[00:11] < Davbo> Ah
[00:11] < Davbo> fixed it
[00:12] < Davbo> no idea what it was
[00:13] < j_baker> Heh... I love those errors.
[00:15] < Davbo> time for a huuuge patch
[00:22] < Davbo> brb
[00:24] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[00:40] < Lawouach> well good night :)
[00:41] < Davbo> g'night Lawouach
[00:41] < Lawouach> ta
[00:41] < Lawouach> way too many rhums again
[00:42] < Lawouach> meh
[00:42] < Davbo> rhums? lol
[00:42] < Lawouach> what?
[00:42] < Lawouach> meh
[00:43] < Davbo> I assume that's the same as Rum?
[00:43] < Lawouach> yeap
[00:43] < Davbo> like, Bacardi or something
[00:43] < Lawouach> we spell it rhum
[00:43] < Davbo> Oh I see :)
[00:43] < Lawouach> which is actually correct too ;)
[00:43] < Davbo> cool, not a big fan of Rum myself though.
[00:44] < Lawouach> oh you haven't tasted the way we make them
[00:44] < Lawouach> trust me
[00:44] < Lawouach> you'd love them :)
[00:44] < Davbo> Hehe, I'll have to try some
[00:45] < Lawouach> INdeed
[00:45] < Lawouach> for instance, grab a good bottle of rhum and put some spices and vanillas in it for a few month
[00:45] < Lawouach> then have a sip
[00:46] < Lawouach> we stuff our rum of lots of different sweets, spices and fruits
[00:46] < Lawouach> we call that "rhum arrangé"
[00:46] < Davbo> that actually sounds quite nice
[00:46] < Lawouach> it's brilliant
[00:46] < Lawouach> it doesn't taste strong most of the time but has a very fine taste
[00:46] < Lawouach> anyway
[00:47] < Lawouach> had one too many this evening :)
[00:47] < Davbo> Ah, the strong taste is what puts me off Rum tbh.
[00:47] < Davbo> Whisky i'm okay with but something about Rum
[00:47] < Davbo> I'll keep an eye out for it Lawouach :)
[00:47] < Lawouach> ;)=
[00:48] < Lawouach> I'll find you a recipe :)
[00:48] < Lawouach> anyway
[00:48] < Lawouach> goid night for now
[00:48] < Lawouach> good
[00:48] < Lawouach> damn it
[00:49] < Davbo> hehe, night Lawouach
[00:51] < Lawouach> also, before I go, I had a few of those: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojito
[00:51] < Lawouach> You should find a bar making good ones of those
[00:51] < Lawouach> they are very refreshing
[00:54] < Davbo> sounds nice
[00:54] *** Davbo adds Mojito to his list
[00:56] < Davbo> Heh i have all the ingredients for that cocktail anyway. Could give it a go
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[07:35] < Lawouach> morning
[07:48] < MS-> morning
[07:48] < MS-> (will be largely away from connectivity today)
[07:48] < MS-> (trains, meeting, trains)
[07:50] < Lawouach> hi mate
[07:50] < Lawouach> that's okay
[07:51] < Lawouach> as you might have seend yesterday
[07:51] < Lawouach> I have ssl working with Kamaelia
[07:51] < Lawouach> not that tough overall
[07:51] < Lawouach> kiddin there :)
[07:51] < Lawouach> was hell
[07:53] < Lawouach> MS-: http://pastebin.com/d5b4c0ae
[07:53] < Lawouach> that's basically the whole modification right there
[07:53] < Lawouach> in ConnectedSocketAdapter
[07:55] < Lawouach> There are few bits and pieces elsewhere but that's the core idea on already connected socket
[07:55] *** MS- looks
[07:55] < MS-> Where's the SSL code?
[07:55] < MS-> Oh that line?
[07:56] < MS-> That's the core?
[07:56] < MS->              self.socket = SSLSocket(self.socket)
[07:56] < Lawouach> line 11 to 27
[07:56] < Lawouach> well the lines around are critical too
[07:56] < Lawouach> that one is just wrapping the connected socket into a ssl object
[07:57] < Lawouach> it's not why it works K.
[07:57] < Lawouach> it's the lines just before and right after
[07:57] < MS-> The 11 to 27
[07:57] < MS-> yes
[07:57] < Lawouach> basically removing the socket from the selector component
[07:57] < Lawouach> and adding the SSLed-socket back to the selector component
[07:57] < MS-> Remove it, SSLise, re-add
[07:57] < Lawouach> yes
[07:58] < MS-> Why do you yield in the if ?
