[12:51] *** kamaeliabot has joined #kamaelia
[12:55] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[12:55] < MS-> afternoon
[12:55] *** MS- back
[12:55] < vmlemon_> Hi
[12:55] < orphans> hey MS-
[12:56] < orphans> good holiday?
[12:56] < MS-> looks like the logger (well, the machine running the logger) crashed on April 1st
[12:56] < MS-> orphans: yes thanks :)
[12:56] < MS-> much needed - first proper holiday in a very long while
[12:56] < orphans> kamaeliabot: dance
[12:56] Reply: does the macarena
[12:56] < orphans> :)
[12:57] < orphans> MS-: cool
[12:57] *** MS- notes the application deadline was extended
[13:01] *** MS- notes an application proposes as a 3 months project an idea that I implemented in an evening a week before LUG Radio last year which is described (in detail) in one of the kamaelia presentations on slideshare
[13:01] < MS-> (tree based P2P restreaming of live video)
[13:01] < MS-> Only difference is it uses vlc rather than mplayer
[13:01] < MS-> (as the playback client)
[13:04] < MS-> described here for those curious http://www.slideshare.net/kamaelian/building-systems-with-kamaelia
[13:09] < MS-> Builds up to it, and starts with the P2P core on around slide 40
[13:09] < MS-> (A P2P core is pretty trivial with kamaelia since you just publish data you recieve to a backplane
[13:09] < MS-> and then pick up the data from the backplane for playback and for any new clients
[13:10] < MS-> OOh, simon89 - I don't suppose you have a further iteration do you?
[13:10] < MS-> :)
[13:13] *** MS- guess simon89's not around
[13:13] *** MS- checks mail
[13:13] < MS-> (though that'll've been dead for 4 days too)
[13:27] < MS-> ~700 emails at home...
[13:27] *** simon89 is back
[13:28] < MS-> ~4000 emails at work
[13:28] < MS-> only nearly 5000 mails from a week away, not too shabby
[13:29] *** MS- might declare email bankruptcy
[13:29] < orphans> :-o
[13:30] < orphans> 5000?!?
[13:30] < orphans> how much of that is spam?
[13:30] < vmlemon_> Ouch
[13:30] < vmlemon_> o.O http://port25.technet.com/archive/2008/04/01/microsoft-open-source-initiative.aspx
[13:32] *** orphans coffees
[13:33] *** simon89 hates april first, you newer know wats true and not :(
[13:35] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:37] < MS-> orphans: My work email spam fillter is pretty awful
[13:38] < orphans> sounds it
[13:38] < MS-> It does catch significant amounts, but about 80-90% of email at work is spam
[13:38] < MS-> what's worse is that I really need to switch on an autoresponder if I'm not there
[13:39] < MS-> so around 30-50% of those emails are bounces from non-existant addresses
[13:39] < MS-> repeating the spams
[13:39] < MS-> My home email is virtually spam free by comparison, due to the spam killer I created last october :-D
[13:40] < MS-> So those 700 emails are likely 95-99% non-spam
[13:40] < MS-> Though I suspect most are mainly gsoc related and largely noise from -discuss
[13:40] < orphans> heh, you're awful popular/subscribe to too many mailing lists
[13:40] < orphans> yeah
[13:41] < MS-> too many mailing lists :)
[13:41] *** vmlemon_ has about 200 e-mails, mostly from mailing lists, and promotional stuff from organizations after only using their site once to download software/specification documents
[13:41] < MS-> Or rather too many high traffic lists
[13:41] < vmlemon_> *new e-mails
[13:57] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[13:58] *** MS- will start reading the logs from when he was away shortly
[13:58] < MS-> Though those are missing huge chunks naturally
[13:58] < MS-> I wonder if anyone else has any logs they're willing to share? (Say from their chat client?)
