[00:01] *** bcarlyon|ubuntu has joined #kamaelia
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[03:09] *** sadru1 has joined #kamaelia
[05:00] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[07:21] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[07:22] < Lawouach_> morning
[08:01] < mhrd> morning :)
[08:01] < mhrd> was in pub yesterday evening (forgot to mark myself as afk)
[08:02] < Lawouach_> good beer I hope :)
[08:02] < mhrd> acceptable :)
[08:03] < mhrd> beer garden was less so though - more like a patch of concrete besides a major road junction
[08:04] < Lawouach_> ouch
[08:05] *** mhrd shrugs
[08:05] < mhrd> regarding SimplePeer ...
[08:05] < mhrd> the short answer is that it doesn't have a self.pause() because we never got round to adding it :)
[08:06] < mhrd> the long answer is that adding it is non trivial - as it is currently designed, it polls to check for incoming packets. so just sticking in a self.pause() would break its ability to receive packets when it isn't sending them (iyswim)
[08:07] < mhrd> one solution would be to re-engineer it to use the Selector, rather like CSA does
[08:08] < Lawouach_> Indeed
[08:08] < Lawouach_> Thanks for the insight
[08:09] < mhrd> np
[08:09] < mhrd> This reminds me: a while ago I did some experiments with RTP - trying to remultiplex MPEG2 Transport streams received over multicast RTP, then re-transmitting them ...
[08:11] < mhrd> I hit the same 100% cpu issue with the existing multicast transciever components - I was trying to process a few megabits/s
[08:11] < mhrd> so ended up creating a new multicast transceiver by modifying CSA and Selector, so that a custom 'socket' object could be plugged in.
[08:11] < mhrd> unfortunately, it never made it out of my sketches folder
[08:12] < mhrd> if you/orphans are interested, its in: /Sketches/MH/RTP/
[08:16] < mhrd> probably still in a bit of a mess, but iirc the multicast transceiver bit did work
[08:16] < Lawouach_> well, I guess you saw I had to tweak the CSA this week to support SSL.
[08:16] < Lawouach_> I realized one thing
[08:16] < Lawouach_> The CSA concept is great and yet not flexible enough I guess
[08:16] < Lawouach_> It's great
[08:16] < Lawouach_> But it felt really like monkey patching what I was doing
[08:17] < mhrd> indeed
[08:17] < Lawouach_> Maybe we'll need to take a look at it some day :)
[08:17] < mhrd> hindsight is wonderful :-)
[08:17] < mhrd> I'm certainly not adverse to seeing something reengineered to clean it up and improve it
[08:18] < Lawouach_> Indeed. Mind you it seems to be low priority for now since it works great
[08:18] < Lawouach_> Don't fix if it ain't broken :)
[08:23] *** sadru1 is now known as sadrul
[09:04] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[09:04] < MS-> morning
[09:04] < mhrd> hi MS-
[09:04] < MS-> How goes?
[09:05] *** mhrd reliving the joys of win32 mfc development for the past few days :-/
[09:06] < Lawouach_> MS-: hi
[09:06] < Lawouach_> mhrd: I feel for you mate
[09:07] < MS-> mhrd: Sounds "great"
[09:07] < MS-> yay, come back to 400 mails
[09:07] < MS-> Just as well I live on spam
[09:08] < mhrd> how lovely for you
[09:09] < Lawouach_> have you considered using gmail instead?
[09:09] < Lawouach_> Not having an actual gmail address
[09:09] < Lawouach_> but using its interface and spam engine to read yours
[09:12] < MS-> Lawouach_: This is my work email address
[09:12] < MS-> Rather than personal
[09:12] < MS-> On my personal one due to Kamaelia Grey I get virtually zero spam
[09:12] < MS-> *my* code works ;)
[09:13] < Lawouach_> I see
[09:13] < MS-> It's my work emal which is a spam ridden cess pit :)
[09:13] < MS-> Which I can't use those tricks for
[09:13] < Lawouach_> Still, I assume you have a pop at work
[09:13] < MS-> Not public
[09:13] < Lawouach_> i see
[09:13] < MS-> I doubt work would appreciate me punching a hole through to gmail
[09:13] < MS-> Not a bad idea though
[09:14] < MS-> Probably be classed as gross misconduct or similar
[09:14] < Lawouach_> Maybe they should consider it would make their employees more efficient to have a proper spam filter
[09:14] < Lawouach_> dunno... weird ideas like that
[09:14] < MS-> heh, wierdo
[09:14] < Lawouach_> I have no shame.
