reason
[20:55] < MS-> is probably due to the issue that
[20:55] < MS-> Crashing when you recieve a connection
[20:55] < MS-> here:
[20:55] < MS-> def handleNewConnection(self, newCSAMessage):
[20:55] < MS-> ...
[20:55] < MS-> protocolHandler = self.protocolClass()
[20:55] < mhrd-home> nope, still not working ... I'll do some more digging then raise a ticket with SF if necessary
[20:56] < mhrd-home> (its been ages since I last committed anything, so goodness knows what could have happened :-) )
[20:56] < MS-> which *THEN* would've been caught by a bare try:...except:...handler (deliberately) inside the scheduler
[20:56] < MS-> that would've been far harder to catch
[20:56] < MS-> than getting an error that says in plain english
[20:56] < Davbo> Maybe a port/firewall problem?
[20:56] < MS-> "Need a protocol to handle!"
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[20:57] < j_baker> That makes sense.
[20:57] < MS-> ie it's taking the error, and turning from a cryptic error to a less cryptic one
[20:57] < MS-> or domain non-specific error and making it domain specific - ie giving you more information
[20:57] < MS-> Masking errors is generally a bad idea
[20:58] *** bcarlyon|ubuntu_ is now known as bcarlyon|ubuntu
[20:58] < MS-> mhrd-home: Have you tried a completely fresh checkout?
[20:58] < mhrd-home> Davo: unlikely ... same connection I've used for ages
[20:58] < MS-> svn co https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kamaelia/trunk
[20:58] < mhrd-home> MS-:just trying that now - been reluctant due to ISP bandwidth throttling
[20:58] < MS-> OHHHHHHH
[20:58] < MS-> I *know*
[20:58] < MS-> I know the answer
[20:58] < Davbo> lol
[20:58] < MS-> I know the answer
[20:59] *** MS- does a little dance
[20:59] *** mhrd-home kindly requests MS- share his knowledge :)
[20:59] < Davbo> I believe that's called an epiphany
[20:59] < MS-> You need to log into the web system
[20:59] < mhrd-home> and do what?
[20:59] < MS-> and it will kindly say "please can you change your password - we got hacked and we're sad about it"
[20:59] < MS-> "but you really need to change your password"
[20:59] < MS-> so that's what your errors are probably
[20:59] < MS-> :)
[21:00] < mhrd-home> that happened about a year or two ago ... and I changed it then. its happened again since?
[21:00] < MS-> Dunno :)
[21:00] < MS-> This *is* sourceforge
[21:00] < Davbo> Hah.
[21:00] < mhrd-home> good point - ta, will try if the fvresh checkout fails
[21:00] < MS-> Given how much it costs, its surprisingly good really :)
[21:00] < bcarlyon|ubuntu> yay our entire streets (at least) power just tripped out and back again
[21:00] < bcarlyon|ubuntu> not useful
[21:01] < Davbo> Get a UPS bcarlyon|ubuntu ;)
[21:01] < Davbo> to cope with the rolling blackouts of Leeds
[21:02] < MS-> Davbo: Laptop
[21:02] < MS-> Built in battery is far more effective than UPS in my experience
[21:02] < Davbo> effective?
[21:02] < Davbo> surely not as efficient
[21:02] < mhrd-home> hmm, no "weve been hacked" msgs on web system .. changing pwd anyway
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[21:03] < Davbo> Look he took your advice MS- :P
[21:03] < MS-> fwiw I've been checking in all sorts of things all day today
[21:04] < mhrd-home> hmm, no luck. support ticket time :-(
[21:04] < MS-> odd
[21:06] *** Davbo is surprised #sourceforge is unofficial, what's their IRC server?
[21:06] *** MS- goes to look at developer settings
[21:07] < MS-> unchanged
[21:07] < mhrd-home> I've checked my ssh keys and that I'm authorised in the project members screen
[21:07] < MS-> can you ssh into shell.sourceforge.net ?
[21:07] < MS-> (you should be able to, but...)
[21:07] < mhrd-home> good q, I'll try
[21:08] < Davbo> It might give you a more useful error than the one from svn
[21:08] < mhrd-home> works
[21:08] < MS-> And you tried the exact line I gave you?
[21:09] < MS-> I'm sure you did...
[21:10] < mhrd-home> I tried svn co https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kamaelia/trunk/Sketches/MH/DVB_PSI ... because of bandwidth throttling reducing me to speeds comparable to dialup
[21:11] *** MS- tries that here, finds it works for him
[21:11] < mhrd-home> checkout is fine (as expected) ... its commits that fail
[21:11] < mhrd-home> don't worry about it ... as I said I'll raise the issue with SF support
[21:11] < Davbo> tried it with -username and -password modifiers?
[21:12] < Davbo> (that does work right?)
[21:12] *** mhrd-home gives that a try
[21:12] *** MS- mvs ~/.subversion ~/.sobversion
[21:12] < MS-> then tries to check in
[21:13] *** MS- gets error :)
[21:13] *** MS- looks to see if it matches yours
[21:14] < MS-> Your local user id _isn't_ matth_rd is it?
