April 2024 - This site, and Kamaelia are being updated. There is significant work needed, and PRs are welcome.


class PygameDisplay(Axon.AdaptiveCommsComponent.AdaptiveCommsComponent)

PygameDisplay(...) -> new PygameDisplay component

Use PygameDisplay.getDisplayService(...) in preference as it returns an existing instance, or automatically creates a new one.

Or create your own and register it with setDisplayService(...)

Keyword arguments (all optional): - width -- pixels width (default=800) - height -- pixels height (default=600) - background_colour -- (r,g,b) background colour (default=(255,255,255)) - fullscreen -- set to True to start up fullscreen, not windowed (default=False)



Methods defined here



x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature


Check "notify" inbox for requests for surfaces, events and overlays and process them.


Main loop.

surfacePosition(self, surface)

Returns a suggested position for a surface. No guarantees its any good!

updateDisplay(self, display)

Render all surfaces and overlays onto the specified display surface.

Also dispatches events to event handlers.


Got a problem with the documentation? Something unclear, could be clearer? Want to help with improving? Constructive criticism, preferably in the form of suggested rewording is very welcome.

Please leave the feedback here, in reply to the documentation thread in the Kamaelia blog.