[09:15] < Lawouach_> Well I have a low barrier anyway.
[09:15] < MS-> yeah, I'm getting close to the point of just putting a vacation message on both email accounts saying "please mail < here> instead"
[09:15] < mhrd> kamaeliabot: help
[09:15] Reply: Name: kamaeliabot Channel: #kamaelia
[09:15] Reply: I do a simple job -- recording all channel traffic.
[09:15] Reply: Lines prefixed by [off] won't get recorded
[09:15] Reply: I respond to the following: 'logfile', 'infofile', 'help', 'date', 'time', 'dance', 'poke', 'slap', 'ecky', 'boo', and 'reload {modulename}'.
[09:15] < MS-> Only problem there is the internal lists
[09:20] < Lawouach_> :)
[09:20] < Lawouach_> Thunderbird does a good job on its own I've found
[09:20] < Lawouach_> It filters out around 95% of spam
[09:20] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[09:20] < Lawouach_> I assume you can't install it :)
[10:02] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:06] < vmlemon_> Hi
[10:08] < MS-> Lawouach_: Oh I can install stuff, I'd just rather not have to faff about with it
[10:08] < MS-> Though it's reached the point as far as I'm concerned that I have to do some faff with it
[10:12] < Lawouach> Well in that case Thunderbird is decent there.
[10:12] < Lawouach> It takes a bit of training but not that much
[10:22] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[10:22] < Davbo> Mornin' all
[10:23] < MS-> morning
[10:24] < Davbo> Another deadline down
[10:25] < Davbo> oh MS-, you'll like this: I got my java src for the main project to uni today and it wouldn't compile (100+ errors) - fortunately i had another copy which had the .class' pre-compiled in there
[10:25] < Davbo> what was it? write once, debug everywhere? :)
[10:26] < MS-> Davbo: Pretty much, yes
[10:27] < vmlemon_> WODALang, anyone?
[10:27] < Davbo> Fortunately it went okay and the guy i was demoing it to understood what the problem was (new version of Java at home older version here)
[10:28] < MS-> Ah, you mean you didn't code to spec ? ;)
[10:28] < MS-> < /tease>
[10:29] < Davbo> lol
[10:29] *** Davbo codes to his own spec ;)
[10:30] < MS-> Explaination of tease: I presume that the demo is a deliverable
[10:30] < MS-> that means being able to demo it matters :)
[10:31] < MS-> And can be viewed as part of spec :)
[10:31] < MS-> Computer Science has a very limited concept of spec
[10:31] < MS-> :)
[10:31] < Davbo> Yeah I had a feeling there may be a problem anyway, hence the pre-compiled version.
[10:31] < Lawouach> Since most software in production are buggy I would never really expect a demo to be perfect
[10:31] < mhrd> yep, quite abstract at times
[10:31] < Lawouach> :)
[10:31] < mhrd> Davbo: wise, and paid off :)
[10:32] < MS-> Lawouach: Indeed. Running matters though ;)
[10:32] < MS-> Though doing the wrong thing quickly is pointless too
[10:32] < Davbo> Probably shouldn't have opened it in Eclipse though (constantly keep compiling your code)
[10:38] < Davbo> Deadline for my Java byte-code stuff monday then that's pretty much it i think :)
[10:39] < Davbo> Get in some practice with Kamaelia before SoC starts.
