April 2024 - This site, and Kamaelia are being updated. There is significant work needed, and PRs are welcome.

Video Cut Detector

Status: Completed
Current Developers: Matt
Current "inflight" dev location: /Sketches/MH/Video/CutDetector
Start Date: 01 December 2006
Major Milestone date: (met/slipped/missed) (optional)
Expected End Date: n/a
End Date: 10 December 2006
Date this page last updated: 10 December 2006
Estimated effort so far: 3.25


A tool to analyse a video file and output a list of (probable) locations of cuts/shot-changes in the video.

This will serve as useful input data to user controlled video manipulation applications, such as the intended front end for the mobile reframer.

This work was requested as a follow on from the Mobile Reframer - to support the front end interface being developed (a BBC internal project).

This adds a simple shot change detection capability.


Task Sponsor: SJ (BBC internal)
Task Owner: Matt
Developers: Matt
Users: SJ
Interested third parties: None

Relevant Influencing factors:



Video shot change detector command line application

XML Schema defining the output format

New components:



XML Schema:


Realistic possibilities arising as a result of activity on this task


Tasks that directly enable this task (dependencies)

Sub Tasks

Task Log


Developed during weekends.