[00:02] < Davbo> My eyes!! agh!!
[00:02] < Davbo> the pain!!
[00:02] *** Davbo just looked at the Google groups Kamaelia page :P
[00:24] < Davbo> night folks
[00:31] *** bcarlyon|nub has joined #kamaelia
[00:34] *** bcarlyon|nub is now known as bcarlyon|laptop
[05:01] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[06:45] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[06:50] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[06:55] *** Lawouach1 has joined #kamaelia
[07:51] *** Lawouach1 can't wait for the new UbuntuStudio :)
[09:36] < bcarlyon|ubuntu> agreed
[09:50] < Lawouach1> http://kenshirosahn.info/fr/home.html nice music
[09:56] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[10:00] < vmlemon> Hi
[10:16] *** vmlemon has just joined the Kamaelia Google Group
[10:48] < Lawouach> so have I
[10:55] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:56] < vmlemon_> kamaeliabot: ecky
[10:56] Reply: Ptang!
[10:57] < vmlemon_> kamaeliabot: dance
[10:57] Reply: does the macarena
[11:36] < Lawouach1> sad http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
[12:16] *** orphans has joined #kamaelia
[13:07] *** orphans_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:08] *** orphans_ is now known as orphans
[13:13] *** bcarlyon|nub has joined #kamaelia
[13:14] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[13:25] < Davbo> Afternoon all
[13:28] < bcarlyon|nub> Afternoon
[13:28] < Davbo> ooo distribution upgrade :)
[13:30] < orphans> hey Davbo
[13:30] < bcarlyon|nub> ubuntu?
[13:30] < orphans> and bcarlyon|lsrfm
[13:30] < orphans> |nub
[13:30] < bcarlyon|nub> hey orphans
[13:30] *** bcarlyon|nub is now known as bcarlyon|laptop
[13:30] < Davbo> Yeah bcarlyon|laptop
[13:30] < bcarlyon|laptop> i should really update my auto join command.....
[13:30] < bcarlyon|laptop> must of just come on wasnt on earlier for upgrade....
[13:31] < Davbo> Kubuntu is anyway
[13:31] < Davbo> presume they all are
[13:32] < Davbo> brb gotta phone UPS
[13:48] < Davbo> UPS coming tomorrow to pick up my EEE PC :(
[13:48] < Davbo> wonder how long it will take them to replace a keyboard.
[13:54] < orphans> Davbo, how did you get your blog on planet-soc?
[13:54] < orphans> i followed the instructions and still get access denied
[13:54] < Davbo> you can't log in?
[13:55] < Davbo> apparently it can take a while for them to activate your account
[13:55] < Davbo> having to double check on the projects page
[13:55] < orphans> no, I can log in and I've had it activated, but when I go to the "add my blog" it gives me access denied
[13:56] < Davbo> "Create Content" - > "Feed"
[13:56] < Davbo> thats what i did
[13:57] < orphans> :s - I get create content, but it'll only let me add forum posts
[13:58] < Davbo> hmm perhaps they need to confirm you're on BBC Research
[13:59] < Davbo> http://planet-soc.com/user/29
[14:00] < orphans> http://planet-soc.com/user/174
[14:00] < bcarlyon|lsrfm> i dont know what my number is.....
[14:00] < orphans> I'll wait for a bit and see if anything changes
[14:01] < bcarlyon|lsrfm> http://planet-soc.com/user/163
[14:01] < Davbo> I have a feeling webchick probably has to confirm you then your permissions will update
[14:04] < orphans> yeah, sounds likely :)
[14:11] < orphans> yay, first commit :)
[14:11] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[14:11] < Davbo> :D
[14:12] < Davbo> hey vmlemon_
[14:12] < orphans> now gotta go into uni to learn some questions. Biab
[14:12] < Davbo> cya orphans
[14:12] < vmlemon_> Hi
[14:13] < vmlemon_> Is that everyone on the group, now?
[14:15] < vmlemon_> I see that it's eco-friendly thanks to the choice of colour scheme ;)
[14:16] < vmlemon_> (Or so some would reckon)
[14:17] < Davbo> hehe :)
[14:18] < Davbo> hmm not all the GSoC students are on there yet
[14:19] < vmlemon_> Yay for WebCitation.org
[14:21] < Davbo> ah, cool :D
[14:21] < vmlemon_> and anyone can make it archive stuff
[14:23] < vmlemon_> It's supposed to be a research tool, but I use it for "freezing" pastebin posts and as a way of logging progress on a project I'm involved in
[14:24] < vmlemon_> (I feed it the /status page, whenever it gets updated)
[14:32] < Davbo> Agh this Kubuntu distribution upgrade is horrible
[14:32] < Davbo> just going to reinstall i think
[14:32] < bcarlyon|lsrfm> 3 hour update time for my ubuntu....