[10:47] < MS-> Davbo: very wise - that's kinda the idea of the community bonding period
[10:48] *** MS- notes that orphans has a patch for simple peer that needs to get looked at, but no patch to be seen :0
[10:48] < MS-> :-)
[10:48] *** MS- thinks it's the idea of the bonding period anyway :)
[10:48] *** MS- would probably suggest Davbo plays with the multicore code
[10:49] < Davbo> Yeah, wish I could have done more before now but it just hasn't been feasible
[10:49] *** MS- nods
[10:49] < MS-> something like making two magnadoodle components operate in sync probably makes sense
[10:49] < Davbo> Alright, sounds cool
[10:49] < MS-> (drawing on one being mirrored on the other - like a massively simplified whiteboard)
[10:50] < MS-> just a random suggestion :)
[10:50] < MS-> I'm good at random suggestions
[10:50] < mhrd> MS-: ooi, do we still have that diagram around of how the whiteboard works inside?
[10:50] < MS-> *somewhere*
[10:50] < MS-> yes
[10:51] < MS-> It'll definitely be in my mail somewhere
[10:51] < mhrd> heh, np
[10:51] < MS-> I was hunting for it a while back and it was more elusive than it should be
[10:51] *** Davbo found the code for Whiteboard a bit overwhelming
[10:51] < Davbo> i'd like to see a diagram
[10:52] < MS-> The trick is to break it down into chunks really
[10:52] < MS-> Doing things as black boxes
[10:52] < Davbo> Yeah
[10:52] < MS-> (ie treat an entire pipeline as a black box
[10:52] < MS-> )
[10:53] < MS-> I think that's what I did when I did that diagram
[10:53] < MS-> (Since Matt wrote lots of the code for it)
[10:53] < MS-> ie the vast vast bulk
[10:53] < mhrd> neat trick MS- realised a while ago is to start from the end of the program
[10:53] < mhrd> so you start by drawing a top level diagram, then gradually work down through the layers
[10:55] < Davbo> Structures like pipelines really help with diagrams i imagine
[10:56] < mhrd> albeit there's probably alot of components you start to encounter, pretty much immediately, and go "what on earth does that do?"
[11:00] < Davbo> Yeah, that's when you jump on IRC and start asking questions at an exponential rate :P
[11:00] < Davbo> ;-)
[11:00] < mhrd> :)
[11:02] *** bcarlyon|laptop has joined #kamaelia
[11:03] < MS-> mhrd: I tend to have that viewpoint with code you right sometimes :)
[11:04] < MS-> But then your code is normally *RIGHT* :)
[11:04] < MS-> (cf the carousel taking me a stupidly long period of time to pick up :-) )
[11:04] < MS-> The whiteboard does have a fairly simple structure though, just a fair amount of it
[11:05] < MS-> It definitely needs refactoring though
[11:05] *** mhrd knows he's not always as focused as he shoudl be on writing *clear* code
[11:05] < MS-> largely due to my additions
[11:05] < MS-> heh
[11:05] < mhrd> "it works, just don't as me how" :-)
[11:05] < MS-> mhrd: Yeah, but I tend to trust your alpha code over other people's production code
[11:06] *** mhrd looks at MS- with concern :)
[11:15] *** zaheerm has joined #kamaelia
[11:15] < Uraeus> hi zaheerm
[11:16] < zaheerm> hiyahi Uraeus
[11:16] < zaheerm> i had a question about Kamaelia
[11:16] Reply: Hi, I'm a bot. I've been put here to answer faq's and log the channel. You can find the logs at http://yeoldeclue.com/logs/ Please don't ask 'any mentors here' since I'm logging for them. Yes, there is. If you just ask you question
[11:16] Reply: or post your idea, you may get a response - either from a mentor or fellow student or from someone reading the logs.