[13:59] < vmlemon__> I have a few on my box that I connect to with SSH
[13:59] < vmlemon__> if they're any use
[13:59] < MS-> It'd be of interest
[13:59] < vmlemon__> Just a second#
[13:59] < MS-> No rush though :)
[14:00] < vmlemon__> Just need to log in and make a symlink to them
[14:00] < MS-> np
[14:03] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[14:03] < Davbo> Good Afternoon all
[14:04] < vmlemon__> Hi Davbo
[14:04] < orphans> afternoon
[14:06] < vmlemon__> MS-: They should be available at http://house404.co.uk/irclogs/ now
[14:06] < vmlemon__> Not sure why, but my client ended up splitting it into two by Freenode server
[14:12] < MS-> vmlemon_: That's great - thanks :)
[14:12] < Davbo> oh MS- returns, how was the holiday?
[14:13] < MS-> good thanks
[14:13] < vmlemon__> No problem
[14:25] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[14:28] < Davbo> they pushed the delivery of my eeepc back to 11th :(
[14:30] < vmlemon_> Just hope that DHL isn't delivering it... ;)
[14:30] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[14:31] < Davbo> Heh, bad experience vmlemon_ ?
[14:31] < Davbo> Hi Lawouach
[14:31] < vmlemon_> Yeah
[14:31] < Lawouach> hello
[14:31] < vmlemon_> They managed to lose a HDD that I ordered ages ago, and it took about 3 days for them to finally admit that their driver signed for it and sent it elsewhere
[14:32] < vmlemon_> I did get it off them in the end, though
[14:34] < Davbo> Yeah this has to be signed for so hopefully it will be okay :)
[14:36] < vmlemon_> Hah, "Think of Microsoft Windows like the Flu. If you're very careful, you might be able to avoid it -- at least for a while. However sooner or later, you'll get caught. And when you do, you'll fell miserable."
[14:38] < Davbo> lol :P snowing where you are vmlemon_ ?
[14:38] < vmlemon_> No Sno'
[14:39] < Davbo> Just started again quite heavy in Sheffield
[14:39] < orphans> snow? it's well sunny here!
[14:40] < vmlemon_> Grey sky with clouds, and a strong breeze here
[14:45] *** Davbo forgot we shouldn't talk about the bad weather in the UK while Lawouach, make him feel smug ;)
[14:46] < Lawouach> :)
[14:47] < Davbo> "while Lawouach is here" I meant - I've only been awake an hour, can't type :(
[14:48] < MS-> Davbo: I note that you didn't update your application with regard to the problems I noted about multicore aspects. (ie the fact that multicore comes for free when using multiwindow pygame)
[14:48] < Davbo> Hmm? sec.
[14:49] < Lawouach> Hi MS-, hope you enjoyed your break.
[14:50] < Davbo> MS-, okay if I talk to you off-channel?
[14:50] < vmlemon_> o.O "Port 25 is home to the open source community at Microsoft"...
[14:51] < vmlemon_> Hmm, Microsoft has an open source community?
[15:04] < MS-> vmlemon_: Yes, they do.
[15:04] < MS-> which IMO they need to foster for their long term benefit
[15:05] *** MS- makes an on-channel comment regarding the fact that edits that should've happened haven't made it through for some reason. (maybe a bug in the gsoc webapp)
[15:07] < MS-> SNOW!
[15:07] *** MS- sits here with peeling sunburn, and watches the snow :)
[15:07] < Davbo> haha just stopped in Sheffield :(
[15:07] < vmlemon_> Just started up here, now you say that
[15:07] < Davbo> its moved to vmlemon_ lol
[15:08] < orphans> hopefully got a couple of hours before it reaches this far south...
[15:08] < orphans> im sposed to be going to play frisbee at 6 :)
[15:08] < vmlemon_> I wonder if the neighbours will get their washing in before it goes damp...