[14:32] < vmlemon_> Something broke?
[14:33] < Davbo> yeah getting a lot of errors
[14:33] < Davbo> got some pretty hacky fixes for things on here though
[14:34] < vmlemon_> I wonder why *buntu don't have Kamaelia in their repositories...
[14:38] < Davbo> well they'll only do that if we get an app they want to include on there
[14:38] < vmlemon_> It would be cool, though
[14:38] < Davbo> yup
[14:39] < vmlemon_> Would Compose or the Bouncing Cat game be a killer app for it? ;)
[14:48] *** vmlemon_ saw a German kitchen truck with "Häcker" on the side, earlier...
[15:38] < vmlemon_> kamaeliabot: dance
[15:38] Reply: does the macarena
[15:39] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[15:40] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[15:40] < j_baker> Hello guys
[15:46] < vmlemon_> Hi, j_baker
[15:50] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[16:00] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[16:01] < j_baker> Hello vmlemon_
[16:01] < j_baker> Hello Davbo
[16:02] < j_baker> Wow, my university sent everyone an announcement about safe blogging...
[16:02] < Davbo> Hello
[16:02] < j_baker> Can't count the number of blogging related injuries I've sustained... :P
[16:03] < Davbo> lol
[16:03] < Davbo> Yeah, gotta watch out for bloggers cramp
[16:04] < j_baker> "Avoid posting photos that allow people to identify you (street signs, license plates, school logo clothing, etc.), especially images that are sexually suggestive or display illegal activity (e.g. drinking under age, drug use, etc)."
[16:04] < j_baker> Guess I need to take down all those pictures of me doing crack/cocaine from my facebook.
[16:07] < Davbo> lol
[16:09] < Davbo> Going to try KDE 4
[16:55] < j_baker> Going to class guys. Later!
[16:55] *** j_baker has parted #kamaelia
[17:18] *** mhrd_afk has parted #kamaelia
[17:28] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[17:53] *** Chong- has joined #kamaelia
[17:53] < Chong-> Evening, all.
[17:55] < vmlemon_> Hi Chong-
[17:59] < Chong-> Hi, vmlemon_
[18:01] < vmlemon_> Back in a sec
[18:03] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:04] < vmlemon_> Hi again
[18:05] < Chong-> vmlemon_: hi, have you restarted your machine?:-)
[18:05] < vmlemon_> Nah, I decided to connect my laptop to my phone to use it as a modem
[18:06] < vmlemon_> (I was using IRC on the phone itself a few moments ago)
[18:08] < Chong-> I see. You just changed a machine:-)
[18:08] < vmlemon_> Hah, http://house404.co.uk/24042008152.jpg
[18:14] < Chong-> Interesting, a kichen company named hacker.
[18:17] < Chong-> I suppose you want to show that van by posting the picture, don't you?:-)
[18:19] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[18:21] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[18:25] < vmlemon_> o.O http://promo.mondogames.com/promo/MondoCuisto/en/60x468_2.gif
[18:25] < vmlemon_> Probably the strangest advert I've ever seen on an open-source project site
[18:28] < Chong-> cool:-)
[18:29] < vmlemon_> (http://www.kpym.com/en/Download.htm - a telnet server, to be precise)
[18:29] < vmlemon_> Dunno what the next advert will be on the rotation, though
[18:29] < vmlemon_> Aah, it's still the same one here
[18:40] < Chong-> it could be a very useful tool in windows.
[18:42] < vmlemon_> Still, not sure why they're running a snail cooking game on that site...
[18:42] < vmlemon_> *game ad
[18:42] < vmlemon_> One of life's great mysteries...
[18:42] < vmlemon_> ;)
[18:47] < jle> SPOILER ALERT! Keyword matching and/or default ads. :)
[18:47] < vmlemon_> Hah
[18:53] < Chong-> yes. ads 'Free game!'