[11:16] Reply: Regarding applications we will be discussing applications (and maybe asking for improvements) until April 7th or 8th - remember no news may well be good news
[11:16] Reply: Some useful links/tips - use the template : http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/SummerOfCode2006Template - base page: http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/SummerOfCode
[11:16] Reply: Tips for a good application - q's to ask yourself: http://yeoldeclue.com/cgi-bin/blog/blog.cgi?rm=viewpost&nodeid=1206709783
[11:16] < zaheerm> my question is whether it handles the compression used in freesat's schedule eit tables for name and description
[11:17] < MS-> Hi zaheerm
[11:17] < MS-> The short answer is I have no idea personally, though mhrd may well know
[11:17] < zaheerm> hi MS- , as a bit of context I am a gstreamer developer and have done the dvb work in gstreamer
[11:17] < MS-> We can certainly poke people to find out
[11:17] < zaheerm> that would be awesome
[11:17] < MS-> We have code to support EIT tables etc
[11:18] < MS-> But I wasn't aware of any compression being used. (I'm not really a DVB expert)
[11:18] < zaheerm> from my analysis, the name and description of the event seems to be huffman compressed
[11:18] < zaheerm> in one of two codebooks
[11:18] < MS-> zaheerm: I've heard many a good thing about the dvb support in gstreamer :)
[11:18] < MS-> Ah, I see
[11:18] < zaheerm> if first byte is 0x01 then codebook 1 and if 0x01 then codebook 2
[11:19] < zaheerm> this is only the freesat eit tables for the 8 day epg info
[11:19] < zaheerm> the normal present/following eits do not seem to have any compression
[11:19] < zaheerm> MS-, great :) i'm lucky in that i get to do this as part of my employment :)
[11:20] < zaheerm> the freesat stuff however is to scratch my own itch :)
[11:22] < zaheerm> MS-, any info you'd be able to dig up about the freesat schedule eits, i would be extremely grateful for
[11:22] < MS-> I'll see what I can do
[11:22] < zaheerm> awesome thanks!
[11:22] *** MS- vaguely remembers there may be something annoying to do with it though
[11:23] < MS-> I think that in order to encourage manufacturers to meet the spec that there's a short period of exclusivity on it
[11:23] < MS-> (and I believe it *is* short)
[11:23] < zaheerm> i did some preliminary analysis on them last night and figured it'd be easier to ask someone first before i attempt to reverse engineer it
[11:23] < MS-> indeed
[11:24] < MS-> I'll check with people thogh
[11:24] < zaheerm> thanks
[11:24] < MS-> if it turns out there is that little foible, I'll let you know, and if there isn't hopefully with the info you need :)
[11:24] < Uraeus> MS-: the problem with exclusivity setups like that is that they are easy prey to accidental leaks ;)
[11:24] < zaheerm> :) you're a star
[11:25] < MS-> Maybe worth looking at this in the meantime - http://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kamaelia/trunk/Code/Python/Kamaelia/Kamaelia/Device/DVB/EIT.py?revision=2733&view=markup
[11:25] < MS-> zaheerm: cheers
[11:25] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[11:25] < Davbo> oooo a Freesat PVR?
[11:26] < zaheerm> considering the manufacturers have already manufactured, surely the openness promise of freesat will make it such that the spec is no longer needed to be exclusive :)
[11:27] < MS-> zaheerm: I've no idea really, and it's just a vague memory. If I recall correctly it's just intended to be temporary anyway.
[11:27] < MS-> Doesn't make any sense to me
[11:28] < zaheerm> MS-, cheers for looking into it for me :)
[11:28] < mhrd> zaheerm: I'm afraid it doesn't handle the differences in the EIT in freesat streams
[11:29] < zaheerm> in meantime I am checking if it is the same coding as in ATSC which uses huffman with 2 specified code tables
[11:29] < MS-> zaheerm: I've got the name of the person who came up with it - I'll see whether I can release it or not
[11:29] < MS-> I'm guessing it would be easy to reverse engineer if I can't :)
[11:29] < vmlemon_> Hmm, anyone know if a Sky Minidish will work with Freesat? (Assuming that you don't use BSkyB's proprietary Digibox)
[11:29] Reply: Hm?