[21:14] < mhrd-home> ooh --username --password seems to have done the trick
[21:14] < mhrd-home> MS- : it isn't
[21:14] < MS-> didn't think so :)
[21:14] < Davbo> Really?
[21:14] < Davbo> Yay i fixed it :P
[21:15] < Davbo> ;-)
[21:15] < MS-> Davbo: Well, mine isn't "ms_" or similar either you see
[21:15] *** mhrd-home confused ... it gave me the opportunity to enter the username and passord when it failed, then still got it wrong
[21:15] < MS-> hehe
[21:15] < mhrd-home> Davbo: thanks :-)
[21:15] < mhrd-home> MS-: thanks too
[21:15] < MS-> mhrd-home: brought to you by the wonder that is subversion
[21:15] < MS-> you're welcome
[21:16] < Davbo> Anytime mhrd-home
[21:16] < mhrd-home> that'll teach me for leaving it for so long :-)
[21:19] < MS-> heh
[21:24] < Davbo> MS-: I'm doing some Java byte-code which is stack based. So now I have programmed in a stack oriented language :-)
[21:25] < Davbo> (somewhat anyway)
[21:25] < j_baker> You're editing Java byte-code directly?
[21:26] < Davbo> Reverse Polish Notation == clever.
[21:26] < Davbo> in a way yeah j_baker
[21:26] < Davbo> http://jasmin.sourceforge.net/
[21:27] *** MS- looks, presumes it's based on forth
[21:29] < MS-> Ah, no, seems to be re-invention of a well oiled wheel
[21:29] < Davbo> Anyone know the specific heat capacity of a human because i'm pretty sure i'm about to melt
[21:29] Reply: Hm?
[21:29] < Davbo> :P
[21:29] < MS-> ah, also, the JVM is inefficient
[21:29] < MS-> s/inefficient/insufficient/
[21:30] < Davbo> I never claimed it was sufficient :P - I claimed it's stack-oriented, which it is
[21:30] < MS-> http://www.faqs.org/faqs/computer-lang/forth-faq/part1/ section 5.6
[21:33] < Davbo> Fair enough
[21:50] < Davbo> MS-: we having out meeting tomorrow?
[21:51] < Davbo> s/out/our
[21:52] < MS-> Davbo: yep
[21:53] < Davbo> okay, fyi: i'll be on Mibbit at university most likely
[21:53] < MS-> cool
[21:53] < Davbo> I have a deadline at 11am unfortunately
[21:54] < Davbo> and gotta hand it in on paper :/
[21:54] < Davbo> which means i have a £5 train/tram journey when i could just email it them < /rant>
[21:55] < j_baker> I had a professor who demanded paper copies of programming assignments this semester too. :/
[21:56] < j_baker> Code just wasn't made to make efficient use of paper.
[21:56] < Davbo> Such a waste of paper with the code and javadoc stuff there too
[21:59] < MS-> Other people's code is *alot* easier to read through on paper IMO
[22:00] < MS-> It's not exclusively the case
[22:00] < MS-> but it can be
[22:01] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[22:02] *** MS- sees why Matt was doing that
[22:03] < vmlemon_> Hi
[22:03] < vmlemon_> Yay, my laptop's Ethernet chipset now works after upgrading the kernel to 2.6.24
[22:03] < vmlemon_> Although it seems that some ABI/API level breakage has happened since
[22:03] < vmlemon_> :|
[22:07] < vmlemon_> I get a nice SEGFAULT and a screen full of debugging crap at boot time, if I try to use MadWifi, and I had to faff with various patches to get the VMware Server kernel modules to compile
[22:07] < vmlemon_> Some weird errors with kudzu (whatever the hell that is), too
[22:08] < Davbo> Gotta love kernel upgrades ;)
[22:09] < vmlemon_> I managed to make Synaptic whinge about supposedly "broken" duplicate packages, whilst trying to uninstall OSS 4.0 to upgrade it to a later build, too
[22:10] < vmlemon_> Dunno why it does that
[22:10] < vmlemon_> NetworkManager is kaput, too
[22:10] < vmlemon_> Since something broke my intricate set of "fixes" to get it to work with OSS
[22:11] < vmlemon_> (No idea why a networking app needs to use the audio subsystem, that said)
[22:11] < vmlemon_> How odd, it's suddenly started working again
[22:12] *** vmlemon_ assumes that it was related to upgrading D-BUS
[22:12] < Davbo> lol
[22:12] < vmlemon_> Yay for weird voodoo, and unrelated stuff that happens to fix some other problem
[22:13] < Davbo> Seemingly unrelated things, i get that all the time
[22:14] < vmlemon_> Not sure why the hell system-config-network tries to bind to an ALSA library that I don't have, or why it wants to do stuff with D-BUS
[22:14] < vmlemon_> But it seemed that upgrading D-BUS made it functional again
[22:14] *** vmlemon_ is puzzled and bemused...