[07:58] < Lawouach> hmm
[07:58] < Lawouach> forgot that one :)
[07:58] < Lawouach> :p
[07:58] < MS-> hm. That code works by chance I think , I think actually it needs a yield after the first send
[07:58] < MS-> say in line 16
[07:58] < Lawouach> eh eh
[07:58] < MS-> to allow the selector to remove it
[07:58] < Lawouach> I had one right there
[07:59] < MS-> since the selector runs in a thread these days
[07:59] < Lawouach> but that's ok
[07:59] < Lawouach> because in the selector component
[07:59] < MS-> that is probably working by chance rather than by design
[07:59] < Lawouach> I changed the order of some of the calls
[07:59] < Lawouach> that's why it works
[07:59] < MS-> Ah, OK
[07:59] < Lawouach> I swapped the order between the remove and insert boxes :)
[08:00] < MS-> Does SSLSocket change the filedescriptor number of the socket?
[08:00] < Lawouach> no
[08:00] < MS-> It just wraps the socket object?
[08:00] < Lawouach> it basically wraps the socket using: socket.ssl(sock)
[08:00] < Lawouach> yeap
[08:00] < MS-> k
[08:01] < Lawouach> the problem with that call is that the built-in socket.ssl does not do certificate verification
[08:01] < MS-> And you remove it from the selector to prevent any accidental reading?
[08:01] < Lawouach> I've tried the new ssl module but no luck
[08:01] < Lawouach> it would close the connection eventually
[08:01] < Lawouach> can't find out why
[08:01] < Lawouach> yes
[08:01] < MS-> In which case that code is safe :)
[08:01] < MS-> which is cool
[08:01] < Lawouach> eh eh not my first time officer :)
[08:02] < MS-> I realise that, just asking the dumb questions to check I understand :)
[08:02] < Lawouach> Anyhow I think my code is just a proof that it can work without breaking the whole API
[08:02] < MS-> That clearly works nicely
[08:02] < Lawouach> To make it into the repository we'll need a bit more code review
[08:03] < Lawouach> The isSSL attribute is a necessary flag
[08:03] < Lawouach> In the _safeReceive method, when the data read is empty the default behavior is to shutdown the connection
[08:03] < Lawouach> however in a SSL context, the SSL object may be simply trying to read when the buffer is empty
[08:04] < Lawouach> which should not close down the connection per se
[08:04] < MS-> hm
[08:04] < Lawouach> so that flag helps in one or two places to basically say "oh that's ok indeed"
[08:04] < MS-> I see
[08:05] < Lawouach> http://pastebin.com/d15f40e95
[08:05] < Lawouach> I've updated the paste
[08:06] < Lawouach> See the read/send methods
[08:06] < Lawouach> when the SSL layer has starved the buffer and tries a read again it raises those errors
[08:06] < MS-> return self.sslobj.read(size) can happily return 0
[08:06] < Lawouach> But it's not an indication that the socket closed
[08:06] < MS-> or rather an object of zero size
[08:06] < MS-> fun and games
[08:07] < Lawouach> well
[08:07] < Lawouach> you're kidding but that only aspect actually took me hours to find out
[08:07] < Lawouach> because in a normal socket behavior that really means "close down the connection"
[08:07] < Lawouach> :)
[08:07] < MS-> I'm sure it took time
[08:08] < MS-> "fun & games" is what I say when most other people say "complete sod"
[08:08] < Lawouach> :p
[08:08] < Lawouach> well on the whole it took me two evenings
[08:08] < Lawouach> so that's ok
[08:08] < Lawouach> and I learnt more about the ConnectedSocketAdapter module
[08:09] < Lawouach> so that's cool :)
[08:09] < MS-> Cool
[08:09] < Lawouach> I'll let you be now :)
[08:09] < MS-> It's one of the oldest modules, and been modified over time, but shows it's age I think
[08:10] < Lawouach> Oh yes
[08:10] < Lawouach> The code is... not pretty pretty :)
[08:10] < Lawouach> but it works well
[08:10] < MS-> Yep
[08:10] < MS-> Pays attention to correctness as well
[08:11] < Lawouach> indeed :)
[08:12] < Lawouach> anyway that now means I can play my XMPP code against Google Talk :)
[08:12] < Lawouach> That's fun :)
[08:13] < MS-> Excellent :)
[08:14] < MS-> You've seen this trick from here:
[08:14] < MS-> http://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kamaelia/branches/private_MPS_Scratch/Apps/Kamaelia-Grey/App/greylisting.py?revision=3684&view=markup
[08:15] < MS-> 600 class GreylistServer(MoreComplexServer):
[08:15] < MS-> ..