[11:30] < zaheerm> vmlemon, it should work yes
[11:30] *** MS- slaps kamaeliabot
[11:30] < vmlemon_> I find it interesting that the box says DVB on the front
[11:30] < vmlemon_> I assume that they've made a few "enhancements", though
[11:30] < zaheerm> vmlemon, sky does use dvb
[11:31] < zaheerm> vmlemon, dvb-s and dvb-s2, they also broadcast sdt, nit and eit tables
[11:31] < mhrd> vmlemon_ : I'd imagine it is likely to. its broadcast on astra satellites in the same constellation
[11:32] < zaheerm> vmlemon, their epg and 7 day epg data however is in a proprietary form and only sky digiboxes can decode it
[11:33] < zaheerm> mhrd, any hints that would not be considered a leak are welcome :)
[11:33] < Uraeus> zaheerm: so when will you rev-eng that epg data? :)
[11:33] < zaheerm> Uraeus, i have got some way with the sky epg data, but it's a lot more complex than the freesat one
[11:34] < vmlemon_> I see that it's possible to view Virgin Media DVB-C content on Linux, now
[11:34] < vmlemon_> although you contravene their terms and conditions by doing so
[11:34] < mhrd> zaherm: even if I'm allowed to, I'm afraid I know very little about it
[11:35] < vmlemon_> What about Sky firmware updates?
[11:35] *** vmlemon_ wonders how/when they are sent over DVB
[11:36] < zaheerm> vmlemon_, yes Uraeus has done so using gstreamer and totem
[11:37] < vmlemon_> I saw the blog post, a few weeks ago
[11:39] < zaheerm> vmlemon_, the sky firmware updates are useless for anything except the sky digiboxes
[11:39] *** vmlemon_ was aware of that, but is still curious as to how and where they broadcast them/inject them into the TS
[11:39] < vmlemon_> Hmm, anyone managed to dump Sky's "EPG Background Audio" channel from a Transport Stream?
[11:40] < zaheerm> vmlemon_, the epg background audio is very simple
[11:40] < MS-> vmlemon_: You mean their twinkle twinkle little star music?
[11:40] < vmlemon_> It is it's own channel
[11:40] < MS-> (since that's one of the tunes :) )
[11:40] < vmlemon_> if I remember correctly
[11:40] < zaheerm> yes
[11:40] < zaheerm> they changed it i think at xmas time
[11:40] < vmlemon_> Although it's years since I last touched a Sky Digibox :|
[11:41] < vmlemon_> Isn't it usually stock "elevator"/"whoosh" music?
[11:41] < vmlemon_> (For want of a better way to describe it)
[11:42] < vmlemon_> With the occasional devocalized rock track
[11:42] < Davbo> Musak? :-)
[11:43] < vmlemon_> Yup
[11:43] < vmlemon_> That's the word I was looking for
[11:43] < Davbo> They really play twinkle twinkle little star?
[11:43] < vmlemon_> No idea
[11:44] < vmlemon_> I'd be surprised if they did
[11:44] < Davbo> http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=769077
[11:45] < MS-> Davbo: yes, it's twinkle twinkle
[11:45] < MS-> They've done other nursery rhymes in the past
[11:45] < vmlemon_> Anyone know how the OpenTV applications (i.e. Teletext Holidays and Open..../Sky Active) work?
[11:45] Reply: Hm?
[11:45] < Davbo> Cool. Well, in away.
[11:45] < MS-> It's a bit like the theme for "Small Soliders" is in fact "The ants went marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah"
[11:46] < Davbo> Heh
[11:46] < mhrd> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenTV#OpenTV_Virtual_Machine_execution_environment
[11:48] *** vmlemon_ assume that they too are just another Channel/Stream (with a Data typeflag?) on the TS that gets broadcast
[11:48] < vmlemon_> *assumes
[11:48] < vmlemon_> Although I don't know if they send them as plain-text, or encrypt them
[11:48] < mhrd> fraid I'm not sure.