[22:16] < vmlemon_> I'll probably manage to make it explode again by trying to install the only version of MadWifi that actually works with the AR5007EG chipset
[22:18] < vmlemon_> (Some licensing carry-on is stopping support for it being integrated into the mainline version)
[22:19] < vmlemon_> Thanks to that, I couldn't run Linux in 64-bit mode on this machine, even if I wanted to
[22:20] < vmlemon_> http://madwifi.org/ticket/1679 tells all
[22:23] < Davbo> My wifi drivers should be in the Kernel as of Jan this year i think but openSUSE still disagreed
[22:23] < Davbo> so much of it seems to be voodoo, as you said
[22:24] < vmlemon_> Pretty much a combination of FUD about the origin of the patch, and copyright headers being stripped and breakage of the HAL for every architecture except x86-32
[22:25] < vmlemon_> So much fun, in one!
[22:25] < vmlemon_> ;)
[22:26] < vmlemon_> Hah,
[22:26] < vmlemon_> [23:22] < ^mritun^> go to a windows machine, open browser, middle click
[22:26] < vmlemon_> [23:22] < oninoshiko> better yet, go to a windows machine, open a window, toss
[22:26] < mhrd-home> heh
[22:47] < Davbo> The runtime errors you get when manipulating Java's stack yourself are hilarious
[22:47] < Davbo> obviously it's nigh impossible to get an error from the stack if you use java's compiler
[22:47] < Davbo> so it's like "What the hell are you doing??"
[22:49] < MS-> :)
[22:50] *** vmlemon_ is trying to get a stack trace, or at least some form of debugging info for a kernel module that crashed prior to rebooting...
[22:53] *** Davbo notices how Jasmin pulled the same trick MS- uses when naming things hehe
[22:55] < Davbo> Jasmine -> Jasmin
[22:56] < Davbo> In a few more years nobody will know how to spell things ;)
[22:56] < vmlemon_> Hah
[22:56] < Davbo> but at least we'll be getting up on Google ranks :D
[22:57] < vmlemon_> Ouch, http://paster.dazjorz.com/?a=rawpaste&p=2972
[23:00] < MS-> Davbo: heh. The other reason for it is that you can't claim (or at least didn't *used* to be able to claim) a trademark on a common word
[23:00] < MS-> Quite how that works these days ("windows" for example) I dunno
[23:00] *** mhrd-home calls it a night
[23:00] < MS-> mhrd-home: Night :)
[23:00] < Davbo> night mhrd-home
[23:00] < mhrd-home> night all
[23:00] *** mhrd-home has parted #kamaelia
[23:00] < vmlemon_> Night, mhrd-home
[23:01] < Davbo> also YAY! finally got this to work
[23:01] < Davbo> now just need to make it do what i want it to and i'm sorted
[23:01] < Davbo> :P
[23:01] < MS-> Davbo: well done
[23:02] < Davbo> I have to read in a string and look for instances of 3 characters in descending alphabetical order
[23:02] < Davbo> finally getting the unicode value
[23:03] < Davbo> i think it working in upper-case can be a "given time" deliverable ;-D
[23:04] < Davbo> swapping the top two things on the stack is a powerful function
[23:04] < Davbo> i should have realised that earlier
[23:17] < vmlemon_> Hmm, "...of course the presentation seems to be aimed at the sort of upper management who will no doubt unilaterally decide that the company needs to be migrated to this system because it can sustain 2 sledgehammer induced drive failures."
[23:19] < MS-> OK, a "howto" on creating a branch and getting it ready for merge written and posted to the group
[23:19] < MS-> j_baker: I realised after a while what you'd done
[23:20] < MS-> It looks like ou went to /branches, did a mkdir private_JMB_MinimalFix, then svn add private_JMB_MinimalFix
[23:21] < MS-> then it looks like you did a cp -R $PYTHONLIBS/site-packages/Kamaelia into that directory
[23:21] < j_baker> yes
[23:21] < MS-> then cd private_JMB_MinimalFix; svn add Kamaelia
[23:21] < MS-> I can see the logic that leads there, but it's next to impossible to merge that sensibly
[23:21] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[23:21] < MS-> If possible could you follow the howto I've written
[23:22] < MS-> and create a new branch called (say)
[23:22] < MS-> private_JMB_HTTPMinimalHandlerIndexHtml
[23:22] < MS-> or similar
[23:23] < MS-> It really simplifies reviewing code
[23:23] < MS-> :)
[23:24] < MS-> OK, I've got to get sleep
[23:24] < MS-> night all :)
[23:24] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[23:24] < vmlemon__> Night
[23:34] *** j_baker thinks about signing up for a Safari account
[23:34] < j_baker> It's pretty damn expensive though.
[23:34] < vmlemon__> You could try an Internet Explorer account, it's much cheaper ;)
[23:34] *** vmlemon__ ducks
[23:35] < j_baker> rimshot
[23:57] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_