[15:30] < Davbo> honestly vmlemon_ you can't leave us all in suspense like this
[15:30] < Davbo> :P
[15:31] *** Davbo is dying to know the status of vmlemon_'s neighbours washing
[15:31] < vmlemon_> Hah, the snow has slowed down, and the washing is still out
[15:31] < vmlemon_> And it's still cold...
[15:32] < MS-> Davbo: You missed the obvious pun.
[15:32] *** vmlemon_ is downloading the AIR for Linux Alpha
[15:33] < Davbo> I missed a pun??
[15:33] < MS-> yep
[15:33] < MS-> vmlemon_: left us hanging
[15:33] < vmlemon_> Hah
[15:33] < MS-> seems pretty cut and dried to me
[15:35] *** Davbo cringes
[16:01] *** robertofaga has joined #kamaelia
[16:11] < MS-> robertofaga: were you thinking of putting an application in for kamaelia?
[16:11] < vmlemon_> Hmm, does IronPython work on Mono?
[16:11] < MS-> yes
[16:12] < Lawouach> vmlemon, yes definitely
[16:12] < MS-> jle: Same question goes to you as well :-)
[16:13] < MS-> barrycarlyon: same q to you too :-D
[16:13] < Davbo> This is probably a bad thing to admit to but all my knowledge of Mono is from LugRadio, is it like a .net thing ?
[16:13] < Davbo> lol I'll go look it up
[16:13] < Lawouach> Davbo, it is a free implementation of .NET yes
[16:13] < vmlemon_> Yup, it's a clone/unofficial "port"
[16:14] < MS-> vmlemon_: Microsoft apparently support it
[16:14] < Lawouach> vmlemon, this isn't really true considering .NET is an official standard
[16:14] < Lawouach> there is no clone.
[16:14] < Lawouach> Just implementations
[16:14] < vmlemon_> I was just thinking of downloading a copy of IP to try
[16:14] < vmlemon_> out of curiosity
[16:14] < MS-> To the extent that they've apparently blessed (whatever that means) the moonlight implementation of silverlight on mono
[16:14] < Lawouach> The only bend mono does is that they enforce a closer match of the .NET implementation from Microsoft rather than the specifications
[16:14] < jle> MS-: *cough* With half a day left to go, I doubt I can make an impressive enough application. I'll be at SoC next year though, when I'm hit less by other things during the application time.
[16:14] < Davbo> Oh very clever! what with there being a high demand for .NET developers I could work with it and not feel dirty
[16:15] < vmlemon_> I heard about that...
[16:15] < Lawouach> uh!
[16:15] < vmlemon_> It integrates with your UNIX/GNOME apps too
[16:15] < Lawouach> it snows down here too
[16:15] < MS-> jle: Things that are impressive are ideas and a roughly thought out disucssion of them. Our template is designed to try and help you fwiw
[16:15] < MS-> You can find the template app here: http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/SummerOfCode2006Template
[16:16] < MS-> Mind you you're more than welcome to hang around :)
[16:16] < vmlemon_> and somewhat ironically, there happens to be extensions to integrate with Cocoa on Mac OS X
[16:16] < jle> MS-: Hm. Cheers, I'll take a look. Anyway, I think I'll hang around a while since there's some nice people here.
[16:16] < MS-> :)
[16:17] < vmlemon_> (although I happen to be more of a KDE person, not to start a flamewar ;) )
[16:18] < vmlemon_> Didn't they get ECMA to file it as a standard, eons ago?
[16:18] < Lawouach> They did
[16:19] < Lawouach> .NET and C# are actually great platforms
[16:19] < Lawouach> One downside of IP is that the .NET framework is not really pythonic :)
[16:19] < Davbo> hmm I really don't know much about Mono / .Net but is it a lot like java and the JVM ?