[11:49] < mhrd> I know that for freeview, the mheg apps are streamed as an "object carousel" - ie. a stream containing named chunks of data that regularly repeat - thereby ensuring the bits you need come round regularly
[11:49] < mhrd> I'd imagine sky do something similar
[11:49] < vmlemon_> OK
[11:49] < vmlemon_> Short of trying to find a DVB-S PCI card, and a Sky Minidish, and getting the timing Just Right
[11:50] < vmlemon_> (as well as positioning the said dish properly)
[11:52] < mhrd> but at a higher level, it is just another stream. A "Program Map Table" associates several streams with a "service" (channel) - that'll include the video, audio, subtitles, other audio (eg. audio description/alternative languages), egc.. probably also the interactive streams
[11:52] < mhrd> http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/Components/pydoc/Kamaelia.Device.DVB.Parse.ParseProgramMapTable.html
[11:54] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[11:55] < Davbo> "Use Jacobi iteration to attempt to solve the equation" *facepalm*
[11:55] < vmlemon__> Damn connection
[11:55] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[12:00] *** MS- goes afk for a bit
[12:04] *** vmlemon_ has never understood why certain juice drink and mineral water containers state "Made with natural mineral water"...
[12:04] < vmlemon_> (Surely all water is natural)
[12:10] < vmlemon_> Hmm, http://www.skyuser.co.uk/forum/sky-sky-tv/17875-whats-your-favourite-epg-background-audio.html
[12:15] < vmlemon_> http://www.tvforum.co.uk.nyud.net:8080/forum/viewtopic.php?t=27594&start=0 looks somewhat interesting...
[12:16] < vmlemon_> Answers most of my questions about implementation of the EPG/Guide stuff
[13:13] *** bcarlyon|laptop has joined #kamaelia
[14:00] *** bcarlyon|laptop has joined #kamaelia
[15:16] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[15:47] < j_baker> MS-I found a minor bug in Kamaelia.File.BetterReading
[15:47] < j_baker> It is using KamaeliaIPC instead of Kamaelia.IPC
[15:48] < j_baker> It seems to work if I change it to Kamaelia.IPC
[15:48] < j_baker> Is there any major functional difference between the two?
[15:49] < MS-> IIRC, that will be due to files being renamed
[15:49] < MS-> Kamaelia.KamaeliaIPC is very bad naming
[15:49] < MS-> Kamaelia.IPC is better
[15:49] < MS-> But less than ideal
[15:49] < MS-> (Kamaelia.IPC implies it contains _components_ for IPC)
[15:50] < MS-> Whereas Kamaelia.Support.IPC would mean it's support code (not components) for IPC
[15:50] < MS-> Even then it's not IPC since IPC is something else
[15:50] < MS-> but back to the original q, the difference is the name
[15:50] < j_baker> Oh, I see.
[15:51] < j_baker> Did you want me to commit the change I made to BetterReading, or did you plan on changing where the IPC module is located?
[15:51] < MS-> you should create a branch with the fix in
[15:51] < MS-> make the change on the branch and commit that
[15:51] < MS-> if you want something lighter weight
[15:52] < MS-> you can do a
[15:52] < MS-> svn copy Code/Python/Kamaelia/Kamaelia/Path/To/File.py Sketches/YOURDIR/File.py
[15:52] < MS-> and make the changes there, but doing the branch is nicer
[15:53] < MS-> svn copy trunk/Code/Python branches/private_INITIALS_NameOfBugFix
[15:53] < MS-> I'd prefer the latter
[15:55] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[15:56] < j_baker> Ok, I can do that. One last question, if I run the cookbook HTTP server, should return index.html?
[15:57] < vmlemon_> Hi
[15:57] < j_baker> Or do I have to go to
[15:57] < j_baker> (it only works with the latter)
[15:58] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[16:01] < MS-> The latter
[16:01] < MS-> is *normally* configured by a webserver to say "return index.html", but it doesn't have to
[16:02] < MS-> It just means " return the resource "/ "
[16:02] < MS-> or resource "" depending on perspective
[16:02] < MS-> which is why it refers to index.html instead
[16:02] < MS-> though index.cgi was also common at some points in the past
[16:03] < MS-> There's nothing stopping the creation of a better handler that returns index.html of course
[16:03] < j_baker> Then what's the point of the indexfilename variable?