[18:59] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[18:59] < Davbo> Yeah KDE 4 isn't ready yet
[18:59] < Davbo> someone put it back in the oven
[19:00] < vmlemon_> Did they set the timer? ;)
[19:00] < vmlemon_> Just hope that they don't leave it in too long and cremate it
[19:01] < Davbo> :)
[19:02] < Davbo> Just wasted a good few hours using it
[19:02] < Davbo> you can tell it's going to be good
[19:02] < Davbo> just...not yet
[19:03] < vmlemon_> I guess that the aroma will be tempting, even if it doesn't taste very good yet
[19:03] < Davbo> You've really killed that joke now vmlemon_ :P
[19:04] < vmlemon_> Haha
[19:04] < Davbo> also gonna buy a wireless card that works better on linux
[19:04] < Davbo> mine is awful
[19:05] < vmlemon_> "Get the fire brigade in!"
[19:05] < Davbo> Anyone know a good WLAN card?
[19:05] Reply: Hm?
[19:05] < vmlemon_> It needs NDISwrapper to function?
[19:05] < Davbo> Yeah
[19:05] < vmlemon_> I'm happy with the Atheros cards
[19:06] < Davbo> and another hack along with NDIS
[19:06] < vmlemon_> At least with the one I'm using, although it doesn't work with x86-64 due to a driver issue
[19:06] < vmlemon_> at the moment
[19:07] < vmlemon_> (There is heated discussion about that on the MadWifi Bugzilla, as well as some now resolved issues over the legality of the patches involved)
[19:07] < Davbo> http://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/products/wireless/#pid88170
[19:07] < vmlemon_> (AR5007EG)
[19:07] < Davbo> hmm
[19:08] < vmlemon_> Strangely enough, I got it to work, but not my Ethernet chipset
[19:08] *** Davbo starts downloading regular Kubuntu :(
[19:10] < Davbo> I have this really cool little box for my xbox though, it's got an ethernet port and a USB port. Plug it in, configure and WLAN!
[19:10] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[19:10] < vmlemon_> You could always try it with your Linux machine
[19:10] < MS-> evening
[19:10] < vmlemon_> Hi MS-
[19:11] < vmlemon_> It might work if you're lucky
[19:11] < Davbo> Yeah it works fine,
[19:11] < vmlemon_> Aah
[19:11] < Davbo> Just want a PCI card really
[19:11] < Davbo> Evenin' MS-
[19:13] *** vmlemon_ notes that Wi-Fi cards with Broadcom chipsets should be avoided at all costs, if you want a decent Wi-Fi experience on Linux without needing to deal with painful stuff like broken semi-binary drivers and NDISwrapper, from what he's read/heard...
[19:13] < Davbo> Heh, my current card doesn't have a brand :)
[19:14] < vmlemon_> Although I don't know if it applies to all cards with Broadcom chipsets
[19:14] < Davbo> I use a driver with a chipset that is "close" to the same
[19:15] < vmlemon_> SiS--
[19:15] *** Davbo thinks Canonical should push people to use torrents more
[19:15] < vmlemon_> sis190--
[19:16] *** vmlemon_ wonders if NDISwrapper works with Ethernet card drivers...
[19:16] < Davbo> it does vmlemon_
[19:16] < vmlemon_> I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, seeing as they both use NDIS on Windows
[19:17] < vmlemon_> just in slightly different ways
[19:17] < vmlemon_> I'd try it just to at least get some form of Ethernet networking, though
[19:18] < vmlemon_> Short of buying a USB Ethernet adapter
[19:19] < vmlemon_> Seeing as it doesn't work whatsoever at the moment, unless I really wanted to use Vista
[19:19] < vmlemon_> which I don't
[19:19] < Davbo> No way for me to use Ethernet really
[19:20] < Davbo> Although those things that use your house mains plugs as an ethernet look cool :P
[19:20] < Davbo> funny how next door could use one and connect to your network though
[19:20] < vmlemon_> I once spent about 4 hours modifying the driver source code file to make it probe for the ISA ID (seeing as my laptop vendor decided to use a completely different one to everyone else, for the same chipset), without luck
[19:21] < vmlemon_> (including finding out how to build and install a new kernel RPM)
[19:21] < vmlemon_> containing the patch
[19:21] *** Davbo has given up on the torrent (100kb/s) now using HEAnet at 900kb/s
[19:21] < vmlemon_> sis190 Gigabit Ethernet driver 1.2 loaded.
