April 2024 - This site, and Kamaelia are being updated. There is significant work needed, and PRs are welcome.


class TopologyViewerComponent(Kamaelia.UI.MH.PyGameApp.PyGameApp,Axon.Component.component)

TopologyViewerComponent(...) -> new TopologyViewerComponent component.

A component that takes incoming topology (change) data and displays it live using pygame. A simple physics model assists with visual layout. Particle types, appearance and physics interactions can be customised.

Keyword arguments (in order): - screensize -- (width,height) of the display area (default = (800,600)) - fullscreen -- True to start up in fullscreen mode (default = False) - caption -- Caption for the pygame window (default = "Topology Viewer") - particleTypes -- dict("type" -> klass) mapping types of particle to classes used to render them (default = {"-":RenderingParticle}) - initialTopology -- (nodes,bonds) where bonds=list((src,dst)) starting state for the topology (default=([],[])) - laws -- Physics laws to apply between particles (default = SimpleLaws(bondlength=100)) - simCyclesPerRedraw -- number of physics sim cycles to run between each redraw (default=1) - border -- Minimum distance from edge of display area that new particles appear (default=100) - extraDrawing -- Optional extra object to be rendered (default=None) - showGrid -- False, or True to show gridlines (default=True) - transparency -- None, or (r,g,b) colour to make transparent - position -- None, or (left,top) position for surface within pygame window



Methods defined here


__init__(self, screensize, fullscreen, caption, particleTypes, initialTopology, laws, simCyclesPerRedraw, border, extraDrawing, showGrid, transparency, position)

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

_generateXY(self, posSpec)

generateXY(posSpec) -> (x,y) or raises ValueError

posSpec == "randompos" or "auto" -> random (x,y) within the surface (specified border distance in from the edege) posSpec == "(XXX,YYY)" -> specified x,y (positive or negative integers)


Add particles to the system

breakBond(self, source, dest)

Break a bond from source to destination particle, specified by IDs

doCommand(self, msg)

Proceses a topology command tuple:
[ "ADD", "NODE", <id>, <name>, <positionSpec>, <particle type> ] [ "DEL", "NODE", <id> ] [ "ADD", "LINK", <id from>, <id to> ] [ "DEL", "LINK", <id from>, <id to> ] [ "DEL", "ALL" ] [ "GET", "ALL" ]

getParticleLabel(self, node_id)

getParticleLabel(node_id) -> particle's name

Returns the name/label of the specified particle.


getTopology() -> list of command tuples that would build the current topology



keyDownHandler(self, event)

Handle keypresses:
ESCAPE, Q : quits F : toggles fullscreen mode arrows : scroll the view

keyUpHandler(self, event)

Handle releases of keys


Main loop.

Proceses commands from "inbox" inbox, runs physics simulation, then renders display

makeBond(self, source, dest)

Make a bond from source to destination particle, specified by IDs

quit(self, event)

Cause termination.


Remove particle(s) specified by their ids.

Also breaks any bonds to/from that particle.


Render elements to self.screen

scroll(self, (dx, dy))

Scroll the contents being displayed on the surface by (dx,dy) left and up.

selectParticle(self, particle)

Select the specified particle.

updateParticleLabel(self, node_id, new_name)

updateParticleLabel(node_id, new_name) -> updates the given nodes name & visual label if it exists

node_id - an id for an already existing node new_name - a string (may include spaces) defining the new node name


Got a problem with the documentation? Something unclear, could be clearer? Want to help with improving? Constructive criticism, preferably in the form of suggested rewording is very welcome.

Please leave the feedback here, in reply to the documentation thread in the Kamaelia blog.