[16:19] < Lawouach> yes
[16:20] < vmlemon_> They adopted quite a lot of concepts from Java, and some would say that they've improved on them
[16:21] < Davbo> Interesting, we program in Java byte-code at Uni (don't laugh :P) is that like programming in this CIL thing
[16:23] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[16:23] < Davbo> although If the alternative to programming in Java byte-code was ASM i'm perfectly happy with the byte-code t
[16:24] < vmlemon__> Ugh, damn connection
[16:24] < vmlemon__> I did try the "Hello World!" C# sample, and found it somewhat novel that I could reuse the same compiled binary on Linux and Windows
[16:25] < vmlemon__> How fun, Firefox's Download Pause/Resume function seems broken
[16:26] *** Davbo just discovered J# and now has a headache
[16:26] < Davbo> so it's Java but for .NET?
[16:27] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[16:27] < vmlemon_> And source compatibility is one-way only, if you decide to use the many .NET-specific features :|
[16:28] < vmlemon_> Although that's pretty much the idea
[16:29] < Davbo> interesting
[16:31] < vmlemon_> I'd assume that they call it J#, since Sun won't let them call it Java without meeting certain stringant requirements
[16:33] < Davbo> Yeah
[16:33] < Davbo> Did everyone see the Vista source code that got leaked? http://i29.tinypic.com/10gidzr.jpg
[16:35] < barrycarlyon> Funny :-)
[16:35] *** vmlemon__ has joined #kamaelia
[16:36] *** Davbo thinks it gives MS too much credit, I doubt they keep to naming conventions :P
[16:37] < vmlemon__> Argh, stupid connection keeps flaking out :(
[16:37] < vmlemon__> Not forgetting the tussle ages ago with them being prevented from shipping their version of the JRE
[16:37] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[16:37] < MS-> Davbo: It's an update of a very very very old joke
[16:39] < MS-> (a not particularly entertaining one at that really)
[16:42] < Davbo> hmm, well it made me chuckle at least
[16:42] < Davbo> I've never seen it before though
[16:49] < Davbo> obviously not on the bleeding edge of internet culture like you are ;)
[16:52] < vmlemon_> What is it?
[16:52] < Davbo> Silly joke about Vista http://i29.tinypic.com/10gidzr.jpg :P
[16:53] < vmlemon_> Hah
[16:58] < vmlemon_> Don't they lace the code with a load of sleep() calls for extended periods of time to slow it down?
[17:01] < Davbo> Made me laugh because I had an error when i first installed Vista that pretty much said "Driver incompatibility error" and had to get a new network adapter
[17:02] < Davbo> despite generic oss drivers working on linux
[17:07] < vmlemon_> Someone should start an effort to port Linux drivers to Vista ;)
[17:08] < barrycarlyon> Just downloaded the mega pack, and running throught the install, installed axon and kamaelia ok but got a "checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables
[17:08] < barrycarlyon> " when i tried to configure dirac...
[17:09] < barrycarlyon> any ideas?
[17:10] < vmlemon_> Installed g++?
[17:10] < barrycarlyon> nope....
[17:11] < vmlemon_> Might explain why...
[17:11] < vmlemon_> (Just a guess)
[17:11] < barrycarlyon> which version of g++ should i get, im on ubuntu, and synaptic package is giving a few options....
[17:11] < barrycarlyon> never mind g++ with no numbers is latest...
[17:11] < vmlemon_> Try the latest version available from the list
[17:12] < vmlemon_> OK
[17:12] < barrycarlyon> oooooh it asked for the cd....
[17:13] < vmlemon_> Try enabling the rest of the repositories, and disabling the CD ones
[17:13] < barrycarlyon> i already put the cd in, im still relatively new to ubuntu :-)
[17:13] < barrycarlyon> (i have the CD)
[17:14] < vmlemon_> Aah
[17:14] < barrycarlyon> should i disable the cd anyway or leave it selected?
[17:15] < vmlemon_> Probably best to disable the CD for now, and let updates come from the repositories
[17:15] < barrycarlyon> thanks :-)
[17:16] < vmlemon_> Might be a good idea to install build-essential (I think, although I haven't used *buntu for a while)
[17:16] < vmlemon_> since it includes most of the other components you'll need for compiling stuff
[17:17] < barrycarlyon> how does one install build-essential?