[19:21] < vmlemon_> sis190: probe of 0000:00:04.0 failed with error -5
[19:21] < vmlemon_> Is all dmesg tells me about it
[19:22] < Davbo> ISA ID?
[19:22] < vmlemon_> That's what the driver supposedly looks for
[19:23] < vmlemon_> according to an ancient post I dug up ages ago about someone else with the same issue
[19:23] < vmlemon_> which they supposedly resolved by modifying the driver
[19:24] < Davbo> Ah, interesting
[19:25] < Davbo> HEAnet is always such a fast mirror
[19:25] < vmlemon_> I find that the Puzzle mirror is usually awful
[19:25] < Davbo> Although I think at university if you download from Kent I think it comes down JANET
[19:26] < Davbo> stupidly fast
[19:26] < vmlemon_> Kent and the Japanese (JAISC?) mirror seem to work well, though
[19:27] < vmlemon_> and are fairly fast, from what I can tell
[19:28] < Davbo> Yeah
[19:29] < vmlemon_> I don't know why the Puzzle mirror is so crappy (it seems to be extremely slow, and often times out before it manages so serve anything, from my experience with it)
[19:29] < vmlemon_> I end up having to manually change the mirror before downloading stuff, unless I happen to be lucky
[19:30] < Davbo> If it's on sf.net, you should sign-up and set your default
[19:31] < Davbo> Got a ton of work to do, back later
[19:31] < vmlemon_> OK
[19:32] < vmlemon_> Hah, "(Of course, these aren't really mirrors, because that would mean they stored all the bits backwards, which wouldn't be of much use, would it? But we call them mirrors just the same.)"
[19:35] < Davbo> Hah :)
[19:38] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[19:39] < Davbo> Why do BBC Radio still use RealPlayer
[19:47] < MS-> Because it works, and probably for live content it's the most platform independent thing they have
[19:47] < MS-> < /wildstabinthedark>
[19:47] < MS-> Seriously though real player was picked and used for so long because it supported so many platforms
[19:48] < Davbo> Yeah I can see that
[19:48] < MS-> Everything from FreeBSD/Solaris/Linux all the way through to more common platforms
[19:48] < Davbo> but it feels like a temporary solution, surprises me they don't get you to make something better :P
[19:48] < MS-> http://www.slideshare.net/kamaelian/scaling-streaming-concepts-research-goals
[19:49] < MS-> That was the theory behind kamaelia in the first place actually
[19:49] < MS-> But BBC politics got in the way
[19:49] < Davbo> oh :(
[19:49] < Davbo> well that shut me up
[19:49] < Davbo> :)
[19:49] < MS-> :-)
[19:49] < MS-> That presentation was a backdoor release of Kamaelia concepts.
[19:50] < MS-> Slides 31 - 43 essentially contain a mini-axon
[19:51] < Davbo> cool, i'll have a look later
[19:51] < MS-> slides 47 - 66 contain basic code
[19:51] < Davbo> having a StringTokenizer nightmare
[19:52] < MS-> I'd been told that if I couldn't get auth to get kamaelia released that the chief scientist could happily authorise a white paper or similar which was massively overlong with an appropriate permissive license on it
[19:52] < MS-> But it would require a public presentation with the same contents to occur :-)
[19:52] < MS-> BBC is a wierd place
[19:52] < MS-> What's your nightmare?
[19:53] < Davbo> I've got this data which i read in from some files, then i read in a query in the form "select x where y is > z"
[19:54] < MS-> k
[19:54] < Davbo> just writing the tokenizer for the query now
[19:54] < MS-> Which, I'm guessing is java
[19:54] < Davbo> unfortunately
[19:54] < Davbo> Yeah.
[19:54] *** MS- sympathises
[19:54] < Davbo> Thank you :)
[19:56] *** MS- notes a 5 minute to Heroes season 2 warning
[19:56] < Davbo> Where you up to in Season 2?
[19:59] < MS-> It starts on BBC 2 tonight
[19:59] < Davbo> Ah, enjoy.
[19:59] < MS-> I don't do illegal downloads :)
[20:00] < Davbo> That must be difficult.
[20:00] < MS-> (for various reasons, but 2 big ones - 1) I like decent quality video 2) I don't like mid-seasons breaks )
[20:01] < MS-> I do have sky though - so it works out :)
[20:01] < Davbo> Yeah
[20:04] *** MS- is now known as ms-tv
[20:06] *** Davbo Agree's, if I had sky I probably wouldn't
[20:48] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[20:55] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[21:16] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[21:16] *** ms-tv is now known as ms-
[21:23] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[21:26] < Davbo> What did you think ms-?