[08:15] < MS-> 605 class TCPS(TCPServer): 606
[08:15] < MS-> CSA = NoActivityTimeout(ConnectedSocketAdapter, timeout=config["inactivity_timeout"], debug=False)
[08:15] < MS-> I presume?
[08:16] < MS-> enablig...
[08:16] < MS-> class SSLServer(MoreComplexServer):
[08:16] < MS-> class TCPS(TCPServer):
[08:16] < MS-> CSA = SylvainsNewVersionOfCSA # ?
[08:17] < Lawouach> I didn't remember it no
[08:18] < Lawouach> well
[08:18] < Lawouach> the pb is that I had to modify TCPClient
[08:18] < Lawouach> to add two boxes
[08:19] < Lawouach> a makessl as an inbox
[08:19] < Lawouach> a sslready as an outbox
[08:19] < MS-> yes
[08:19] < Lawouach> so you can't just use your trick above ;)
[08:19] < MS-> In which case I need to think of a way to make that trick more capable :-)
[08:19] < MS-> Which is neat
[08:19] < MS-> I like that sort of problem
[08:20] < MS-> Whether we'd want to use it, dunno :)
[08:20] < Lawouach> :)
[08:22] < MS-> OK, afk. Back late this evening. (ie after 10pm) if back on at all today :)
[08:22] < MS-> have a nice day
[08:22] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
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[10:19] < vmlemon> Hi
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[18:05] < orphans> mhrd, Lawouach, ping?
[18:06] < Lawouach> pong
[18:07] < orphans> hey, you got a moment to look at some code - I'm getting 100% cpu usage and I have no idea why :)
[18:08] < Lawouach> sure
[18:08] < Lawouach> shoot
[18:09] < orphans> erm, maybe easier if I do a commit - that cool by you?
[18:09] < Lawouach> yeap
[18:16] < orphans> Lawouach, ok - commited. the thing which is dodgy is UITest.py - if you have a console echoer after the OSC element it works fine, but if you stick a simplepeer the cpu jumps to 100%
[18:18] < Lawouach> hang on
[18:19] < Lawouach> meh
[18:19] < Lawouach> I forgot to install OSC
[18:19] *** Lawouach is reading orphans's INSTALL instructions
[18:19] < orphans> :) yay!
[18:20] *** orphans notices install instructions are wrong :S
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[18:21] < Lawouach> bah
[18:21] < Lawouach> so I launch UITest.py
[18:21] < Lawouach> what should I do next?
[18:22] < orphans> ok, in UITest.py uncomment the line which creates the SimplePeer and the line which links it in the graphline
[18:22] < orphans> and see your cpu shoot up :)
[18:24] < Lawouach> indeed
[18:25] < orphans> kinda finding it hard to see where that's happening though, given that you're just sticking an extra component in the chain
[18:25] < Lawouach> the SimplePeer doesn't have a self.pause()
[18:25] < Lawouach> That'd explain the CPU consumption
[18:25] < orphans> yeah, I saw that - should it have?
[18:26] < orphans> :)
[18:27] < Lawouach> bingo
[18:27] < Lawouach> I added it and the CPU does fine
[18:27] < Lawouach> weird it missed it
[18:27] < orphans> how come if you just pipeline a chargen to the SimplePeer it doesn't happen?
[18:27] < orphans> (as is in the simplepeer tests)
[18:28] < Lawouach> I'm not sure
[18:30] < orphans> fair enough :)
[18:31] < orphans> should I email a patch to put the pause in to the list?
[18:33] < Lawouach> You may yes but I think MS could have an explanation :)
[18:34] < orphans> k - I'll ask MS when he's around. Cheers for the help Lawouach
[18:34] < Lawouach> np
[18:35] *** orphans will hopefully have the first bit of sound playing over the next half-hour or so
[18:50] < Lawouach> :)
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[20:39] *** Davbo wonders how he ever programmed Java without Eclipse
[21:25] < Davbo> s/programmed/ coded in
[21:25] < Davbo> don't want Sun suing me for libel over these IRC logs ;)
[21:26] *** Davbo didn't actually program Java. - It's the last programming language I'd want to take credit for
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