[17:17] < vmlemon_> Should be listed in Synaptic
[17:17] < vmlemon_> if you do a quick search
[17:17] < barrycarlyon> makes sense :-)
[17:18] < vmlemon_> Might be plural, or it might be called something else, that said
[17:18] < barrycarlyon> didnt take long to download it...that was surprising...
[17:18] < vmlemon_> They're usually fairly compact
[17:19] < vmlemon_> You might need -dev/-devel packages for certain things later
[17:19] < vmlemon_> Shame that the toolchain/compilers don't come on the CD with the rest of *buntu
[17:19] < barrycarlyon> lol
[17:20] < vmlemon_> Although Fedora don't ship them on the CD either, that said
[17:20] < MS-> Kamaelia doesn't require Dirac to run. Only the dirac components/examples require dirac & dirac bindings to be installed
[17:20] < barrycarlyon> -dev/-devel packages?
[17:20] < MS-> fwiw
[17:21] *** barrycarlyon knows i dont need Dirac but is doing the recommended install :-)
[17:21] < MS-> :)
[17:21] < vmlemon_> They're additional files like headers and utilities needed for compiling certain things
[17:21] *** MS- makes note to self that the recommended install needs updating :)
[17:21] < barrycarlyon> it does say optional c libs....
[17:22] < MS-> indeed :)
[17:22] < vmlemon_> They ought to include them in the packages to save people from trying to find them, although they'll make the packages bulkier (so some reckon)
[17:23] < MS-> vmlemon_: And people wonder why I use suse...
[17:23] < vmlemon_> Kitchen Sink CD, anyone?
[17:23] < barrycarlyon> Yes please ;-)
[17:24] < vmlemon_> It's probably the justification for the gigantic Install DVDs that some distributions offer
[17:24] < vmlemon_> (although they're usually lacking)
[17:24] < barrycarlyon> lol
[17:25] < MS-> vmlemon_: I normally just install everything off a SuSE DVD and be done with it
[17:25] < vmlemon_> Good idea...
[17:25] < MS-> It's only few gig after install after all
[17:25] < vmlemon_> HDDs are large enough these days, and you'll never know when you'll need the extra trinkets
[17:25] *** barrycarlyon might assemble his spare computer and put SuSE on it....
[17:26] *** vmlemon_ is probably one of the few people who haven't tried SuSE yet
[17:27] < MS-> vmlemon_: I started off with a 4 floppy distro many years back, moved to slackware, then redhat, then suse, back to redhat, back to suse, and kinda stuck with it, trying debian & ubuntu periodically to see if it was worth the hassle
[17:28] < MS-> Slowly ubuntu has been getting there IMO
[17:28] < barrycarlyon> new ubuntu in 20 days or so
[17:28] < vmlemon_> Shame that most Linux distributions assume that everyone and their cat/dog have broadband these days...
[17:29] < vmlemon_> (it makes it a real pain to have to download gigantic update packages, if you only have a slow connection)
[17:31] < vmlemon_> Although that's the way of the world
[17:31] < MS-> vmlemon_: Suse tends to use binary deltas
[17:32] < MS-> also the install doesn't require updates to be installed at install time, but does encourage/enable this
[17:32] < vmlemon_> I still need to install about 500+ updates, since I haven't been online for over a year now
[17:32] < barrycarlyon> crikey...
[17:32] < vmlemon_> Which is going to be fun
[17:33] < MS-> cf: patch updates: http://download.opensuse.org/update/10.3/rpm/i586/
[17:33] < MS-> 21K update verse 1.0 MB for example
[17:33] < vmlemon_> Interesting
[17:33] < Davbo> when did openSuse start now?
[17:33] < MS-> ?
[17:33] < MS-> SuSE has been around for yonks
[17:34] < MS-> been open suse for a few years
[17:34] < vmlemon_> Wasn't it back in 2000/2001 for OpenSuSE?