[21:27] < ms-> Good start to the season IMO
[21:28] < ms-> Esp given the "volume" structure of season 1
[21:28] < ms-> I've heard about the complaints about season 2, but from what I hear they're probably from people who don't read books :)
[21:28] < ms-> (handbags at dawn)
[21:29] < ms-> Provides questions, answers them, but in doing so provides bigger questions
[21:29] < ms-> Which seems pretty in keeping :)
[21:29] < Davbo> Haha lol
[21:30] *** Davbo reads books, that's what helps me spot bad writing.
[21:30] < Davbo> and at least the start of season two is awful.
[21:30] < ms-> I was more referring to pace
[21:30] < Davbo> I watched first 2 or 3.
[21:30] < ms-> The pace seems about right
[21:30] < ms-> bad writing (in various respects) is par for the course with sf
[21:31] < ms-> First one seem fine overall though
[21:31] < Davbo> First one was okay, 1 very good episode but pretty mediocre.
[21:33] < Davbo> I'm surprised what the writers did to "fan-favorite" character that show though.
[21:34] < ms-> Well, I'll wait and see others until I judge
[21:34] < Davbo> (you'll see) :)
[21:34] < ms-> It's clear that Hiro is going to be Kensei though
[21:34] < ms-> MInd you that was clear at the end of last season
[21:35] < ms-> SInce it's the relatively obvious fun path to go down, but how you get there is the interesting part
[21:36] < ms-> (I've deliberately not watched the "heroes unmasked" thing - though I've recorded it)
[21:36] < Davbo> Yeah, they go down a long path, that's for sure.
[21:36] < Davbo> All network TV in america suffers from that though
[21:37] < Davbo> they just can't wrap up story-lines
[21:37] < ms-> Well, to be fair Heroes S1 *did* wrap up story lines
[21:38] *** vmlemon_ wonders what the current discussion relates to
[21:38] < Davbo> partially. *points to manhole cover*
[21:38] < ms-> No, that's traditional "opening up doors"
[21:38] < ms-> People have been doing that since (before) Sherlock Holmes
[21:39] < ms-> Heck, in Wrath of Kahn, the whole "Remember" scene
[21:39] < ms-> was added on set by the director
[21:39] < ms-> The director had done a *huge* amount of TV and was used to putting in hooks for allowing optional storylines later on
[21:39] < Davbo> That was what i liked about the first season - "Save the cheerleader, save the world". They set out from the top what was going to happen (sorta)
[21:40] < ms-> Yep
[21:40] < ms-> Complete with showing us the big boom
[21:40] < Davbo> Yeah
[21:40] < Davbo> Without that in the second season it's too slow IMO.
[21:41] < Davbo> one of the storylines i couldn't care less about at all.
[21:41] < ms-> *shrug* I'll wait and see
[21:42] *** Davbo nods, also loves Wrath of Kahn :P
[21:42] *** Davbo does his "KAAAAAAAHN!!!" impression
[21:58] < Davbo> Yeah it usually has that effect on people, bad impression.
[22:01] < ms-> heh
[22:08] < Davbo> Ah it just occured to me I was going about this the wrong way
[22:09] < Davbo> Thought it seemed strange, had a bit of redundancy in the code
[22:09] < Davbo> well a lot actually
[22:12] < Davbo> It would be interesting to re-implement lots of the stuff i've done at uni using Kamaelia
[22:13] < Davbo> If I implemented Axon in Jython i could probably submit my Java executables that way and they'd be none-the-wiser
[22:13] < Davbo> until they looked at the code :)
[22:15] < Davbo> At least I think I could.
[22:15] *** Davbo doesn't know how Jython works
[22:15] < vmlemon_> It works with voodoo ;)
[22:15] < vmlemon_> and a Magic Button, which no-one knows about
[22:21] < Davbo> lol :)
[22:21] < vmlemon_> Until it gets reverse-engineered, of course ;)
[22:22] < Davbo> hehe
[22:23] < ms-> Last time I tried a mini axon, it worked on on Jython
[22:23] < vmlemon_> (Although the voodoo bit is probably patented by troll headquartered in Bermuda ;) )
[22:23] < vmlemon_> *some troll
[22:23] < Davbo> I have a horrible feeling that I should have used generics for this
[22:23] < Davbo> is it just Python code that compiles to Java ms-?