[16:04] < MS-> Dunno - I didn't write it :-D
[16:04] < MS-> (the original web serving code that is
[16:04] < MS-> )
[16:04] < j_baker> Ok. I've got a couple of ideas about how to change that code to some degree.
[16:04] < j_baker> I'll try them out.
[16:05] < MS-> OK, I better go catch a train (since they become irregular otherwise - I'll be back on later
[16:05] < MS-> That's the nice thing about branches
[16:05] < MS-> as long as they're named as suggested you can create as many as you like and say
[16:05] < MS-> "that code sucks, my code rules, look at this"
[16:05] < MS-> ;)
[16:05] < j_baker> :)
[16:05] < j_baker> Alright, talk to you later.
[16:05] < MS-> back in a while
[16:05] < MS-> cya
[16:05] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[16:29] < j_baker> going to get breakfast
[16:29] *** j_baker is now known as j_baker-breakfas
[16:42] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[17:09] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[17:39] < vmlemon_> Hi j_baker
[17:39] < j_baker> hello vmlemon_
[18:03] < vmlemon_> o.O http://www.textfiles.com/humor/acronym.lis
[18:29] *** mhrd is now known as Matt-afk
[18:41] < j_baker> Do you know much about svn, vmlemon_?
[18:41] < vmlemon_> Nope :|
[18:42] < j_baker> Well, crap. :P
[18:42] < j_baker> I'll ask MS- when he gets back.
[18:43] < vmlemon_> I tend to use it more for retrieving stuff, than for trying to upload stuff
[18:43] < vmlemon_> (I've never managed to get it working for the latter :()
[18:43] < j_baker> Me too.
[18:44] *** vmlemon_ managed to destroy his Windows Server 2003 installation, or at least make it boot in a less predictable manner, earlier
[18:44] < vmlemon_> somehow...
[18:45] < j_baker> Heh...
[18:45] < j_baker> I hear that's pretty easy to do if you're using Windows 2003 as a desktop OS
[18:45] < vmlemon_> It now boots to the Windows logo screen, and then displays a black screen and does nothing
[18:45] < vmlemon_> If I'm lucky, it'll give me a log-in screen, if I've rebooted it at least 5 times
[18:45] < vmlemon_> or something like that
[18:46] < vmlemon_> I reckon that it was the crappy Helix Download Manager for DRM'd content I'd installed on it, earlier
[18:46] < j_baker> Heh...
[18:46] < vmlemon_> (which happens to not only crash Firefox and IE6 when invoked from it, but the whole VM)
[18:47] < vmlemon_> *them
[18:47] < j_baker> Yeah, I would install Win 2k3 if not for that.
[18:47] < vmlemon_> It was the only version of Windows I had handy for experimentation :|
[18:47] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[18:48] < MS-> evening
[18:48] < vmlemon_> Hi MS-
[18:48] < vmlemon_> (I did have Windows 2000 Advanced Server, somewhere)
[18:48] < j_baker> Just the person I was looking for.
[18:48] *** MS- has just installed the open office 3 beta
[18:48] < MS-> Very nice
[18:48] < vmlemon_> It supports a subset of MSOOXML?
[18:48] < j_baker> If I have a directory on my local machine and want to add it to SVN as a branch, how would I do that MS-?
[18:48] < MS-> (zooming out on text document results in being able to see multiple pages side by side at a time)
[18:48] < vmlemon_> Or so I hear it supposedly does
[18:48] < MS-> vmlemon_: No idea, nor do I care :)
[18:49] < vmlemon_> Aah
[18:49] *** vmlemon_ was curious, after reading blog posts about it
[18:49] < MS-> It may do, it's just shiny behaviour
[18:49] < MS-> j_baker: assuming said directory is in the right place
[18:49] < MS-> svn add directory
[18:49] < MS-> svn ci directory
[18:49] < vmlemon_> If I didn't have such a poor connection here, I might download it
[18:50] < j_baker> It's not. :/
[18:50] < j_baker> I've just been editing a few kamaelia files in place in my site-packages directory.