[17:34] < Davbo> I used it as SuSE but never openSuSE
[17:34] < vmlemon_> 4.4 kb/sec according to KPPP :|
[17:34] < MS-> bit later I think. Not much later
[17:34] < Davbo> Must be later i doubt i tinkered with it when i was 11
[17:34] < vmlemon_> Hah, maximum peak speed was 8 kb/sec
[17:35] < MS-> whois on opensuse.org says:
[17:35] < MS-> Created On:05-Jul-2005 18:49:38 UTC
[17:36] *** vmlemon_ checks the Ubuntu website
[17:37] < Davbo> Yeah that sounds more realistic, I remember installing SuSe when I was like 13
[17:38] *** maveriick has joined #kamaelia
[17:39] < maveriick> hi erveybody
[17:39] < Davbo> Hi
[17:39] < vmlemon_> Hi
[17:39] < vmlemon_> If I remember correctly, 130+ of the updates were security related
[17:40] < vmlemon_> (131)
[17:41] < vmlemon_> Yay, a new version of 'eject', just what I always wanted ;)
[17:41] < Davbo> lol
[17:42] < vmlemon_> Ooh, from 2.1.5-5.i386 to 0:2.1.5-7.fc8
[17:47] < Davbo> Hah. Looking at the SuSE website reminded me why I chose to install it over any alternative. It has the best logo
[17:48] < vmlemon_> Innovative way to choose a new OS/Linux distribution ;)
[17:48] < maveriick> Debian logo - isn't it way too cool than Suse?
[17:49] < vmlemon_> [18:47] < TomJ> It's nice that the SXCE install provides a desktop switcher with 4 options. I've often wanted to look at a blank desktop while installing Solaris
[17:49] < Davbo> Nah I still don't like the Debian logo
[17:50] < Davbo> Poor Solaris, some guys from Sun came to Uni to do a talk on Solaris and ZFS
[17:50] < Davbo> interesting stuff from what i heard, i had a lecture at the time though
[17:51] < Davbo> got a bag of swag with a live CD though
[17:51] *** vmlemon_ wants DTrace and ZFS for Linux
[17:51] < Davbo> Shame Solaris has a terrible logo really.
[17:51] < Davbo> :P
[17:52] < vmlemon_> I have some Solaris install CDs lying around...
[17:55] *** dave__ has joined #kamaelia
[17:55] < vmlemon_> Anyone tried SCO OpenServer?
[17:56] *** dave__ is now known as Davbo_
[17:57] < vmlemon_> Be Where? ;)
[17:58] < Davbo_> hehe :)
[17:59] < vmlemon_> Or is that even Bet Here? ;)
[18:00] < Davbo_> lol
[18:00] < MS-> vmlemon_: "Anyone tried SCO OpenServer?" - is that a joke? :-)
[18:00] < Davbo_> My ISP is also a bookies ;)
[18:00] < vmlemon_> You can get a free trial copy from their FTP site...
[18:01] < MS-> but why would I want to?
[18:01] < MS-> :)
[18:01] < vmlemon_> No idea
[18:01] < vmlemon_> I'm sure someone in the world would want that toxic waste
[18:02] < Davbo_> isn't there a lawsuit between SCO and Novell?
[18:02] < vmlemon_> It was pretty useless when I tried it
[18:03] < vmlemon_> Yeah, it involved Red Hat, Novell, and some car companies for some reason
[18:03] < Davbo_> Yeah, all i know of SCO is based off that story i read on /. a while ago now
[18:04] < vmlemon_> Sue Crazy Operation I call them...
[18:06] < vmlemon_> o.O "The photo above is a closeup I took of the tux penguins seen with the human lab inhabitants in the final photo of Steve’s photo tour. You’ll note that the tux-es look healthy and happy. No daggers or other sharp objects have been hurled at them :-)"
[18:12] *** Davbo_ is now known as Davbo
[18:28] < barrycarlyon> Onto installing pygame now, and I get this: nothing in synaptic matches SDL either:
[18:28] < barrycarlyon> Hunting dependencies...