[22:24] < ms-> Python compiles to bytecode
[22:24] < ms-> Java compiles to bytecode
[22:24] < ms-> Jython compiles python to java bytecode
[22:24] < ms-> essentially
[22:24] < Davbo> Ah I see
[22:24] < ms-> There's a bit more to it
[22:24] < ms-> But that's essentially the idea
[22:24] < Davbo> I see, that must be difficult to maintain
[22:29] < Davbo> Generics are awful. Do they exist in Python?
[22:30] < vmlemon_> Davbo: You could obfuscate the bytecode and wait for them to try Jad or similar on it ;)
[22:30] < ms-> I've not looked at what a java generic is. I suspect they're not needed
[22:31] < Davbo> Hehe, I had to google "obfuscate" but that sounds like a good idea vmlemon_ :)
[22:31] < ms-> Ah, I see, like templated variables
[22:32] < ms-> or templated types if you prefer
[22:32] < ms-> from C++
[22:32] < ms-> Yes, they're not needed in python
[22:32] < Davbo> Yeah like in C++
[22:32] < Davbo> I can see why you wouldn't need them in python
[22:32] < Davbo> partially they avoid "casting"
[22:33] < Davbo> which happens differently in Python
[22:33] < ms-> It you look at http://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kamaelia/trunk/Code/CPP/Scratch/miniaxon.cpp?revision=68&view=markup
[22:34] < ms-> You'll note:
[22:34] < ms-> 75 list< Microprocess*> active;
[22:34] < ms-> 76 list< Microprocess*> newqueue;
[22:34] < ms-> 77 list< Microprocess*>::iterator current;
[22:34] < ms-> Which of course in python you just don't care
[22:34] < Davbo> I see
[22:34] < Davbo> yeah
[22:34] < Davbo> that's like Generics
[22:34] < ms-> since things *default* to that sort of thing
[22:34] < ms-> in python
[22:34] < ms-> Due to duck typing rather than explicit typing
[22:34] < Davbo> My lecturer showed us a poll that happened after they added generics to Java and largely people don't like it as far as i can tell
[22:36] < Davbo> Anyway, you never "need" to use them. You get a warning saying your code is unsafe when you compile though
[22:38] < Davbo> Gah, C++ is as bad as Java.
[22:38] < Davbo> fortunately it's not horribly slow
[22:38] < ms-> Nah, Java is worse
[22:39] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[22:40] < Davbo> lol :)
[22:40] < Davbo> Hi j_baker
[22:40] < j_baker> Hello everyone
[22:41] < Davbo> You have a vendetta with Java though ms-
[22:41] < ms-> No, it just seems like a great mechanism to waste time with
[22:41] < ms-> It's COBOL for a new generation
[22:42] < j_baker> What language do you do most of your "real" work in ms-?
[22:42] < Davbo> I imagine when i'm going back to university after summer i'm going to dread going back to Java
[22:43] < ms-> j_baker: Python
[22:43] < j_baker> At least you don't have to do C# Davbo...
[22:43] < Davbo> lol I'd love to do C#
[22:43] < j_baker> Although I've programmed with Java a couple of times and I can definitely feel your frustration.
[22:43] < j_baker> C# isn't really that bad a language. It's just too... Microsoft-centric.
[22:44] < ms-> Everytime I've had to do anything with Java, I feel like I've wasted time and effort for very little actual benefit
[22:44] < j_baker> It wouldn't be so bad if Mono didn't suck.
[22:45] < Davbo> Hmm, is the Mono C# compiler that bad?
[22:46] < j_baker> Well, it doesn't do a lot of things.
[22:46] < j_baker> Microsoft is up to .NET 3.5 now and Mono is still catching up to .NET 2.0
[22:46] < Davbo> I see
[22:47] < j_baker> I had actually thought about doing a programming assignment in Mono so I don't have to use VS on my macbook, but ultimately nixed that idea.
[22:52] < vmlemon_> Night
[22:53] < Davbo> night vmlemon_
[22:54] < j_baker> night
[23:07] *** ms- calls it a night
[23:08] *** ms- has to be up early tomorrow
[23:08] < ms-> Night all :-)
[23:08] *** ms- is now known as ms-away
[23:10] < Davbo> Night