[18:50] < MS-> in which case you need to move it to the right place first :)
[18:50] < MS-> simple :)
[18:50] < vmlemon_> I wonder if KOffice will ever fix their weird full screen presentation mode
[18:50] < j_baker> I see.
[18:50] *** MS- goes afk again (back in a bit)
[18:51] < vmlemon_> (it displays more of the background than it should, and displays things in weird places for some reason)
[19:09] *** j_baker_ has joined #kamaelia
[19:14] < vmlemon_> Ouch, http://www.flickr.com/photos/vmlemon/2479053910/
[19:14] < vmlemon_> I wonder why they hid it so deep in the binary
[19:17] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[19:19] < Lawouach> evening
[19:19] < vmlemon_> Hi Lawouach
[19:29] *** j_baker_ has parted #kamaelia
[19:43] < Lawouach> http://www.newcastlestuff.com/charver/lifestyles.html
[19:44] < Lawouach> Country life is the real thing.
[20:45] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[20:46] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[21:07] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[21:16] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[21:20] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[21:22] < vmlemon_> Hi Davbo
[21:28] < Davbo> Hi vmlemon_ - and the rest of ye.
[21:30] < Lawouach> http://trac.defuze.org/browser/oss/headstock/headstock/example/simplechat/simplechat.py
[21:30] < Lawouach> simple XMPP client example
[22:16] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[22:17] < Davbo> Hmm stupid Vista!
[22:17] < Davbo> I'm going to upgrade to XP
[22:19] < vmlemon_> Are you sure you don't want to downgrade to Vista, after upgrading to XP again? ;)
[22:19] < Davbo> I'm having a phase at the minute, I always do this after upgrading my computer
[22:20] < vmlemon_> Aah
[22:20] < Davbo> There isn't anything that isn't backed up so I like to install various OS
[22:21] *** vmlemon_ wanted to try Windows Server 2008, but can't download or install it 
[22:22] < vmlemon_> (The former since I don't have broadband, the latter since it uses more RAM than I have installed in my laptop when running on VMware, which would make it incredibly slow)
[22:24] < Davbo> A UNIX saleslady, Lenore,
[22:24] < Davbo> Enjoys work, but she likes the beach more.
[22:24] < Davbo> She found a good way
[22:24] < Davbo> To combine work and play:
[22:24] < Davbo> She sells C shells by the seashore.
[22:24] < vmlemon_> Hah
[22:25] < Davbo> http://limerickdb.com/?top150 :-)
[22:27] < vmlemon_> Aww, it isn't possible to use 0800Reverse to call 0800Reverse (or other 0800 numbers, for that matter)
[22:28] < vmlemon_> (I tried to do it, a few days ago)
[22:31] < Davbo> lol :)
[22:31] < vmlemon_> Would have been fun to have done a recursive 0800Reverse session
[22:32] < vmlemon_> (Using each time to call a new one, until eventually blocking the system up)
[22:34] < vmlemon_> Conference calling between customer service centre employees is fun on 3, though
[22:34] < vmlemon_> if you can get the timing right, before one of them hangs up
[22:35] < vmlemon_> The idea being to see how long you can keep both employees on the call, and hopefully get them to at least converse for a few seconds
[22:37] < vmlemon_> (Bonus points if you can get two people who happen to be sat next to each other, or manage to get two from different departments ;) )
[22:38] < Davbo> Haha
[22:39] < Davbo> Me and my brother bought some Skype out for similar reasons once
[22:39] < Davbo> so much fun :)
[22:39] < Davbo> back in a bit, upgrading to XP
[22:39] < Davbo> :-)
[22:39] < vmlemon_> OK
[23:58] *** zaheer_ has joined #kamaelia