[18:28] < barrycarlyon> sh: sdl-config: not found
[18:28] < barrycarlyon> WARNING: "sdl-config" failed!
[18:28] < barrycarlyon> sh: smpeg-config: not found
[18:28] < barrycarlyon> WARNING: "smpeg-config" failed!
[18:28] < barrycarlyon> Unable to run "sdl-config". Please make sure a development version of SDL is installed.
[18:29] < barrycarlyon> What is SDL?
[18:29] < vmlemon_> libSDL?
[18:30] < barrycarlyon> found it :-)
[18:30] < barrycarlyon> Thanks :-)
[18:31] < vmlemon_> Might need the libSDL-dev or libSDL-devel packages, too
[18:31] < barrycarlyon> installing libSDL-dev
[18:32] < barrycarlyon> the normal was allready installed...
[18:33] < MS-> doesn't ubuntu have a pygame package?
[18:34] < barrycarlyon> ill look
[18:34] < barrycarlyon> nope
[18:34] < MS-> (which is a better option really IMO)
[18:34] < MS-> really?
[18:34] < MS-> how freaky
[18:34] < simon89> in debian its named python-pygame, should be same in ubuntu
[18:34] < barrycarlyon> indeed no it doesnt ....
[18:34] < barrycarlyon> ah yes
[18:34] < barrycarlyon> found it :-)
[18:35] < vmlemon_> Doesn't the Megabundle ship pygame?
[18:35] < barrycarlyon> yi[
[18:35] < barrycarlyon> yip
[18:35] < barrycarlyon> thats where my SDL error came from
[18:35] < vmlemon_> Aah
[18:36] < MS-> vmlemon_: yes, it does, but the intent is "use these if your distro doesn't supply them"
[18:36] < MS-> or "if you experience problems with the version with your distro, try this"
[18:37] < vmlemon_> OK
[18:37] < barrycarlyon> found python ao and python pyrex from distro :-)
[18:41] < MS-> Pyrex is a possible issue BTW
[18:41] < MS-> since it has changed at different points in time
[18:42] < MS-> So you may find you need the version we ship.
[18:42] < barrycarlyon> ah
[18:42] < MS-> But you may not
[18:42] < Davbo> I had to use the one from the megabundle
[18:42] < barrycarlyon> thanks for the heads up :-)
[18:42] *** Davbo is on Xubuntu
[18:43] < Davbo> might work for you though barrycarlyon
[18:43] < barrycarlyon> lol
[18:44] < Davbo> it's hocus pocus ;)
[18:50] < barrycarlyon> im on to "Installing Python support for VorbisSimple" the python binding install its thrown what looks like syntax errors....
[18:51] < barrycarlyon> anywho i have to dissappear for a couple of hours ill be back later if not tomorrow
[18:51] *** barrycarlyon is now known as bcarlyon|away
[18:55] < orphans> pygame is under python-pygame in ubuntu
[18:56] < orphans> might be universe though?
[19:04] < Davbo> He got pygame installed I believe simon89 helped him out :)
[19:04] < orphans> oh crap, sorry. Wasn't scrolled to the bottom :D
[19:05] *** orphans forgets the basics of working modern UIs *sigh*
[19:07] < vmlemon_> Back in a moment
[19:11] *** vmlemon___ has joined #kamaelia
[19:11] < vmlemon___> Hi again
[19:22] *** MS- wanders off for a while
[19:22] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[19:28] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[19:35] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[19:40] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[22:08] < Davbo> night all
[23:57] *** rave has joined #kamaelia
[23:57] < rave> i m here regardin my app
[23:57] < rave> nebdy?
[23:59] < rave> everybdy sleepin
[23:59] < rave> :(